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TruckOSaurus said:
Stefl1504 said:
MetalGear_94 said:

Heph was a good player, The mafia are probably using the same strategy from last game and  taking out the best players first.

Heph probably figured something out, last game when prof was killed first he was already suspicious of two mafia players, Heph and norlead.

So you think he has already found some scum and we should take a closer look on people on his FoS list..

GoW... which is dead and town

j0... but I think that was more of a joke FoS

he later mentioned an eye should be kept on ff, prof(again) and zexen, after GoW died...

sadly the list is a bit to long and I don't think everyone on that list is scum...

Have you read my post? It's eerily similar to what you just posted here.

Have you read my post where I said that I made a post pretty much the same as yours....

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Linkzmax said:

Another post for you hat
Was this supposed to be a joke?


hatmoza and nordlead have a long standing rivalry, I don't quite remember how it started (probably was hat's fault) but ever since they have been gunning for each other no matter what. That's what I was referencing when I said that  certain players hold grudges.

Signature goes here!

Stefl1504 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Have you read my post? It's eerily similar to what you just posted here.

Have you read my post where I said that I made a post pretty much the same as yours....

We gotta stop ninja-ing each other like that.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Stefl1504 said:

Have you read my post where I said that I made a post pretty much the same as yours....

We gotta stop ninja-ing each other like that.

I think that is a neat idea...

Gnizmo said:

Last post was eatten. I suppose I have to state explicitly that which should be understood implicitly. I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response. I have no interest in talking for the sake of talking. The fat that prof keeps harping on it only makes me more suspicious. Two townies playing grab ass distracts and hides mafia players. Holding onto it like that has made me more suspicious of him really.

Are you referring to yourself and prof? How do you know he's a townie?

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Gnizmo said:
Final-Fan said:
If you don't want to tell us your actual reasons, don't bother making up lies.  (If that wasn't a lie it was very poorly worded indeed.)  You could have said "I had my reasons" or just "Sorry about that" or nothing at all for that matter in place of that sentence.

It is a matter of my own personal health that you have no right to hear. The statement is true, but incomplete. I have even referenced it earlier in this thread. I REALLY take offense to people dismissing my health issues though.

I was not dismissing your health issues, which it never occurred to me to interrogate you on.  My anger was due to how I read the sentence:  "To save time lets say I have been very sick lately."  

What threw me off is the "to save time" part.  Why would it save time?  What else would you have told us that would require more explanation or discussion?  Since it never occurred to me that you should have to chronicle your medical problems for us,  I thought that there were other reasons (non-health-related) which you were unwilling to reveal, instead of or perhaps in addition to being sick. 

When this occurred to me I also jumped to the conclusion that being sick was a hypothetical reason you were throwing out and saying, "I have a reason as good as, but which is not necessarily actually, being very sick, so let's just say I was and move on".  I take total responsibility for assuming this interpretation -- sorry. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

MetalGear_94 said:
Stefl1504 said:
MetalGear_94 said:

Heph was a good player, The mafia are probably using the same strategy from last game and  taking out the best players first.

Heph probably figured something out, last game when prof was killed first he was already suspicious of two mafia players, Heph and norlead.

So you think he has already found some scum and we should take a closer look on people on his FoS list..

GoW... which is dead and town

j0... but I think that was more of a joke FoS

he later mentioned an eye should be kept on ff, prof(again) and zexen, after GoW died...

sadly the list is a bit to long and I don't think everyone on that list is scum...

I obviously don't think all the players Heph suspected are scum, I was just pointing out the possibility that at least one or two them could be.

I just think we should keep a close eye on those he suspected.

Not that it means much since he flipped town and thus wouldn't know about anyone else. But that last link has Heph removing his fos's which I guess meant on me, prof, and j0. Additionally, his last post(and the final one of the day/twilight) was a reply to hat's post stating a FoS on me:
I'm not really sure what to make of it though.

Anyway, I think it may be very plausible that Heph wasn't on to any scum at all. If that's the case and we're keeping close eyes on ff, prof, and zexen(and even j0 or myself) then it could just be a huge waste of time. I can only rule out one of the five being scum and as I've said before zexen is giving me a town vibe despite all the justifiable suspicions everyone has on him. Not sure on ff or j0 at all. I think prof may be getting set up with Heph's death, so now it's time for me to reread for evidence for/against that feeling.

I guess there was much less than I had thought, but two posts did jump out at me.
Prof expresses annoyance that Heph is pretty much muting him when asking about his interrogation of Gniz.

Prof's final post of day one:
At face value this would mean if Prof died, don't look too much into myself(Link) or Gniz.
If you combine it with the results of night one, it would mean don't look to much into "myself"(prof), ff, or zexen.(Or j0 or Link depending on how you view Heph's suspects)
It just seems far too foolish to me to state that and then kill Heph.

It certainly doesn't put prof in the obvtown category in my book, but I find it unlikely that he'd be so ballsy to say those things and then be involved with the kill.


So I am leaning towards mafia picking off the better players.


Other things I forgot to mention in my reading of day two:
@hat: Well if we can all take that as the absolute truth, then you're either a townie or both you and nord are scum.
@zexen: I don't know if noname would be so bold as to not include a doctor, but last round was nearly pure vanilla(only a cop investigating every other night starting with the third night and a one shot vig) without a doctor. I'd agree that it's unlikely if there is a doctor that he blocked a second kill though. That doesn't necessarily preclude an SK though since as other have pointed out in this round and talks of previous rounds, it is not unusual for an SK to have the ability not to kill or to hide a bit and not use it. I do think it is safe to say there isn't a second mafia faction; however, as I see no reason why they would choose not to kill.

Gnizmo said:
theprof00 said:

You didn't comment because I don't merit a response?

I stated that you hadn't contributed anything, and you said nothing...but you respond to Hat, who says basically the same exact thing, that you aren't playing.

Then you call me suspicious for continuing to hound you, when you just said that "day 1 is a blow-off" for you anyways. Why you didn't say any of that to me, I am dumbfounded.

I completely call you exactly that you are contributing, you fos me and insult me with your attitude, and then go and say that "day 1 is a blow-off" and "I've been phoning it in" (which I should clarify for other means that he's faking playing, as in 'phoning in sick to work').

HoS Gnizmo and Hatmoza

Gniz for your ridiculous attitude, and Hat for not being ridiculous on top of commenting on top of my comments. You, for some reason, seem to be the only one that "merits" responses. Interesting how that works.

I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response.

Lots of words, and this time almost deliberately changing what I said. Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.

Your tone is rude, and you don't point out anything to back up anything you say.


You keep saying I use "lots of words". You know what that is, Gnizmo? It's called extrapolation. I extrapolate so that people reading my posts have as much clear information as possible in order to ensure a smooth communication. Let's look at your post above:

"I didn't comment because his(1) post didn't merit a response (2).

Lots of words, and this time almost deliberately changing what I said (3). Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.(4)"


1) Is that supposed to be "your post"?

2) It didn't? I said that it didn't seem like you were trying for a day 1 lynch. I said you probably didn't care, because you haven't made any efforts into finding a good lynch candidate. You never responded to me, even after I asked a second time. But the minute Hatmoza says you aren't playing, THEN you comment. This is also evidence against Hatmoza. We basically say that you aren't playing, and only MY post doesn't MERIT a response. Well fuck you too.

3) Source?

4) Source?


You say so little, using very few words. I can't even make out what you're trying to say. Some of your posts are riddled with grammar errors, and others are evidenced by god knows what. And it's impossible to have any kind of communication with you because anytime I disagree, you DON'T EVEN RESPOND, or if you do, it's something vague like:

(purely an example) "things like that are what paint you as scum".

Like, wtf. seriously.

Tone it down and stop playing like a douchebag.

Linkzmax said:

I guess there was much less than I had thought, but two posts did jump out at me.
Prof expresses annoyance that Heph is pretty much muting him when asking about his interrogation of Gniz.

Heph's response to that one is even more intriguing, I would say.