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Forums - Website Topics - What happened to the Japan chart?

It's usually updated on (late) Wednesday, but it's Friday but still on April 1...

Was there a problem with getting data this week?

Any relation to the leak problem of the Euro numbers? (wouldn't make sense as Europe != Japan....)

Not demanding or anything, just curious 

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ioi (the guy that does that stuff) has been MIA for a few days...

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Kwaad said:
ioi (the guy that does that stuff) has been MIA for a few days...

this site hasn't been updated for quite a while now. i haven't seen any messages from ioi either. Has anyone heard from him? is it normal?

Expect he is away interstate, or just unavailable for a while? Still - no time to update, or internet connection around?

Hope he is ok...


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Weird, isn't there a substitute who can arrange that? I assume on a largely visited website as this one updates don't depend on only just 1 person? US charts haven't been updated either and it's half April now.

This profile is no longer in use, see my other profile *~Onna76~*

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any one actually no the guy outside of the internets?

We can check with advancedMN, the company that runs this website.

 There are no US updates available. NPD isn't out.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:

We can check with advancedMN, the company that runs this website.

There are no US updates available. NPD isn't out.

 someone should probably do this

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sorry for that, but it's getting strange. i've been checking this site for a while now and i've never witnessed such a long "break" with no info.


nobody knows ioi personnally? 

This is just so bad..  If this site supose to be the best game sales site, they cant have these kind of problem