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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo have many ex-Square employees yet they don't use them much...

Um... it's not like these companies aren't making games, dude...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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Yup they are just sitting their at the Nintendo headquarters drinking tea.

I am waiting for a good Wii RPG.... but i fear i might not see any for awhile or at all.

Brownie Brown's track record isn't exactly the stuff dreams are made of either; Sword of Mana, Magical Starsign, Heroes of Mana...

I could hardly be less interested in their newly announced game, Blue Dragon Plus...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Nintendo does need some really good RPGs on their consoles ever since N64 IMO RPGs have been lacking, perfect opportunity for an RPG to make a killing on the Wii.

"Like you know"

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monolith's working on the wii. And there are a lot of people that think the xenosaga games are great (me included) so maybe we'll have a good game from them

nintendo's very secretive, so as far as we know numerous rpg's could be in development.

And we all know Monolith soft is working on a game with matsuno.

If I were _____________then maybe I would have friends

Well, Monolith is making Soma Bringer for DS and Disaster for Wii...

Alpha Dream made Partners in Time and appear to have this year released some sort of Japanese only hamster game...

All Skip has done are Giftpia and the Chibi Robo games.

You have to understand that these are small teams that produce games at a rate of approximately one every two years (except maybe Monolith).

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I thought Giftpia got cancelled a long time ago?... Well, maybe not...

Those Monolith guys have just become 2nd party so i guess it's obvious they haven't produced that many games in the last year. (They made BK 1 and 2 though).




Giftpia was Japan-only.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.