Slimebeast said:
gergroy said:
zgamer5 said:
radiantshadow92 said:
I still have to play part I lol, its in my backlog somewhere -____-, sigh why must bioware take my youth!?
i agree. and i suggest you play it fast. youl quickly want to replay it. im on my 3rd playthrough :).
only 3rd? I just finished my 7th. Bioware are the gods of gaming, everything they have ever done has been amazing. Lol, I've played through Mass Effect 2 twelve times. I have like 50 games that I own that I have never played, but I just cant get past these Bioware games, they are that freaking good!!
7th? Why do people replay this game so many times?
Like the thread maker for example:
zgamer5 said:
dragon age:origins 10/10 very good game am on my 3rd play through, will play it 6 times.
Not saying it's wrong but as it's very story driven game, how can you not get bored?
well my 1st and 2nd playthrough had a 4 month gap. my 2nd and 3rd had a 6th month gap possibly more. that helps. also everytime i choose a new origin stor., and since bioware are evil people who want my time they entertwined characters from the origin story to the main quests. that pushes me to replay the game.
im currently playing as a mage. i went back to the tower and had nice conversations, i also killed my friend, jowen :P. and i had sex with a demon. on my 2nd playthrough i was a dwarven noble, i killed my brother prince bhelen. and i found my long lost friend in denerim! how can you say no? such unique experiences!