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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

Well thats a good start i think. Tokio game show hasnt even startet and there already 7 new vita games anounced.
Sadly none of the games intresst me but i am not worry that some other anouncements will follow during Tokia game show.

Around the Network
M.U.G.E.N said:
not a single fucking new first party game at the event...that's what ticks me off the most

Sony is being so fucking stupid....if they had made puppeteer and rain vita exclusive it would have helped so damn much. But nah...their management is so incompetent they can't understand even such a simple thing

sorry for ranting..but I'm not joking when I say I feel like selling my stupid vita right now...and I have been VERY optimistic about everything as much as I can. But this treatment of vita fans is just garbage.

I can understand your anger, I really can, but selling your Vita because of the games lineup for Japan this year?  I mean, that's Japan's problem, not over here!

It would be nice if SCEJ were working on Vita titles, but honestly the propped the PSP throughout its life with titles.  Maybe the team just wants to work on the PS3 for a bit? Or perhaps because that guy from Santa Monica Studio has taken over the management now, he's more comfortable working on the PS3?  Just some thoughts.

I know it's bad, but really I don't think you should be pissed at the lack of first-party.  Sony only has technically 2, untechnically 4 studios in Japan.  One of those is Gran Turismo focused and doesn't have anything to show at the minute (Polyphony).  One of those is practically dead (Team Ico).  One of those has recently released a Vita game (Gravity Rush).  That only leaves that actual Japan Studio to release anything, and although it would've been nice, it's a bit of a pipe dream for the time being.

What Vita need, more than anything, is third-party Japanese support.  It's getting the smaller support - GameArts are releasing a lot of stuff, more Ys games are coming, Muramasa and Valhalla Knights etc.  PSO2 is a nice coup and FFX HD will be nice if it ever appears, but Sony just need more.  They need to remind Japanese developers how good the PSP was to them and maybe throw a bit of money their way.

(Sorry, I have read your more optimistic post later in the thread, but I'd typed all this out by the time I read it so I may as well just post :P)

RafaelOrix said:

PlayStation Mobile titles go on sale October 3rd



Back at E3 Sony rebranded its Playstation Suite mobile gaming initiative to PlayStation Mobile, and the company has now announced it will begin distributing content to certified devices through the PlayStation Store on October 3rd. Aimed at Android-based smartphones and tablets, PlayStation Mobile games will be available in nine different countries at launch, including the US, UK, Japan, Canada, and France. Around 30 different titles will be present to start with, from both Sony and third-party developers. According to Sony, the titles will be priced between 50 to 850 yen (approximately $0.64 to $10.80).

Joining HTC — the first third-party PlayStation Mobile hardware partner — will be Fujitsu and Sharp. Sony's press release makes specific mention of Fujitsu's Arrows line of smartphones and tablets, though it's not clear which specific models are participating in PlayStation Mobile at this time.

For those anxious to develop for the initiative, Sony will be releasing the PlayStation Mobile SDK in November. A $99 yearly subscription will be required, but it will allow developers to create games and sell them through the store to both PlayStation Mobile devices and the PlayStation Vita. With Apple having found such success in mobile gaming, Sony would no doubt love to leverage its brand to get in on some of that business — and with October just around the corner, we won't have to wait too long to find out if its efforts will be successful.




This is great news. A plethora of titles coming to Vita starting next month!


That is sick.  Sooner than I expected.  Probably gonna be tonnes of stuff on there by the time I get my Vita in December.  Yayyy, I'm hyped :)

Gehirnkrampf said:

God Eater 2 Trailer including Vita gameplay!

That honestly really surprised me.  I haven't played the original Gods Eater, it's one of those things that just kinda completely slipped under my radar.  I looked it up now and it looks really interesting.  And this game was beautiful and genuinely looked better than the original.

Hope this makes it to the West, I'll be picking up the original as soon as I get my Vita!

Oh, and I come bearing news as well (sorry for the quadruple post):

Seth Killian hints at PS1 era character. Kind of.

"We hear from the fans about that stuff all the time…trying to represent those characters and bring everybody out to sort of play and made explicit effort to not just make it about PS3 or even about PS2, definitely goes back to PS1 as well. You’ll know what I’m talking about very shortly. It’s good stuff."

Around the Network
NoCtiS_NoX said:
lot's of games in 2013 for Japan.
Ninja gaiden
Soul sacrifice
Senren kagura
GE 2
Valhalla knights
Phantasy Star online 2

Huh, that's better than I thought after mugens reaction :P

Can't help but feel disappointed over the lack of Type-0 though...I mean the fucking thing is already a game. It's made. It's right there.

But hey, Squeenix gotta keep throwing money at that MMO I'll never play. 

kivi95 said:
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 releasing for PSvita in early 2013.

Whoa wait a minute. Is this real? Any other confirmation? Because this is awesome. 

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

leatherhat said:
kivi95 said:
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 releasing for PSvita in early 2013.

Whoa wait a minute. Is this real? Any other confirmation? Because this is awesome. 

Ok. so this is true. And amazing. Also do we know what platforms NInja Gaiden Z is going to be on?

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

I bought the first Ninja Gaiden on Vita (my first Ninja Gaiden game) and while it is indeed ridiculously tough, I loved it. Will definitely pick the new one up. Definitely good news.

What Vita needs in Japan is a steady flow of new titles. Pretty much every new game boosts it by a significant margin. So while the new games are nice, the number is not enough. I think Vita will be almost irrevelant in Japan for the time being.

PlayStation All-Stars on PS Vita Puts the Fight in Your Pocket

+ Posted by Daryl Allison // Sr. Producer, Bluepoint Games

Hello PlayStation fans! My name is Daryl Allison, Sr. Producer at Bluepoint Games, developers of the PlayStation Vitaversion of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Since Sony’s announcement at Gamescom of their awesome promotion pricing program for PlayStation All-Stars – where gamers who purchase the PlayStation 3 version also get to download the PS Vita version at no additional cost – it has been great to see gamers getting excited for the PS Vita version, so it’s time Bluepoint gets into the blogging ring.

As fans of Bluepoint know, the studio has worked hard over the years to give gamers the highest quality remasters for classic titles God of War, ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, and Metal Gear Solid. Now, for PlayStation All-Stars, we’ve taken our passion to the next level. Our mission: To create the full PS3 experience of PlayStation All-Stars on PS Vita.

By that, we don’t mean a game with similar features carrying the same name. PlayStation All-Stars is about showcasing the possibility of true Cross-Play between PS3 and PS Vita. The feature richness of the PS3 version’s arcade mode, online modes, player progression system and its unlockables and customization, etc… it’s all here on PS Vita. The connectivity and gameplay is a frame-perfect, seamless experience.

The only separation between the versions is where players choose to play, not which platform. Four friends can get together with four PS Vitas and battle via an ad hoc connection. You and a friend can grab your PS Vitas, team up online and compete against everyone else playing from their PS3s or PS Vitas. Or bring your PS Vita over to a friend’s house, and while three of them elbow each other and mess with each other’s controllers on the couch, you can lounge anywhere you want, playing against them with a handheld screen all your own. SuperBot serves up PlayStation All-Stars on the PS3 and Bluepoint makes it feel like the PS Vita was always its home. You’ll set down your Dual Shock, pick up your PS Vita, wonder how the PS3 squeezed into it, and continue your progression up the leaderboards.

It’s been awesome watching the R&D behind recreating the PS3 version’s high-quality graphics on the PS Vita. We could not settle for a reduced graphical experience – no one should! – so we set off on a journey of crazy problem solving for each character, environment and effect. Bringing the very best out of this portable platform has led our team at Bluepoint to hit back with a combo of high-end math and old-school dev tricks. It hasn’t been easy, but we’re doing it, and all with the game blazing at 60 frames per second. PlayStation All-Stars makes you believe that with PS Vita you have a PS3 in the palm of your hand.

It’s one thing for the graphics to impress. It’s another to ensure the PS Vita provides the genuine experience for fighting game fans. We regularly grab raw HD data and 240 FPS video to check that input latency, rendering fidelity and “the awesome” remains tight. Running at 60 FPS is as much for the smoothness of the graphics as for the controls. It’s important that there are no advantages (or disadvantages) due to the different hardware – no network lag, no input lag, so PlayStation All-Stars on PS Vita must be — and is — tuned to have the same tight gameplay responsiveness. From button press to character action, the quality of fighting is upheld to PS3 standards. We also take advantage of both SuperBot and PlayStation being in California – Bluepoint is in Austin, Texas – working with them to tune network code and optimize bandwidth, to deliver the best possible online experience.

There’s much more cool stuff to talk about, but for now, get ready to take the PS3 PlayStation All-Stars experience on the road. As we do not endorse driving while brawling, we recommend you find yourself a designated driver… then have them find the nearest gaming retailer, insist they buy a PS Vita, and kick their butt.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(