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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
M.U.G.E.N said:
MUGEN keeps bringing the good news :P

This was said by the XSeed community Manager, over at Gaf

"Also, I've said this in many places, but the Vita is SO not dead! People give up on these systems waaaaaay too quickly. Ragnarok Odyssey has been doing great, and the system seems to have a very bright future ahead of it.

People seem to assume that new systems must be absolute runaway successes for all parties IMMEDIATELY or they're simply never going to be successful at all. But the past has proven this incorrect time and time again, and I think the Vita is no exception there. All this "doom and gloom" about it seems so silly, considering it's not even a year old here in North America yet! It hasn't even learned to crawl, much less walk. Give it time, though, and it'll be zoomin' all over the place. ;)

(And obviously, I can't comment on anything related to actual game announcements. I just wanted to throw in my two cents on Steam and Vita.)"

so two things

1. Ragnarok sales seems to be doing well for them :D I'm glad
2. I think this type of confidence is a VERY good sign for the future. For all my RPG loving friends here I hope you get a Ys localization announcement ;)



Xseed, best support ever :)

Thats amazing they do a better job than giant like Namco Bandai.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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^ Surely this is good news, it bodes well for the future of the system.

JoeTheBro said:
Aerys said:
Bad news about killzone : "Killzone is made for handheld, fast paced missions, not too long. Just enough to jump in the bus, play one merc mission, pause game, put Vita to stand-by mode and finish later.


This remember us Unit 13 or worst, COD... I dont like this shit " made for handleld, fast paced missions, no too long " , an other way to say the game will be similar to a killzone but smaller in scope...

Fully agree. If Killzone Vita is epic single player like on consoles then it could save the Vita single handily. If it's this bite sized crap then I'll probably not even get it.

Its sad how Sony just cant do anything right...first they get trashed for trying to bring home console gameing experience to handhelds, and now they're getting crap from you guys for trying to make games more portable friendly.

Sony just can't get a break

Has anyone here gotten the Platinum for Persona 4 Golden? I'm about to take on the last dungeon on my third play through and I'm still lacking 2 trophies (max. s links and read all books).

Any tips on how to get the max s links trophy? And if anyone here says to follow a faq/guide I will slap you so hard you'll have to open your zipper to talk. Faqs/guides are for lame ass wimps and anyone relying on faqs are not true gamers!

Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable, did anyone here buy it? How is it?

I'm having second thoughts on getting it ever since it was announced to be $39.99 which is ridiculous!

I'd like to be able to buy at least two games with a $50 PSN card and $39.99 for a previously budget game is just too much IMO. Unless of course someone here can actually convince me if its worth that price.

I'm open to be persuaded as I did get persona 4 via PSN and nearing completion of my third play through and clocking in 197 hours, its well worth its high price.

Around the Network
ils411 said:
JoeTheBro said:
Aerys said:
Bad news about killzone : "Killzone is made for handheld, fast paced missions, not too long. Just enough to jump in the bus, play one merc mission, pause game, put Vita to stand-by mode and finish later.


This remember us Unit 13 or worst, COD... I dont like this shit " made for handleld, fast paced missions, no too long " , an other way to say the game will be similar to a killzone but smaller in scope...

Fully agree. If Killzone Vita is epic single player like on consoles then it could save the Vita single handily. If it's this bite sized crap then I'll probably not even get it.

Its sad how Sony just cant do anything right...first they get trashed for trying to bring home console gameing experience to handhelds, and now they're getting crap from you guys for trying to make games more portable friendly.

Sony just can't get a break

NO, DO NOT Believe this quote!

Thats not an official quote.... Just a quote from a random guy from this thread:

Post #852

The eu ps+ content for february is announced and we'll be getting wipeout and lumines.

Entering the Plus Service in February:
6th February: Sleeping Dogs
6th February: Quantum Conundrum
6th February: F1 Race Stars
13th February: WipEout 2048
20th February: Lumines Electronic Symphony

Seriously if anyone has ps+ and no vita then i dont know whats wrong with you!

omg yes ps+ rules, glad i held off on sleepin dogs, wipeout and lumines. all games i was looking at getting in the next few months :)

Yes! Dokuro is finally releasing in Europe this week :D Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

WipEout 2048 and Lumines are the two vita titles I'm the least interested in (or close), but I'll take them. Don't wanna be negative just cuz they're not my cup of tea.
Excited for Dokuro!