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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Crysis 2 review thread

Aldro said:
iGodLiKe said:

Seinor , you need to see that on here mostly are teens that dont understand anything about graphics... And also mostly of them are upset because Xbox 360 can get this level of detail that Ps3 cant.

Fact 1 : Many publications are saying Crysis 2 is the best looking game ever , including IGN (Most visited site on Planet) and CVG (British most visited site) so at least 3 milions of people will think Crysis 2 is the best among Casual Gamers.

Fact 2 : Ps3 fanboy are in denial because 360 horsepower just raped Ps3... Kingdoms and Gears 3 will be leaps and bounds above anything Sony 1st party will have to offer in the next years.

Fact 3 : If Crysis 2 looks already the best imagine Kingdoms... Plus Crysis 2 is not a mindless shooter in corridors and small maps like Kz3... its HUGE , VIVID and OUTSTANDING.

Let the Ps3 fanboys in denial , just stop and think about their faces when they SEE at E3 KINGDOMS , GEARS OF WAR 3 AND FORZA MOTORSPORT 4!

HAHA that time i will be here seeing the cry babies saying Uncharted 3 looks better and than See Kingdoms and Gears 3 raping all over their faces.


Either this is Selnors alt or some guy who really worships the fella who provides false statements ^^. Quite hilarious how a person can be so ignorant, it's almost scary X_X

The only ignorant here is you.

Get a 360 , play Crysis 2 , wait for Gears 3 and Kingdoms and cry seeing what your Ps3 wont and i repeat wont ever do like the 360.


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Aldro said:

So far 5/31 reviewers claim it to be the console king.

That is 16% of all the reviews we have gathered so far.

The previous game to score a very high percentage was Killzone 3 in which.. the majority reviews praised its graphics to be the next bar for this generation. However it appears that most sites appear to still fancy Uncharted 2 as the king with Killzone 3 on a close second.

I believe we'll all be back to see how things turn out with Gears 3 and Uncharted 3. For now lets leave this topic to the trackers of the reviews and avoid any unneceserily flame bait caused by certain ignorant persons like myself and Selnor.

Crysis 2 is in no way the undisputable graphics king on consoles.

But 5 out of 31 reviews saying it's the king (or equal to the king) is a strong argument for putting it out in the battle with KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

What if only 4 of those reviews said God of War 3 is the best looking game on consoles? Have you counted them? And would that mean you'd agree that Crysis 2 looks better than God of War 3?

So why don't you find me more than 5 reviews for each game - KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 - who claim that's the best looking game?

EDIT: damn it Aldro, didn't I just say the other day that you have a dirty mouth!

CGI-Quality said:
selnor said:

Ok. I'm sorry If Ive gone about this totally wrong.

Howvwer, it is very clear the media thinks Crysis 2 ( on the 360 reviews Ive read ) is either

A) right there alongside the top console games or

B) Better than them.

no review has given the impression that it is niether A nor B.

The real question I'd like to know is right now if the websites had to choose the top graphics so far what would they choose?

Either way. Crysis 2 has thrown multiplat engines right there at the forefront. It's not just exclusives anymore

That's a little more reasonable, even though I still disagree to a degree that all reviews feel like either A or B, some don't.

Anywho, this is a repsonse that people should be able to live with.

You know I get very excited about these things. To much sometimes. :)

I must admit I'm jealous your playing it. :(

Slimebeast said:
Aldro said:

So far 5/31 reviewers claim it to be the console king.

That is 16% of all the reviews we have gathered so far.

The previous game to score a very high percentage was Killzone 3 in which.. the majority reviews praised its graphics to be the next bar for this generation. However it appears that most sites appear to still fancy Uncharted 2 as the king with Killzone 3 on a close second.

I believe we'll all be back to see how things turn out with Gears 3 and Uncharted 3. For now lets leave this topic to the trackers of the reviews and avoid any unneceserily flame bait caused by certain ignorant persons like myself and Selnor.

Crysis 2 is in no way the undisputable graphics king on consoles.

But 5 out of 31 reviews saying it's the king (or equal to the king) is a strong argument for putting it out in the battle with KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

What if only 4 of those reviews said God of War 3 is the best looking game on consoles? Have you counted them? And would that mean you'd agree that Crysis 2 looks better than God of War 3?

So why don't you find me more than 5 reviews for each game - KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 - who claim that's the best looking game?

You don't need waste time with Uncharted 2... almost 80% of media claimed it Graphic King.

ethomaz said:
Slimebeast said:
Aldro said:

So far 5/31 reviewers claim it to be the console king.

That is 16% of all the reviews we have gathered so far.

The previous game to score a very high percentage was Killzone 3 in which.. the majority reviews praised its graphics to be the next bar for this generation. However it appears that most sites appear to still fancy Uncharted 2 as the king with Killzone 3 on a close second.

I believe we'll all be back to see how things turn out with Gears 3 and Uncharted 3. For now lets leave this topic to the trackers of the reviews and avoid any unneceserily flame bait caused by certain ignorant persons like myself and Selnor.

Crysis 2 is in no way the undisputable graphics king on consoles.

But 5 out of 31 reviews saying it's the king (or equal to the king) is a strong argument for putting it out in the battle with KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

What if only 4 of those reviews said God of War 3 is the best looking game on consoles? Have you counted them? And would that mean you'd agree that Crysis 2 looks better than God of War 3?

So why don't you find me more than 5 reviews for each game - KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 - who claim that's the best looking game?

You don't need waste time with Uncharted 2... almost 80% of media claimed it Graphic King.

Let it be the king then. But that would mean there's not that many awards left for GoW3 and KZ3.

So the bottom line is that 5 out of 31 magazines saying Crysis 2 is the best looking game is a respectable portion and it makes it a solid argument.

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CGI-Quality said:
Kynes said:
CGI-Quality said:
Kynes said:
CGI-Quality said:

Why are some of you so touchy about this? Why does Crysis 2 have to be the best looking console game for some?

You can say the opposite. Why can't Crysis 2 be the best looking console game for some?

I don't think people have a problem with that, but it's how some are going about it.

Please don't castrate my post. In this case, it has a very different meaning as a whole.

I wasn't trying to, but that's the main point to my original post though. Neither has to look better than the other, but some were acting as if the world were going to end over it. Those who were getting a little hostile were those mainly in favor of Crysis 2 (which is why I posted the way I did).

Regardless, if you paid close attention, you'll see that much of the argument has been resolved and people have moved on.

Edit: Having a second look, I see what you're saying. My apologies.

No problem, I understand some times things are lost in the heat of the debate.

Machinima and Gamezone definitively say Crysis 2 is the new benchmark.

Slimebeast said:

Crysis 2 is in no way the undisputable graphics king on consoles.

But 5 out of 31 reviews saying it's the king (or equal to the king) is a strong argument for putting it out in the battle with KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

What if only 4 of those reviews said God of War 3 is the best looking game on consoles? Have you counted them? And would that mean you'd agree that Crysis 2 looks better than God of War 3?

So why don't you find me more than 5 reviews for each game - KZ3, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 - who claim that's the best looking game?

Pretty much every big good-looking game gets that percentage, whether they look that good or not. Check the Gran Turismo Prologue's Gamepro review. "Graphics are better than Crysis.". Yeeeah.

Slimebeast said:
ethomaz said:

You don't need waste time with Uncharted 2... almost 80% of media claimed it Graphic King.

Let it be the king then. But that would mean there's not that many awards left for GoW3 and KZ3.

So the bottom line is that 5 out of 31 magazines saying Crysis 2 is the best looking game is a respectable portion and it makes it a solid argument.

You didn't understand him. Back when UC2 was released it was so above anything else that it can even now, compare to the best games. Which is why it was called as the console king at that time.

After that there weren't that much improvement and it was more of an opinion then anything, people talking about God of War 3 and Killzone 3.

Ive changed my sig to only include catagorical comments such as

Best console graphics:

New Benchmark

or stuff like : Some of the best visuals you'll ever see.