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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who are EA kidding with Mass Effect 2 PS3.

wow just check GS me2 for 360 is $20 new and $18 used about the same as me1 which is pretty rare b/c its not even a yr old other games that are older or the same age are still 40-60 still

halo odst and halo 3, re5, lost planet2 are still $30 new

the first saw game which also has no online is $28 used

when did me2 for 360 get so cheap is it just b/c of the whole me2 ps3 thing

i dont see anything really wrong with me2 for ps3 being $60, $50 would of been better its just that the unusual 360s price thats surprising


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Darc Requiem said:
huaxiong90 said:
Darth Tigris said:

It takes time to see trends with posters and, to be honest, thanks to the Zealots and the Saboteurs (just thought of that for stealth trolls :D), people who are genuine can end up getting lost in the mess.  Thanks for bringing this up so we both had a chance to clarify where we stand.  I recognize pizzafacegamer's avatar more than his name, but now I see what you mean.

Its true that, depending on the topics we frequent, we can be exposed more to certain agendas that particular Zealot and Saboteur groups promote and that can color our view of the community in general.  Sounds like you're as sick of the 360 Zealots as I am the PS3 ones, haha.  They're all screwing up this community.  I just would seriously hate it if regular PS3 fans buy into this negative ME2 talk.  IMO, it'll be among the best $60 a gamer can spend if they want to be left satisfied.

Totally agreed.

I'm against any zealot, regardless of their agenda, as are you. But since I usually watch Sony news more so than others, that's why it seems more like I'm more vocal on 360 fans. But I've called out many people when they talk rubbish about Microsoft, just like I have with Sony and Nintendo related topics.

Not all Zealots are bad

RIP Lady Zannah of Khera.  1992-2010.

They killed Zealot!? Son of Bitch!

BHR-3 said:

wow just check GS me2 for 360 is $20 new and $18 used about the same as me1 which is pretty rare b/c its not even a yr old other games that are older or the same age are still 40-60 still

halo odst and halo 3, re5, lost planet2 are still $30 new

the first saw game which also has no online is $28 used

when did me2 for 360 get so cheap is it just b/c of the whole me2 ps3 thing

i dont see anything really wrong with me2 for ps3 being $60, $50 would of been better its just that the unusual 360s price thats surprising

It probably has nothing to do with the PS3 version. The PC version of ME2 is inexpensive as well. At Amazon it's $20 and the price for the standard edition on Steam is $20 and during their winter holiday sale they had it at 50% off, so it was only $9.99.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

KylieDog said: effect 2


£5 NEW. effect 2


£40 NEW.



This is a year late, why isn't this a budget price release like Bioshock and various other late ports?  Don't anyone try and answer the interactive comic or whatever for ME1 is worth the £35.

I dont care anyway, i might not get it, or i may get it in the bargin bin. and thats Biowares fault for going exclusive. as a PS3 gamer i have more than enough games to keep me occupied, so its no ends to me, i'm sure it will be in the bargin bin in 4 months time. i might pick it up then.