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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


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Some people are complaining about there being two Coles. Technically it is the same guy. inFamous just wouldn't be properly represented with one version of Cole. That's what I think the reason for it is.

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Yep it makes perfect sense given the nature of the franchise. And they didn't go the lazy route and make a perfect clone either....VERY contrasting and true to the original game move set for this guy

I rather have this, than have two 'different' characters with the SAME move sets lol

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Hey guys, back for a little bit :) hope you're all enjoying your PSOne Classics, although it's a real joke about NA...

As for evil Cole, meh. While it's true that you can't properly represent Infamous without both sides, two versions of him (even if they're different) is just not worth it for me. They've combined 3 movesets into 1 Jak, why can't the do the same for Cole? There's many, many other franchises I'd like to see represented yet before they resort to two-from-one, and I'm gussing most of them won't be. Oh well.

nice update today

Imagine Zipper did the COD Vita... so much lost potential.

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Bristow9091 said:
Does anyone know by the way, if while playing PSOne games, you can make the screen bigger to actually fill the screen? I don't mean like with the "Normal" (I've got it on this) or "Zoom" options, since on Normal there's still a border, and with Zoom, it's cut off vertically (Since PS1 games were rendered in a 4:3 resolution), but I was hoping for something like on the PSP where you could manually make the screen size bigger or smaller, since on the PSP I had it bigger so it hit the top and bottom of the screen vertically, and only had the black border on the sides of the screen, which never bothered me. Is there a way to do that at all, or will I just have to hope that they add it in? (I highly doubt it... )

I do not have a Vita so do not take my word for it, but I was watching a video of the PSOne classics on Vita (might have been from this thread actually) and there was an option for "Full", which was basically filling the screen but not cutting off bits of it like "Zoom" did.

Andrespetmonkey said:
Imagine Zipper did the COD Vita... so much lost potential.

Studio Liverpool would have made a better CoD than Nihilistic would, I can guarantee you that much.

But yeah, a Zipper take on it would probably have been best of all.

I lol'd.

4 ≈ One

Bristow9091 said:

All that actually does is stretch it horizontally so everyone looks short and fat, it's so ugly, lol. (It's also why I didn't mention it)

Ah, okay.  Sorry :)

Kresnik said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Imagine Zipper did the COD Vita... so much lost potential.

Studio Liverpool would have made a better CoD than Nihilistic would, I can guarantee you that much.

But yeah, a Zipper take on it would probably have been best of all.

It is fucking baffling though. You're about to put the biggest franchise in the world on your struggling system, why put it in the hands of an unproven developer that's never made a shooter (apart from that twin stick psn game)? Why give it a hectic development schedule? (burning skies and cod at the same time?)

Zipper interactive were around when plans for this started, why not have them? No no no, a shooter-experienced, trusted and proven, first party developer isn't the right developer for this, let's give one of the biggest names in gaming to the playstation move heroes developer.

edit: and zipper were ready to work on a new project right when cod vita started development, assuming they have similar cycles, so it's not like zipper were half-way through creating unit 13.