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Forums - General Discussion - I got a blue screen on Windows 7 and I need help

Spankey said:

seems to be missing quite a few (if not most) system folders - no Windows or Users folder for that matter.

also missing vital boot files. (see a pic of my boot drive contents below and compare)

Could be hidden/restricted as a result of Win7 disk security. also, I'm relatively surprised Ubuntu is seeing anything at all seeing as how the disk should be formatted NTFS by default (Owned by MS)

Is the drive labeled New Volume your flash disk? (it's been a while since I've played with OS on a stick) if it's not, that might be where your OS is hiding, in which case your boot has been scrambled

you could try plug your HDD into an existing Win7 system (add your OS drive as another drive) and try fetch your files from there.

still, imo the easiest might be to just get a full Win7 DVD...

I was wondering if somehow they might now be showing up since I was loading it through Ubuntu, only have access to a windows 7 laptop, no desktop. The New Volume is a separate partition of my Hard Drive.
I'm proably going to purchase a hard drive enclosure kit to stick my hard drive in so I may possibly retrieve some files. I think they are still on there but I just can't get to them.

Btw I created a Windows 7 DVD from this
But when I tried to re-install Windows, it was wanting me to restart my PC and log into windows then start the DVD.

EDIT: Maybe I could use some command in the Terminal to copy all of the data from my internal hard drive to my external harddrive, that would be awesome. But I'm not very familiar with Ubuntu codes so I have to do some research.

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Ubuntu never hides any folders, just for your information. I use Ubuntu as a primary operating system and I know this. It only disallows you to open them if they are restricted, but it never hides them.

Seems to me they got corrupted. Maybe a virus attack? NTFS is easily recognised by Ubuntu.

The best thing to do is to completely re-install windows 7 but backup everything from your Ubuntu OS. Everything that you can. 

SOMETIMES, however, its possible that a particular partition is not mounted. This can happen. However it should still show your Hard Disk divisions in Disk Utility Under Administraion Under System.

i.e. System -> Administration -> Disk Utility -> (Select your Hard Drive)

I have great news, I used the terminal to access hidden folders on my hard drive and i copied them to the outer-most file of the hard drive and I can access them! I am so happy! I have no idea why the folders weren't showing up, but I was able to sneak in with the terminal.

I am now going to copy all of the stuff over to my external.


I've got a funny feeling the OS and boot partition is actually on the second "New Volume" partition for some or other reason, and as mantlepiecek said it's not mounting...ebook software might have assumed the wrong partition for boot and tried to change something or corrupted something there? sounds wierd

AdventWolf, could you post a screenie of that other partitions contents?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Well I don't have anything stored on it at the moment, I actually made it a while back to install Ubuntu on.

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well that's probably one of the oddest things i've seen in a while...

most of your importand folders and loaders have just seemed to...well, vanish.

time to back up what you can (through Ubuntu) and re-install Windows 7.

that tool from MS only seems to work if you already have the Win7 ISO and want to make a USB/DVD to install Win 7 from...

also seems to need a Windows OS to run the install from...

Using the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool

Before you run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool, make sure you have already purchased the Windows 7 ISO download from Microsoft Store and have downloaded the Windows 7 ISO file to your hard drive. If you have purchased Windows 7 but have not yet downloaded the ISO file, you can download the file from your Microsoft Store Account.

To make a copy of your Windows 7 ISO file:

  • Click the Windows Start button, and click Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool in the All Programs list to open the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.
  • In the Source File box, type the name and path of your Windows 7 ISO file, or click Browse and select the file from the Open dialog box. Click Next.
  • Select USB Device to create a copy on a USB flash drive or select DVD disk to create a copy on a DVD disk.
  • If you are copying the file to a USB flash drive, select your USB device in the drop-down list and click Begin copying. If you are copying the file up to a DVD, click Begin burning.

  • When your Windows 7 ISO file is copied onto your chosen media, install Windows 7 by moving to the root folder of your DVD or USB flash drive, and then double-click Setup.exe.

    Proud Sony Rear Admiral

    Interesting, well I'll probably reinstall Vista then do the upgrade system to Windows 7 to save the money if I have to buy the darn disk.

    AdventWolf said:

    Interesting, well I'll probably reinstall Vista then do the upgrade system to Windows 7 to save the money if I have to buy the darn disk.

    looks to be sad but true.

    remember to back up what you can though

    Proud Sony Rear Admiral

    heh, this happened to me a lot (BlueScreen) when i first got it. it was weird; i couldn't what the hell was triggering it. all i did to resolve my issue was disassemble it all completely for a day or so.. and rebuild it back up and amazingly it worked.

    i don't know if you know about God Mode but that option gives you access to all the possible options Windows 7 has. i don't know why forums are just now posting it. i've known about it since around Sept, i think...

    ..hmm, sorry i ain't much help. i feel for you though. i have a lot of ..i§h†z happen to me like this.

    It's not too bad now that I can get to my files. I was having a terribly unlucky few days. My computer blue screened, my car broke down, and a dog chewed on my wallet and I lost my debit card and some gift cards. I should have a lot of luck left over.

    EDIT: After looking at another option on the windows 7 install disk i made, it gives me an option to choose where to install Windows 7 on one of the drives but my main drive partition won't show up, it shows the separate partition that I made. I was thinking maybe some drivers got messed up for loading my hard drive, how would I go about installing the drivers of my hard drive while not being able to boot Windows. I downloaded the driver for the hard drive and I put the .EXE file along with the driver ISO file on a flash drive. I've gotten errors trying to run the exe, maybe I can try to use cmd..