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Forums - Sony Discussion - Which PSP game should I get?


Which PSP game should I get?

Little Big Planet 19 38.78%
Killzone liberation 30 61.22%

Killzone Liberation is pretty good.

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Phantasy Star Portable 2.

italo244 said:

Phantasy Star Portable 2.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

I wasn't that impressed with the PSP selection for this "Welcome Home" program to be honest. Modnation Racers might be fun but I'd probably be better off playing the PS3 version I guess. Already own LBP GOTY on PS3 so the PSP version might be pointless to own. And Pursuit Force seems like it could turn out to be a mediocre game.

Killzone: Liberation might actually be promising though. I don't like your typical first-person/third-person shooter on the home consoles. But apparently this is an isometric view third-person shooter. Might be worth a shot. But then again, I never played Killzone on PS2/PS3 and have zero interest in doing so so the story might go over my head.

I'll probably go with Modnation Racers and Killzone: Liberation I guess. Not really happy about any of the choices. But it's free. Meh.

Tactics Ogre.