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If you could have one game that is only on a Xbox/Xbox360  what would you choose?

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Game or series? Anyway, Halo.

Xen said:

Game or series? Anyway, Halo.

Doesnt matter really. Just something they have that you think youd like on your system of choice.

Gears of War


Even though I played them on my buddies 360

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

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Alan Wake

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The Last Remnant

I am a 360 fan but honestly I don't care for any of the exclusive series it has. I don't like Halo or Gears, and I like Forza but not as much as i like Gran Turismo. To be fair I haven't played Fable so it might be okay.

I like my 360 for the multiplat games. 

I would have told you Mass Effect(does that count if its on PC??) but we know how that went. Now, not a damn thing

I suppose I should add my own for this one as I dont own them. Project Gotham Racing. Now, keep in mind I have never played this game. However, I do enjoy me some racing games and this one seems a bit different than most.

The only Xbox 360 exclusive I like is Lost Odyssey.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P