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At this juncture, I'm going to completely stop talking about Gnizmo at all.

Nobody agrees with me, and I'm just getting insulted without basis, and it's just upsetting me.

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hatmoza said:
Gnizmo said:

God damnit hatmoza. You better not be mafia cause if you are I am going to get the shit lynched out of me when it comes out.

contrary, if I were mafia I'd think twice about buddying with another player so you have no fears. I wouldn't call it buddying either, we just haven't disagreed yet much.

Don't get me wrong either, I won't hesitate to go after you when I noticed you've lived too long without being investigated. But then again, you probably were investigated already, and the cop is smart enough to not out himself for an innocent result.

You guys are such buddy-buddy it stinks.

theprof00 said:

Your tone is rude, and you don't point out anything to back up anything you say.


You keep saying I use "lots of words". You know what that is, Gnizmo? It's called extrapolation. I extrapolate so that people reading my posts have as much clear information as possible in order to ensure a smooth communication. Let's look at your post above:

"I didn't comment because his(1) post didn't merit a response (2).

Lots of words, and this time almost deliberately changing what I said (3). Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.(4)"


1) Is that supposed to be "your post"?

2) It didn't? I said that it didn't seem like you were trying for a day 1 lynch. I said you probably didn't care, because you haven't made any efforts into finding a good lynch candidate. You never responded to me, even after I asked a second time. But the minute Hatmoza says you aren't playing, THEN you comment. This is also evidence against Hatmoza. We basically say that you aren't playing, and only MY post doesn't MERIT a response. Well fuck you too.

3) Source?

4) Source?


You say so little, using very few words. I can't even make out what you're trying to say. Some of your posts are riddled with grammar errors, and others are evidenced by god knows what. And it's impossible to have any kind of communication with you because anytime I disagree, you DON'T EVEN RESPOND, or if you do, it's something vague like:

(purely an example) "things like that are what paint you as scum".

Like, wtf. seriously.

Tone it down and stop playing like a douchebag.

I am blunt. We covered this.

"You didn't comment because I don't merit a response?" Your  statement. "I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response" My statment. You deliberately changed the wording in order to continue your retarded attack on me. I really don't understand why you have decided to make the goal of your game to annoy me but I really don't care either. If you are a townie you will get over it because it has been stupid for pages now for you to keep intentionally twisting my words in an effort to frame me, or you are scum and will be outted as such. I don't really care which.

PS. Love the subtle attacks on me. Really backs up my point about you using a whole lot of words to not say anything of consequence on top of you denying having quite obviously twisted what I said away from its original meaning despite having both statements in your own post. It is like you want to prove me right.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Linkzmax said:

Are you referring to yourself and prof? How do you know he's a townie?

Yes, and I don't. If he is then the circle jerk of useless posts will end. If he isn't he will pursue his little vendetta and from there the town can figure out what to do about it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
theprof00 said:

Your tone is rude, and you don't point out anything to back up anything you say.


You keep saying I use "lots of words". You know what that is, Gnizmo? It's called extrapolation. I extrapolate so that people reading my posts have as much clear information as possible in order to ensure a smooth communication. Let's look at your post above:

"I didn't comment because his(1) post didn't merit a response (2).

Lots of words, and this time almost deliberately changing what I said (3). Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.(4)"


1) Is that supposed to be "your post"?

2) It didn't? I said that it didn't seem like you were trying for a day 1 lynch. I said you probably didn't care, because you haven't made any efforts into finding a good lynch candidate. You never responded to me, even after I asked a second time. But the minute Hatmoza says you aren't playing, THEN you comment. This is also evidence against Hatmoza. We basically say that you aren't playing, and only MY post doesn't MERIT a response. Well fuck you too.

3) Source?

4) Source?


You say so little, using very few words. I can't even make out what you're trying to say. Some of your posts are riddled with grammar errors, and others are evidenced by god knows what. And it's impossible to have any kind of communication with you because anytime I disagree, you DON'T EVEN RESPOND, or if you do, it's something vague like:

(purely an example) "things like that are what paint you as scum".

Like, wtf. seriously.

Tone it down and stop playing like a douchebag.

I am blunt. We covered this.

"You didn't comment because I don't merit a response?" Your  statement. "I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response" My statment. You deliberately changed the wording in order to continue your retarded attack on me. I really don't understand why you have decided to make the goal of your game to annoy me but I really don't care either. If you are a townie you will get over it because it has been stupid for pages now for you to keep intentionally twisting my words in an effort to frame me, or you are scum and will be outted as such. I don't really care which.

PS. Love the subtle attacks on me. Really backs up my point about you using a whole lot of words to not say anything of consequence on top of you denying having quite obviously twisted what I said away from its original meaning despite having both statements in your own post. It is like you want to prove me right.

Lots of words, and this time almost deliberately changing what I said (3).

3) Source?

Yet another non-response. You garner suspicion because you are evasive.


And no, you are not blunt. Blunt would imply that you are bring brutally honest, when in fact, you are simply insulting without basis.

Seriously. It's baffling. I make a comment on how you respond to hat and not myself, and you evade the whole thing, saying I'm twisting your words on something so insignificant as "the post" and "myself". WHO CARES? You evaded the whole thing. God you are so frustrating.

Around the Network
Gnizmo said:
Linkzmax said:

Are you referring to yourself and prof? How do you know he's a townie?

Yes, and I don't. If he is then the circle jerk of useless posts will end. If he isn't he will pursue his little vendetta and from there the town can figure out what to do about it.

you are so fucking scummy. I'm not leaving you alone. Threaten me all you want.

Sorry, the second post up is supposed to be referencing #4

Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.(4)

4) source?

dtewi said:

Point #1:

Silver-Tiger simply parrots back ideas that had been said for the past post before him. He doesn't contribute, or doesn't want to, and goes with something that wouldn't bring any attention to himself, FoSing nen.

Point #2:

Silver-Tiger admits that he wanted a first day lynch, then goes to a No Lynch because it looked more likely. That's bandwagoning 101. Again, he's not even trying to contribute.

Vote: Silver-Tiger

Simple. I wanted a Day one lynch, but from the posts of the others I could see we're not getting a lynch together. So to not extend the day any longer, and because other people also voted for a No lynch, I decided to do the same.

If you're going to vote for me just because I changed my mind, you're gonna have to vote for pretty much every player here.

And to the contributing part: It's not that I don't try, but I can't seem to get a profile of most players this time. My suspicions get annihilated within the discussion of the pros here. It's not that I don't have any idea, though, I'm carefully following the thread and if I notice somethin worth mentioning, I will point it out.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

theprof00 said:

Sorry, the second post up is supposed to be referencing #4

Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.(4)

4) source?

When you read the post you will find it. It is right there in the text. It is literally impossiblt to miss. I put it right next to each other in addition to being right in the posts you quote. Are you actually reading them?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

zexen_lowe said:

Uh, I dont remember much of that game, but I seem to remember most of the players were noobs and I just went and killed the ones that could figure us out...which I think it's a pretty good strategy because all was left were bad players that fell for my trap and went for dunno-who instead of invisible who was my mafia partner. But I didn't attack anyone for revenge, I went for potential. Anyway, enough of past game discussion

Also, there was only one death, so I think the likelihood of there not being a SK is quite high, the only chances for there to be is that either he targeted seph or that he targeted the doctor protectee....not impossible but highly unlikely

No not at all really. Insomiac was the only one on the right track there and he was killed the next day. I also find it odd that youare so quick to just stop the discussion when it has very nasty implications for you right now. 2 separate players have found the statement to be inconsistent for very different reasons.

In addition you are not nearly as active in tracking people down as normal. Instead you try to switch gears into a question that never needed to be asked. If there was a serial killer there would be an extra body tonight, and it wouldn't be vanilla in the strictest sense. Given noname appears to be following the rules to the letter I have to assume this would spread to game style which is a very simple conclusion to reach.

So we have you acting weird and saying things counter to the way you have played games in the past. Really your posting since day 2 reminds me of the DN game even more, and we know you were scum then. This isn't adding up with you being town as far as I can reason.

Vote: Zexen

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229