Congrats Neo. My only goal this year was to go over 100,000 GS. I hit that about 4 months ago i believe. I don`t ever aim for 100% completion ratings but I do have 5. I would have 6 but I have not purchased the Costume Quest DLC yet. I have all the main game achievements on that one.
I go through and get as many achievements as I can in one playthrough typically and then try to get any achievements I can that seem fun or unique. Everytime I play a new game I aim to get as many points from it as I can but I never force myself to 100% them.
I guess I am what you would call...a laid back achievement whore. LOL
Haven`t really thought of a new goal for 2011 yet. I will probably do something similar to Seece and try to shoot for bumping up my GS by end of 2011 by 40,000.
BTW Neo how in the world is my GS so huge compared to yours when you played over a 1,000 games and I have played around 370?
How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...
Xbox 360 wants to Kinect & PS3 wants to Move! Why are both systems having such relationship problems? The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.
Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad