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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who are EA kidding with Mass Effect 2 PS3.

Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:

PS3 zealots are only happy about this not being exclusive to the 360 anymore, not happy to be able to play the game.  I was thinking this would do well as its a great game but the more I read from those types on this site I think the game won't sell well at all.  A wasted effort released to an ungrateful fanbase.

For the record, as a 360 only owner I would STILL pay full price for MGS4 if it came over.  And, from what I've heard, its surely no ME2.

I'm gonna call BS on this or at least argue it goes both ways, point of reference FF13. ME2 won't sell squillions on the ps3 but it won't sell dog turd either. It bugs me how you are always keen to argue ps3 fans only "care" about this game because it's not a 360 exclusive anymore.

FFXIII sold (PS3/360) 1.25 mil/960k in Americas and 1.33 mil/730k in EMEAA, where it was launched simultaneously.  All things considered, 360 owners seemed to embrace it well for a series that didn't have a history on the platform and had an inferior version.  But its not exactly apples to apples, because the game wasn't NEAR as well received as ME2 has been.  Check the GotY awards all over the net.

Never said a thing about PS3 fans.  I have much respect for them.  I said PS3 ZEALOTS.  The term fanboy has lost its power with so many ones of different consoles running rampant.  Zealotry more reflects their behavior.

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Honestly I'm perfectly it with it being a full priced game.

It's supposed to be a great game and well worth what they are asking for in my opinion

And like many others have said it comes with every DLC  and that cost a lot more than 5$ on the 360...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ajescent said:
gergroy said:
Ajescent said:
gergroy said:
KylieDog said: effect 2


£5 NEW. effect 2


£40 NEW.



This is a year late, why isn't this a budget price release like Bioshock and various other late ports?  Don't anyone try and answer the interactive comic or whatever for ME1 is worth the £35.

It should be full price, it is essentially a game of the year edition.  It comes bundled with all the released DLC (which if you add it all up is worth about $30) plus it has the mass effect 1 interactive comic.  

I don't see any reason to complain about the price of this game unless you are also going to start a thread and complain about every single game of the year edition game that is released.  


so, you expect to get the game for free and only pay for the DLC?  I'm just saying the DLC that comes with the ps3 version is worth that much.  If you bought the game on the xbox 360 today, it is $20.  To get the all the DLC that comes with the ps3 it would bring that price up to about $50.  That doesn't include the mass effect 1 interactive comic.  

So, my point is, the game should be full price.  Understand now?

I think the point of this thread is that the £5 asking price is a big F-U to anyone looking at the ps3 version. You have to understand that not everyone is savvy when it comes to knowledge of what comes with what.

Mum sees a copy of the 2 cases and thinks why spend £40 on the ps3 version when I can spend £5 on the 360 version not even considering the extras on the ps3 version (which can also be argued aren't that special when considering you can buy cheaper on the 360).

Regardless of how you think about it, £5 is a very attractive offer.

True, What EA should do is re-release the xbox 360 and PC versions with all the extras (including the interactive comic for those that didn't get the first game) as a game of the year edition the same time the PS3 version comes out.  That way, they are all equally priced.

Darth Tigris said:
Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:

PS3 zealots are only happy about this not being exclusive to the 360 anymore, not happy to be able to play the game.  I was thinking this would do well as its a great game but the more I read from those types on this site I think the game won't sell well at all.  A wasted effort released to an ungrateful fanbase.

For the record, as a 360 only owner I would STILL pay full price for MGS4 if it came over.  And, from what I've heard, its surely no ME2.

I'm gonna call BS on this or at least argue it goes both ways, point of reference FF13. ME2 won't sell squillions on the ps3 but it won't sell dog turd either. It bugs me how you are always keen to argue ps3 fans only "care" about this game because it's not a 360 exclusive anymore.

FFXIII sold (PS3/360) 1.25 mil/960k in Americas and 1.33 mil/730k in EMEAA, where it was launched simultaneously.  All things considered, 360 owners seemed to embrace it well for a series that didn't have a history on the platform and had an inferior version.  But its not exactly apples to apples, because the game wasn't NEAR as well received as ME2 has been.  Check the GotY awards all over the net.

Never said a thing about PS3 fans.  I have much respect for them.  I said PS3 ZEALOTS.  The term fanboy has lost its power with so many ones of different consoles running rampant.  Zealotry more reflects their behavior.

Are we going to ignore the ones who were only hyped for FF13  becuase it was coming the 360 and had no interest in the game whatsoever? This fanboy/zealot whatever you want to call it is a 2way street, the way you act as if only the ps3 side has this is quite shocking. Sure the pricing sucks but at least wait for the game to release before accusing ps3 fan(boys)/zealots whatever of ignoring the game.

Don't deny the £5 vs £40 price is not a sticking point.

Nor is the fact it's a year late, because you know, year late ports always sell so well.

It's not impossible to argue that everyone who wanted to buy this game  already bought it on the 360 and pc.

Not to mention the fact that everyone keeps droning on and on about how the comic does not compare to the "experience" of actually playing ME1 and how that's necessary in the enjoyment of ME2.

Just because it doesn't sell trillions doesn't mean the ps3 "zealots" only care because it's no longer exclusive, if you look at it clearly, it's not being given the best start.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

huaxiong90 said:
Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:

PS3 zealots are only happy about this not being exclusive to the 360 anymore, not happy to be able to play the game.  I was thinking this would do well as its a great game but the more I read from those types on this site I think the game won't sell well at all.  A wasted effort released to an ungrateful fanbase.

For the record, as a 360 only owner I would STILL pay full price for MGS4 if it came over.  And, from what I've heard, its surely no ME2.

I'm gonna call BS on this or at least argue it goes both ways, point of reference FF13. ME2 won't sell squillions on the ps3 but it won't sell dog turd either. It bugs me how you are always keen to argue ps3 fans only "care" about this game because it's not a 360 exclusive anymore.

I've been trying to keep quiet for a while just to be nice, but I'll go ahead and say it: To top it all off, when MUGEN made that Kinect thread, Darth immediately called it stealth trolling, even though MUGEN's history is more or less fine (with a few infractions). But when PizzaFaceGamer made a thread about Best Buy's 3DTV shares plunging, how did Darth respond, despite Pizza's obvious history? Take a look:

Long Story short, Sony fans always = trouble, where as other fans are angels.

The game is going to sell fine. We should remember what Killzone 2 and Forza 3 taught us: Internet =/= reality.

I can't know the posting history's of every person here.  IIRC, my main attack on that Kinect thread (if its the one I think it is) was on the original blog site that his post came from and not MUGEN.

As for the other thread, I don't see what the problem was.  It was neither an attack on PS3 fans or a dismissal of 360 or Wii Zealots.  I even said we actually CARE about Sony's financial performance here.

Please don't try to project an image of me that's not accurate.  I may be a 360 only owner this gen, but that has everything to do with economics.  The problem starts and ends with the Zealots that disrupt any positivity that this community attempts to promote.  And the cumulative effect of their actions cannot be minimized.  It's not unlike the raison d'être of terrorism, minus the mortality concerns of course.

OT: I really hope PS3 fans buy and give this game a fair chance.  I finished my 3rd playthrough (Vanguard on Insanity even!) about 2 months ago and I honestly miss playing it.  So much more I still haven't seen or done in the game.  GotY.

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Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:
Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:

PS3 zealots are only happy about this not being exclusive to the 360 anymore, not happy to be able to play the game.  I was thinking this would do well as its a great game but the more I read from those types on this site I think the game won't sell well at all.  A wasted effort released to an ungrateful fanbase.

For the record, as a 360 only owner I would STILL pay full price for MGS4 if it came over.  And, from what I've heard, its surely no ME2.

I'm gonna call BS on this or at least argue it goes both ways, point of reference FF13. ME2 won't sell squillions on the ps3 but it won't sell dog turd either. It bugs me how you are always keen to argue ps3 fans only "care" about this game because it's not a 360 exclusive anymore.

FFXIII sold (PS3/360) 1.25 mil/960k in Americas and 1.33 mil/730k in EMEAA, where it was launched simultaneously.  All things considered, 360 owners seemed to embrace it well for a series that didn't have a history on the platform and had an inferior version.  But its not exactly apples to apples, because the game wasn't NEAR as well received as ME2 has been.  Check the GotY awards all over the net.

Never said a thing about PS3 fans.  I have much respect for them.  I said PS3 ZEALOTS.  The term fanboy has lost its power with so many ones of different consoles running rampant.  Zealotry more reflects their behavior.

Are we going to ignore the ones who were only hyped for FF13  becuase it was coming the 360 and had no interest in the game whatsoever? This fanboy/zealot whatever you want to call it is a 2way street, the way you act as if only the ps3 side has this is quite shocking. Sure the pricing sucks but at least wait for the game to release before accusing ps3 fan(boys)/zealots whatever of ignoring the game.

Don't deny the £5 vs £40 price is not a sticking point.

Nor is the fact it's a year late, because you know, year late ports always sell so well.

It's not impossible to argue that everyone who wanted to buy this game  already bought it on the 360 and pc.

Not to mention the fact that everyone keeps droning on and on about how the comic does not compare to the "experience" of actually playing ME1 and how that's necessary in the enjoyment of ME2.

Just because it doesn't sell trillions doesn't mean the ps3 "zealots" only care because it's no longer exclusive, if you look at it clearly, it's not being given the best start.

Please tell me where I ever stated or even IMPLIED that only the PS3 has Zealots.

And please don't group the Zealots in with the Fans.  As I stated, as a 360 fan, I would STILL pay full price for a great GotY edition port of the nearly 3 year old MGS4.  Why?  Because I'd love to play what is supposed to be a really good game.  When I see people nitpicking (on both sides) any and every thing about ME2 on the PS3 its just so disappointing.

For the record, if you are really bored and want to go back far enough, check my posting history and see how I even ripped 360 owners for not buying and playing this game in larger numbers than I felt they should've.  Game of the Year.

Darth Tigris said:
Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:
Ajescent said:
Darth Tigris said:

PS3 zealots are only happy about this not being exclusive to the 360 anymore, not happy to be able to play the game.  I was thinking this would do well as its a great game but the more I read from those types on this site I think the game won't sell well at all.  A wasted effort released to an ungrateful fanbase.

For the record, as a 360 only owner I would STILL pay full price for MGS4 if it came over.  And, from what I've heard, its surely no ME2.

I'm gonna call BS on this or at least argue it goes both ways, point of reference FF13. ME2 won't sell squillions on the ps3 but it won't sell dog turd either. It bugs me how you are always keen to argue ps3 fans only "care" about this game because it's not a 360 exclusive anymore.

FFXIII sold (PS3/360) 1.25 mil/960k in Americas and 1.33 mil/730k in EMEAA, where it was launched simultaneously.  All things considered, 360 owners seemed to embrace it well for a series that didn't have a history on the platform and had an inferior version.  But its not exactly apples to apples, because the game wasn't NEAR as well received as ME2 has been.  Check the GotY awards all over the net.

Never said a thing about PS3 fans.  I have much respect for them.  I said PS3 ZEALOTS.  The term fanboy has lost its power with so many ones of different consoles running rampant.  Zealotry more reflects their behavior.

Are we going to ignore the ones who were only hyped for FF13  becuase it was coming the 360 and had no interest in the game whatsoever? This fanboy/zealot whatever you want to call it is a 2way street, the way you act as if only the ps3 side has this is quite shocking. Sure the pricing sucks but at least wait for the game to release before accusing ps3 fan(boys)/zealots whatever of ignoring the game.

Don't deny the £5 vs £40 price is not a sticking point.

Nor is the fact it's a year late, because you know, year late ports always sell so well.

It's not impossible to argue that everyone who wanted to buy this game  already bought it on the 360 and pc.

Not to mention the fact that everyone keeps droning on and on about how the comic does not compare to the "experience" of actually playing ME1 and how that's necessary in the enjoyment of ME2.

Just because it doesn't sell trillions doesn't mean the ps3 "zealots" only care because it's no longer exclusive, if you look at it clearly, it's not being given the best start.

Please tell me where I ever stated or even IMPLIED that only the PS3 has Zealots.

And please don't group the Zealots in with the Fans.  As I stated, as a 360 fan, I would STILL pay full price for a great GotY edition port of the nearly 3 year old MGS4.  Why?  Because I'd love to play what is supposed to be a really good game.  When I see people nitpicking (on both sides) any and every thing about ME2 on the PS3 its just so disappointing.

For the record, if you are really bored and want to go back far enough, check my posting history and see how I even ripped 360 owners for not buying and playing this game in larger numbers than I felt they should've.  Game of the Year.

Then maybe you should focus more time hyping up the game instead of paying attention to the zealots because it does come across as slightly elitist and preachy (lulz, irony). But I think you are expecting a bit more from the sales of ME2 than it is capable of delivering, there are too many obstacles in its way for it to excel as much as it should.

Not saying it'll fail but at the same time...

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Darth Tigris said:

I can't know the posting history's of every person here.  IIRC, my main attack on that Kinect thread (if its the one I think it is) was on the original blog site that his post came from and not MUGEN.

As for the other thread, I don't see what the problem was.  It was neither an attack on PS3 fans or a dismissal of 360 or Wii Zealots.  I even said we actually CARE about Sony's financial performance here.

Please don't try to project an image of me that's not accurate.  I may be a 360 only owner this gen, but that has everything to do with economics.  The problem starts and ends with the Zealots that disrupt any positivity that this community attempts to promote.  And the cumulative effect of their actions cannot be minimized.  It's not unlike the raison d'être of terrorism, minus the mortality concerns of course.

OT: I really hope PS3 fans buy and give this game a fair chance.  I finished my 3rd playthrough (Vanguard on Insanity even!) about 2 months ago and I honestly miss playing it.  So much more I still haven't seen or done in the game.  GotY.

I don't really like to skew the views of people on others, nor do I take pleasure in pointing fingers at people, I assure you that, but I feel this needed to be discussed.

For the Kinect thread, it was the one where Kowen got banned. You quoted one of the people calling it stealth trolling and agreed, saying kowen saw through the intentions and got sick of it freely happening on the boards. Did MUGEN have bad intentions? Who knows, though he put the news as it is.

Now as for the other thread: It's good and appreciated that you care for the financial performance of all three companies. However, that's the problem. It's just you that truly cares. The OP in that thread has a history of making Sony "doom threads", as they like to call it, and most of them are heavily spun.

I honestly don't mind people focusing on and defending only their platform of choice (which would make them more vocal on certain communities than others). However, what has annoyed me for quite some time is the double standards. But now that you've made yourself more clear, I can see where you're coming from, and I apologize if it was offensive, but I had to mention it.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Well i never played any mass effect before the demo on ps3 was released, and it more than impressed me. I'll be picking it up first day. cant wait for it.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

It doesn't have to sell that well... it's an investment on EAs part to expand the ME brand so that more people buy ME3.