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SuperAdrianK said:
Wonktonodi said:
SuperAdrianK said:
c03n3nj0 said:

Based on my post right before his vote, nen's vote seems extra weird for me. 

Sorry if I missed it, but why are you voting ST, nen

Not to mention, ST's defense for that vote seems like he's feeling the pressure. They're each trying to make the other look scummy, it seems. 

A fight to the death!

three things I want say, and my vote.

1.Does Scottie want to play? I suggest a mod to ask him if he isn't playing anymore.

2.Nen's vote is so scummy, it felt like a revenge vote, and he didn't bother explaining his vote against the people that were after him.

3.Wonk's long post also felt scummy to me, mostly reasons listed by hatmoza. It seemed like he felt the need to say something when he didn't had to. No need to make a summary of what everyone said.

so my vote goes to...


also, my first vote for the game ^^, I wouldn't mind voting for wonk either.


Did you read all my post or just all of hatmoza's?

I read both?

The first half of your post was discussed alot and there was no need to do that. The second half was something about a request to track people's post. Neat idea, and the prof is planning to do that. You could've just took away the first half and make the second half thinner, actually.

I felt it was there because I was saying what I was getting out of what had happend.

No one else brought up the prof and gniz's sudden change it behaviour.  Yet I keep getting told that it was all discussed before.  I wish I had had more time so instead of posting anything that someone else I had I could have just said.  I agree with .... and I'd like to add....

but I didn't have more time and what I feel about this game I could be wrong is that silence helps the mafia much more than the town. 

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Wonktonodi said:

Then please point out all the flaws of my first post.

You feel very scummy to me for instead of comenting on reasons just giving them names in this case pathetic.  Instead of having a discussion on the merits or flaws of the points I made you dismiss them and focus on smaller points or bring up me being new.  You now arn't arguing points you are pushing an agenda.  If you don't start discussing points I made  I will vote you and work on getting you lynched.


um I already did... seriously guys. I hope he's lynched when I come back.

hatmoza said:

[*bit about parroting contributions*]

-Scum don't try to scumhunt because they're scum. And when they try to, it's so fake, just like your post.

-Scum are usually active lurkers, and let me quote this straight from the wiki page because it (with the exception of the underlined part) suits you perfectly " Active Lurking: A subset of lurking is the so-called "active lurking", where a player posts in the thread but without making any contribution to the progress of the game. Their posts may be minimal in length, off-topic, or merely parroting what other players have already said."

-Scum want to mislead and sway townies into voting other non-mafia members. I can only speak for myself but it seems like you took the opportunity in that big post to cast suspicion onto me. You then end the post by reminding people " hey what about nen? remember nen? Let's be suspicious of him again" It erks me that you leaned back onto him. I admit I totally forgot about that and nen for that matter, but it seems like you're laying the carpet to lead or sway everyone's attention towards him.

That said, nen get your ass back in the game. I want to hear from you.

Take this post however you guys want it. I honestly believe that wonk is a scum trying desperately to act like an active town. 

Vote: Wonk

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:

While I agree that's a golden role, that's something the mafia and mods will only know for certain.

The reason I responded to this post in particular was because in the last round, nordlead (who was scum) touched on this very subject first day and boldly stated the exact number of mafia in that game.

What Nord said as it has been brought up was

The other post that you made that had bothered me.

where you asked what the other percent was for when there was no other percent.

Now however I think you are scum because I did point out other things.  Yet you are trying to get me lynched by saying I'm trying way to hard to seem townie without being townie.  I had new points in the post that I made.  You even refered to one.  By saying that there was nothing weird when I thought there was.  But instead of talking about that or other points you ignore them or call them parroting.  You jump on me for mentioning you but you didn't actually say why you made those posts?

Why did you lie about zex's exact number being like nords when nord still had a range??  Why do you say you answered my points from my first post when you ignored almost all of them?

Is there someone else on and reading this right now because I'm 95%  sure hat is scum since he won't discuss points and just wants my lynch.  I would like to have someone else's thoughts and opinions.

Wonktonodi said:

What Nord said as it has been brought up was

The other post that you made that had bothered me.

where you asked what the other percent was for when there was no other percent.

Now however I think you are scum because I did point out other things.  Yet you are trying to get me lynched by saying I'm trying way to hard to seem townie without being townie.  I had new points in the post that I made.  You even refered to one.  By saying that there was nothing weird when I thought there was.  But instead of talking about that or other points you ignore them or call them parroting.  You jump on me for mentioning you but you didn't actually say why you made those posts?

Why did you lie about zex's exact number being like nords when nord still had a range??  Why do you say you answered my points from my first post when you ignored almost all of them?

Seriously? Was that your attempt of trying to pin me down with something other than revenge?

I didn't lie about Zex's percentage. It was a fail math joke on my side. My nordlead reference was an interesting observation I shared in the game. I never really pursued it. I was trying to start discussion on day one.

I addressed your whole post. Stop pretending like I'm ignoring you. I read it. It's was your defense and I called it pathetic. Why does that piss you off so much? Because it is?

What's interesting is the bit I did concentrate on was you being defensive and threatening to revenge vote me. That's when you make this post to make it seem like your suspicious of me for other reasons than revenge. 

Go and ask for other players' opinions. Hopefully they see right through you like I do...

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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hatmoza said:

1. Here's my bone with your post, It's mostly observations and emotions.

2. And what gets me is that they're observations already made countless times by other players! Except you made them wordier. Heck, you gave two word observations their own paragraphs ... You said heph was killed because he was a good player. Didn't someone earlier today say the same, except in a more brief form?

3. You make that statement just to end it by saying, "oh we shouldn't think so much of the fos because heph was town." Is someone not under the radar trying to indirectly cover for their fellow scum?

4. Prof and Gniz are fighting, what's new? They make you cringe? Thanks for sharing that. what's so odd about them exchanging votes? Seriously? Gnizmo gave a whole page of why he voted Zexen. Prof admitted he's voting for me because of a gut feeling. WHAT IS SO RANDOM ABOUT THAT! You are trying to make yourself look like you're contributing to the game when all you did was make a huge post of nothing.

5. Then you squeeze that  flag raising stunt about ME  prolonging an argument I didn't even respond to until 200 posts later in the game when I wasn't even arguing about it, just using it as as a means  to support my SK theory. And the way you snuck that fos in the middle of repeated observation was really sneaky Wonk.

6. "I'm glad [Trucks] took the initiative in finding Hephs interactions ..." Sound familiar Wonk? That's because you basically just told Trucks the same thing I did a couple dozen posts ago! Seriously dude, are you just skimming through the game summarizing everyone's thoughts into your own words and shoving them into a post of your own? Are you even trying to be productive on your own in this game? Only scum behave the way you are...

7. You'll post more tomorrow, how cute because I was just about to head to bed before I saw this clusterfuck post that popped my snoozing bubble. Save your posts, I've seen enough plagiarism for one night.

8. Listen, Wonk, you're new, I know. But because you're new don't take it personal when I vote and possibly lead a lynch against you today. Yourpost was so big and so unproductive that it's screaming scum.

9. -Scum don't try to scumhunt because they're scum. And when they try to, it's so fake, just like your post.

1. What is this game other than observations?

2. Some of the observations were made by other people.  Others were not.  Some I agreed with others although I praised the effort I was disagreeing with the direction of the effort.

3. I said that and stick by it because I think that looking for connections between who a player suspected and who could be scum to lynch him, isn't the best way to look for scum.  It is too open to manupulation by the scum.  And can easily be used to point blame at other people. 

4.  What was new was that the fighting STOPPED! and not only that but they both voted for people other than each other.  It seemed rather strange to me still does, but it resumed again today but it still feels odd to me.  The fact you think it's nothing when one of them had voted for you is even more troubleing.

5. 200 posts? um dude I have it set to 100 posts and both of your posts on it on in the first half of the first page. You were the FIRST to respont to it So hardly 200 posts one being just two posts latter.  Why are you lying to defend yourself?

6. This goes along with point 3.  I praised Truck for doing the work of going back and doing this while disagreeing with there worth.  I feel it is better to be posative to those who participate to get people to keep bringing up points instead of being instulting.  Even if I disagree I will do it with points not insults.  Because I apreciate when people do the work to find the patterns and hope they will do the work again.

7. My last post was over and hour before you posted, so I'm not sure what you were getting at other than being rude and degrading.

8. I don't take it personal I think you are scum trying to get rid of a person who was slightly onto you but now is all over you.  I like how you need to focus on me being knew to try and reduce my credibility.

9. Another insult to my post once again trying to reduce credibility by saying a fun phrase but not actually adding any point.

I cut all the paragraphs of what parotting is out of your post because that is clear. However my post wasn't just a parroting post.  It had several new observations that you commented on in the quoted post.  Also it had what I hoped the town would do before I returned or what I would do if it didn't happen.  Sadly I've now been so focused on you that I wasn't able to do it but it can resume once you are gone.

hatmoza said:
Wonktonodi said:

What Nord said as it has been brought up was

The other post that you made that had bothered me.

where you asked what the other percent was for when there was no other percent.

Now however I think you are scum because I did point out other things.  Yet you are trying to get me lynched by saying I'm trying way to hard to seem townie without being townie.  I had new points in the post that I made.  You even refered to one.  By saying that there was nothing weird when I thought there was.  But instead of talking about that or other points you ignore them or call them parroting.  You jump on me for mentioning you but you didn't actually say why you made those posts?

Why did you lie about zex's exact number being like nords when nord still had a range??  Why do you say you answered my points from my first post when you ignored almost all of them?

Seriously? Was that your attempt of trying to pin me down with something other than revenge?

I didn't lie about Zex's percentage. It was a fail math joke on my side. My nordlead reference was an interesting observation I shared in the game. I never really pursued it. I was trying to start discussion on day one.

I addressed your whole post. Stop pretending like I'm ignoring you. I read it. It's was your defense and I called it pathetic. Why does that piss you off so much? Because it is?

What's interesting is the bit I did concentrate on was you being defensive and threatening to revenge vote me. That's when you make this post to make it seem like your suspicious of me for other reasons than revenge. 

Go and ask for other players' opinions. Hopefully they see right through you like I do...

This is what I was refurring to in the post you decided to vote for me on.  The vote for you is based on that post not the two I refferneced.
It was hardly defence of me it was defence of my points. And you didn't adress them you called them a defence of me to try and frame the debate being about me.  When this was never about me.  This was about my points and then about you.

hatmoza said:


1. I didn't lie about Zex's percentage. It was a fail math joke on my side. 2. My nordlead reference was an interesting observation I shared in the game. I never really pursued it. 3.  I was trying to start discussion on day one.


1. Took you long enough to admit to math fail.

2.  But it wasn't even an honest observation. That and you still haven't admitted the lack of truth to that post. Since he said a range mentioned the rule.  where it would have been 4 yet then went on to say it would most likely be 3.  Hardly the same as what zexen did.

3. So now it's you saying you were trying to start discussion when a few posts ago you said you didn't reply to it til 200 posts latter?  Why the change of story?

Wonktonodi said:

What felt random about the Gniz and Prof is how they were going at it for so long and then suddely stoppend and didn't vote for eachother but other people.  You explanation for it isn't enough for me.  Although they can make posts explaining the votes the change in behavior is still something that seems odd to me.

Random? No explanation for behavior change? I have absolutely explained any discrepancies between my first and second day of play. I can't imagine anyone preferring I keep up what I did day 1. More over I never unvoted Prof, nor did he unvote me to the best of my knowledge.I have thoroughly documented my position on prof on day 2. I am still leaning towards him being scum, but other players have caught my eye.  Very poor reasoning.

I have more to say but I am having trouble concentrating on the long posts so most of it will have to wait till later tonight/tomorrow morning. Scottie lurking this long is an issue for me. I am up for lynching him. A little surprised that no one has weighed in on hatmoza and I's suspicions, but we are working so in tandem I suppose it makes sense.

Also, FF, why so quiet? You are making your posts count, but you are awful quiet.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
Wonktonodi said:

What felt random about the Gniz and Prof is how they were going at it for so long and then suddely stoppend and didn't vote for eachother but other people.  You explanation for it isn't enough for me.  Although they can make posts explaining the votes the change in behavior is still something that seems odd to me.

Random? No explanation for behavior change? I have absolutely explained any discrepancies between my first and second day of play. I can't imagine anyone preferring I keep up what I did day 1. More over I never unvoted Prof, nor did he unvote me to the best of my knowledge.I have thoroughly documented my position on prof on day 2. I am still leaning towards him being scum, but other players have caught my eye.  Very poor reasoning.

I have more to say but I am having trouble concentrating on the long posts so most of it will have to wait till later tonight/tomorrow morning. Scottie lurking this long is an issue for me. I am up for lynching him. A little surprised that no one has weighed in on hatmoza and I's suspicions, but we are working so in tandem I suppose it makes sense.

Also, FF, why so quiet? You are making your posts count, but you are awful quiet.

It was the change from arguing with him to both of you then voting for other people that was strange. 

I know there are a lot of long posts but when you get caught up I would like to hear your thoughts