So ABC... what do you think of todays happenings so far?
So ABC... what do you think of todays happenings so far?
Stefl1504 said: So ABC... what do you think of todays happenings so far? |
Statement: I have not noticed much different, it seems Prof is being targeted by the other players so far.
19:44:34 | Skeezer | METAL GEAR ONLINE |
19:44:36 | Skeezer | FAILURE |
19:44:51 | ABadClown | You're right! |
19:44:55 | ABadClown | Hur hur hur |
19:45:01 | Skeezer | i meant |
19:45:04 | Skeezer | YOU ARE A FAILKURE |
19:45:08 | Skeezer | FAILURE* |
Hephaestos said: 1) i don't think my death would strongly point at you though. 2) but to follow your thought, yes we're probably amongst the most lynchable, but ABC has remained for many as a target so I would not say ONLY. It is true however that following the trail of you and me for the next 2 lynches will not give us ennormous information, 3) that is why on the misslynch, I want to follow the origin of the train rather than the hammer, hence my current vote. 4) Also, again, I don't see why linkz death or yours would make a strong point against me. I haven't even voted for you as I pointed I have nothing tangible so far and on Linkz I only did a presure vote. Moreover his concerns of me seemed somewhat diminished yesterday, and I doubt wonk's misslynch is to be credited to my account in his books. 5) On your question, well evidently if both of us were dead and confirmed townie, barring any further town discussion, then Links would evidently be in the front seat. 6) Now I still wonder why you focus the discution on just the 3 of us... I can only see this as confusing for the other players and as a great smokescreen for the rest of the players. |
1) If you were killed, it would make it look like I was taking you out because of your post during twilight. So, I think it would.
2) While I agree about ABC being a target for quite a few people, your assumption makes it look like you know he's town, and therefore a target. Barring this little detail, IF he were town, then lynching him would make me look town, so if they were to do that, I would think they'd go after him tomorrow instead of today.
3) I cannot believe with full confidence that a mafia noname would start that kind of lynch train on a known townie. He may have, but I highly doubt it because now he is in full view.
4) Both I and Linkz both made cases against you and you are both of our #2's. I can guarantee that if linkz is town, you are high on his list.
5) I don't know about that. I don't see what evidence of that there is.
6) I focus on us three because we've been the first sets of lynches for several games now. Linkz stayed alive last game because they wanted ot paint him as mafia a la Heph 2 games ago. The fact that none of us were killed and a relatively quiet poster was killed says a lot.
theprof00 said: 1) If you were killed, it would make it look like I was taking you out because of your post during twilight. So, I think it would. 2) While I agree about ABC being a target for quite a few people, your assumption makes it look like you know he's town, and therefore a target. Barring this little detail, IF he were town, then lynching him would make me look town, so if they were to do that, I would think they'd go after him tomorrow instead of today. 3) I cannot believe with full confidence that a mafia noname would start that kind of lynch train on a known townie. He may have, but I highly doubt it because now he is in full view. 4) Both I and Linkz both made cases against you and you are both of our #2's. I can guarantee that if linkz is town, you are high on his list. 5) I don't know about that. I don't see what evidence of that there is. 6) I focus on us three because we've been the first sets of lynches for several games now. Linkz stayed alive last game because they wanted ot paint him as mafia a la Heph 2 games ago. The fact that none of us were killed and a relatively quiet poster was killed says a lot. |
1) we differ in opinion but ok.
2) I don't know him to be town, but he's definitely not the highest on my list. Yes his death would be to your advantage.
3) Do you believe a townie would start that kind of a lynch train? (and why on a "known townie"?should I reflect the question 2) on ABC to you?)
4) on the list or high, I don't deny, but a priority... I doubt.
5) then I guess I missread your question...of yesterday the only people in the spotlight are (in spotlight order) Me you ABC linkz FF Noname Radish Trash Stefl.... so I guess the answer you want is ABC?
theprof00 said:
3) Not a defense, I'm just saying that you do this every game. I have no reason to worry about your vote in particular except that it will be easier to lynch me later. I'm pretty confident that I will not be lynched. You're just being rash yourself. 4) No, I did not see his claim and nothing I said contradicts this. And yes, I would've voted even if I HAD seen the claim because a) I was tired and wanted the day to end b) I thought it was a fakeclaim that would further delay the game. Look, wonk had played extremely suspiciously. Despite the fact that he was the doc and it was a waste, he could've been lying (especially being so vague as to say "I am a power role"). It was a bad claim, and I saw him getting away as a fake-claim, and I wanted the day to end, and I'd been suspicious of him the whole game. It is a combination of all those factors that influenced how the end of that train went. Again, it was rash, I know. But had he turned out mafia you'd be thanking me right now for having the guts to hammer. Although I'm pretty confident that you're town, all your doing right now is giving mafia an excuse to use the same flawed conclusions that you are. Remember, yesterday he was not a confirmed townie, today he is. TODAY, you and linkz both talk like he was confirmed yesterday. YESTERDAY, Heph was talking like he was already confirmed. Think about that a little bit. AT THIS POINT, I feel that people who are jumping on me are townies looking for a catch to end a brutal and long day 1. So, while I am pretty sure you are town, please look a little bit harder at the evidence before "jumping to conclusions". 5) I'm saying that I shared a lot of your suspicions, so you shouldn't single me out as the guy in the wrong. I understand your anger at my hammer, and I'm just asking you to think about the big picture a little more before deciding that I'm completely in the wrong. |
1. Maybe not, I admit I didn't explicitly say "dammit I would have unvoted", but I DID express that I was annoyed with you and that was why. It's up to everyone to believe me, or not.
Also, wait, what? It's not evidence against you. It's MY defense against your allegation that I have no right throwing your hammer vote in your face when my vote was on Wonk.
4. Wrong. I am not talking "as if he was confirmed yesterday". That would be "hey prof hammered a known power role, obviously he's mafia let's get him boys". I am saying that you made a very abrupt about-face on noname's plan, supposedly because the day was dragging on too much, but without actually reading the thread; and then you made various comments like "oh he claimed what a liar, sorry for not reading the thread earlier so I could lynch him earlier" and "oops I think he was a power role after all". This is very suspicious to me and I think it's a sign that you're mafia and attempting some kind of weird yomi/mind-game on us.
You call this behavior "rash". I say it is WELL beyond that.
Still, I am not as convinced that you're mafia as I was earlier. I will keep thinking on that, as well as Linkz and Heph. The vote stays for now.
5. I'm not trying for a punitive lynch here. Rest assured on that. And my temper will not dictate my votes.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!
I'll respond to the rest later, but you did indeed come off as "That would be "hey prof hammered a known power role, obviously he's mafia let's get him boys""
Final-Fan said: 1. Maybe not, I admit I didn't explicitly say "dammit I would have unvoted", but I DID express that I was annoyed with you and that was why. It's up to everyone to believe me, or not. |
1) It's MY defense against your allegation that I have no right throwing your hammer vote in your face when my vote was on Wonk
that's enlightening, thank you for providing evidence, once again, that you are town.
4) "attempting some kind of weird yomi/mind-game on us." every single game, and yet, every single game I am not doing that. You are always the one that faults me for that. I can never get around that, you will either always suspect me for doing something or doing something to make it not look like I'm doing something. It's what you do every game. But again, you only do it because you're paranoid.
I know it was..blundering..I see that. It was very stupid. It's something I yell at other players about. I can only blame my own impatience. I saw noname's text and immediately thought "no way", posting just that, and noting some bandwagoning. Then I played a game of league of legends, winning heroically after 45 minutes. Then I went back, saw that there was no update, thoroughly read the supporting posts directly under it and I thought, "whatever, is this what you guys want? Is this all it takes? Well here goes nothing, let's see how he flips".
Then I read the claim, and immediately thought, "BINGO, glad I did that".
Then a pang hit the back of my mind as I thought, "shit, I hope he didn't have a cop-tell vote", and then he did.
I know it's like, "whatever, you're just making all of that up...Never trust scum", but that's honestly what happened.
I'm sorry about killing wonk.
theprof00 said:
1) You're right, I didn't read it. I admitted to that. I still didn't believe him after that anyway, so. It's time to move on. 2) That is slightly innaccurate. I believe he was chosen because he wasn't in the fore. Killing fore members has connotations. Killing background members does not, EXCEPT for the idea that they don't want to provoke connotations. The other possibility is that they thought he was a power role, or possibly another reason. 3) one, as in "the one chosen from among the group of people". Last round, like I predicted on day 2, they left you alive in the hopes you would get lynched ala Heph-style mafia. This time it's different. Different strategy. Leave ALL the high-profile... perhaps to blend in? Maybe it's several high-profilers? I think we should think about this. A real big problem I'm having with your logic right now is, "republic said we should revisit X, so let's do that", without a single question as to why we're doing that. I agree that we should look at his posts, but I am not so confident to think that Republic is on the right path. 4) I was just curious why she was even mentioned in my paragraph. But I see it's because you gave me an HoS and had to take one away from someone else. Your post is easily misinterpreted as taking suspicion off of Trashleg while discreditting me. 5) Like I said, I don't think republic should be taken at face value so easily. Revisit ABC? Aren't we past this yet? We are you focusing on his post about me and ABC when republic shared a lot of the same suspicions that I did. You're cherry picking, linkz. |
1) I'm still not even sure you never read them, or came up with the order of your posts to make it seem like you missed things. The latter would make absoultely no sense to me, as it's only made you seem even more suspicious. Then again mafia, or aliens(sorry Truck for disrespecting the flavor) in this case, aim to confuse, right?
2) Perhaps we have different definitions for those that are fore members. Republic to me was quite an active contributor, and had he not replaced in midway through day one I think he'd have been in the running for one of the top spots in content posts.
3) First, I don't know if it's modesty or a lack in self-confidence, but I don't consider myself nearly as good as you and others seem to. Now onto the high-profile theory:
Judging by the conversation you've had with Heph, I take it the high-profilers in your opinion are Heph, me, and yourself? I would think if the two of you were aliens, then it's make sense to night kill me and then use each other to "blend." Sure my death might paint a target on Heph, but I think you'd be able to turn the attention elsewhere. Heck, if you had a third partner and it wasn't ABC, then you could fairly easily get him hung and then be one misvote by a townie away from a quicklynch and win.
If only one of you is an alien then perhaps your theory is correct. I'd tend to be more suspicious of Heph than you because you've stated the theory, but I can't rule out the idea that you'd want me to think that way.
Another thought is that if I'm to assume for a moment that neither of you are aliens, then we were all left alive because we'd suspect each other simply for being alive. It'd be a great way for the scum to stay out of the noose and cause a mislynch on one of us. It may only work for one day, but that may be all that is needed.
4) My apologies for that. I was thinking of many things all at once and so some things got jumbled together or left without a proper explanation. I even completely forgot a question that I wanted to ask everyone, which still escapes my memory.
5) You're putting words in my mouth. I never said we should revisit ABC, I said Republic likely would want to if he were still alive. Sure it's not much of a leap to think that I brought it up because I want that to happen, but I was merely recapping Republic's posts. That's what I do after the night kills, because it helps me get a sense as to why the player was killed. Was it because they were on the right trail(s) or far off? I don't know if he was or not, but I do think he was chosen specifically. Several "low-profile"(I'd still need a proper explanation to be sure I understand you) players would've been suitable targets to leave ALL the high-profile players alive if the reason was as in your theory. radish and Stefl only stated suspicions of ABC really, trash(who may be a high-profile player, I'm just going by amount of content I've seen this game) was also mainly suspicious of ABC, but with an FoS on Heph as well.
I'm not quick to wave off his points against you or FF, but I think the main distinction with the others is the suspicion on Stefl. If I had to guess I would think it's an effort to draw extra attention to a lurker, but I can't decide if it's to draw another mislynch or to save scum by the logic that lurking scum wouldn't want to draw the spotlight to themselves.
Finally prof, I never said anything against you based on Wonk flipping doctor. Nor did I ever say anything TODAY that alluded to thinking Wonk was confirmed yesterday. Don't lump me in with FF.
In fact I said the opposite. That I would've read the power claim as a fake claim and would've kept my vote and been even more sure that Wonk was an alien. Furthermore, if I were in your shoes I would've hammered as well.
I didn't give you the HoS because of your vote or the flip, but the manner in which you voted. I won't be quick to vote either you or Heph(or anyone else) today, but my attention is mostly focused on the two of you.
radishhead said: I still reckon that we'd have been better off lynching ABClown, but it's good to see that the game is moving along. |
quoting as a reminder... this was after hammer.
Hmmm, is the table in the OP accurate? If so, we'd have a confirmed townie.