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Forums - General Discussion - Stop Smoking - thats srsz business 0o

FaRmLaNd said:

Wow 1 - 4 packs a day? That'd be fugging expensive!

Smoking is a very expensive hobby.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

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santanamade said:

And the sun gives you cancer. So i should avoid the sun to then right? hahahaha

That's a horrible analogy.  The sun is one of those things that is kinda unavoidable, and it can actually be good for you as well.  First hand smoke is 100% avoidable.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Hate to add another death to the list, but I never got to meet my Grandma because of smoking.

I'm proud of you for at least trying. :)

My father quit smoking last February.

Now he smokes cigars. :

Pixel Art can be fun.

So hows this analogy, we shouldn't have sex because we might get VD. Fuck that!

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I did the same promiss. 00h10 i was smoking again.

LIVE: Bassa BR

PSN: Bassa_Brazil


Currently playing: SuperMeat Boy - Massa Effect 2

My parents have been on a steady progression towards giving up smoking for years ...

While I haven't heard many experts advocate for it, if (like many people) you find that it is too difficult to quit I would suggest trying to cut back the quantity you smoke to 1/4 to 1/2 your current level; and support that with nicotine gum until you can handle the lower level of nicotine.

Good luck, you should get help with it though, you're more likely to succeed.

I've never put a ciggerette to my mouth, could never understand the appeal ..


Dude if it works as a motivation, my Grandma, uncle and a cousin (son of that uncle) all related to my father, the 3 of them died of lung cancer caused by smoking. My Grandma and uncle died at their mid 50´s and my cousin at his mid 40´s.

  Thank god my father is smart and has never smoked (he doesn´t drink alcohol either) a single cigarette in his entire life, now he is at his mid 60´s and so healthy. Actually, and since around 12 years ago, none in my family (i have 2 sisters and 1 brother older than me, i´m 28 by the way) smokes anymore due to this horrible stories we have witnessed. My older sister and my bro used to, but they quitted. They are living examples that it is possible.

So, i recommend you to be smart and keep up! Keep your self motivated with people that has made it through, never give up, and before the temptation is so damn hard, go to a doctor, sure he can help you to go easier trough this.

And by the way, congrats just for trying! Not everyone dares to even think about it.

the thing about quitting smoking is that it's got to be YOU who REALLY wants to stop. other people forcing you to stop will be unsuccessful, and peer pressure to stop only helps while your peers are around. 

support networks are great, though, but if some part of you doesn't want to quit, you won't. you'll probably just end up smoking again while no-ones around.

I don't mean to be pessimistic, and i wish you the best of luck, but thats the way it is unfortunately.

speaking from experience lol.

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