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hatmoza said:

I kinda disagree with the no lynch. I think this is very simillar to a day 2 start. over 200 post and a body.

If you ask me, we shouldn't be so hasty to end the day just yet.

I know it's a moot point now, but it wasn't really the same as a day two start because GOW had himself removed, so there was no trail.

Well there is a little, but really only those for/against the modkill and about the anonymous replacement idea I had:
Zexen was the first to state being against modkills. Coupled with the fact that he went right for a no lynch after the modkill means he's either scum trying to put up the appearance of not wanting a large bodycount or he's pro-town. Despite other things from day one, I'm leaning towards the latter at the moment.
FF also thought a replacement was better this early.
Heph was also for a replacement, obviously he's flipped town.

j0 was fine either way.

Stefl already listed  Vette as wanting a modkill, but prof did as well. I see that as more of a personal issue with GOW for his actions than a thirst to have a dead body, so I don't hold it against him. This brings me to my anonymity idea, and I know bringing this up myself loses the point of it a bit, but if I(or ST who agreed with my idea) were scum then what good would it be to hide a townie between 2(or 3 was my original idea) new people?
Vette on the other hand was very opposed to the idea because GOW could've had an "important role" and thus the replacement should have to answer for GOW's whopping 11 posts. Since you never stated any suspicions of GOW being scum, I wonder if you thought he was a town power and didn't want to lose track of it. Heph was also against anonymity, but he laid out his suspicions of GOW being scum and then turned up town. Still I'm not going to grasp at straws, but I have my eye on you.


Another post for you hat
Was this supposed to be a joke?


The no lynch seemed a bit rushed to me, but then again I always think the days end when there's still stuff I haven't yet had the opportunity to say.


Catching up on the thread now, that's all for day one. I'm not sure if there will be anything left to point out about Heph being the NK by the time I'm current, but right now it seems like prof influenced the kill. I'm not saying he's certainly scum though, as it could just be that scum are trying to paint him for the lynch. I'll be going back through everything to explain that bit.

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Huh... why haven't I seen all those posts from ToS today damnit... I just saw that hat quoted him and he had made the same list I made... STUPID ME! I had then to go and look through all todays posts again and then I have found ToS posts after looking twice...

Stefl1504 said:

Also some players I'd like to hear more from:

Scottie (did he even post yet... maybe once or twice...)
Radish (I think he made some posts but mostly shorter ones)
TruckO (seems less active this game then the last few ones, but maybe I am wrong there)
MetalGear (one-liners all over the place)
Linkzmax (I don't feel like he contributed very much)
Nordlead (I know he is a substitute and hasn't had that much time to post yet)
Stefl1504 (I should post more...)

Just saw this as the page refreshed and wanted to comment before delving into day two so far. Personally I'd remove you and myself from that list and add SAK to it. 

Nvm the delving, just got a fire call, so I'll be back whenever it's over.

Stefl1504 said:

Also some players I'd like to hear more from:

Scottie (did he even post yet... maybe once or twice...)
Radish (I think he made some posts but mostly shorter ones)
TruckO (seems less active this game then the last few ones, but maybe I am wrong there)
MetalGear (one-liners all over the place)
Linkzmax (I don't feel like he contributed very much)
Nordlead (I know he is a substitute and hasn't had that much time to post yet)
Stefl1504 (I should post more...)

Meant to post this earlier but forgor. Nordlead I feel the need to defend as a parent. Sometimes your kid discovers a great new way to "play." This could be realizing that if you leave the faucet on long enough water will go everywhere! Or that their colors can work on walls as well as paper! Or (god forbid and thankfully hasn't happened to me yet) discover poop can be smeared EVERYWHERE and change the color of all kinds of things! Something to watch and keep an eye on, but I say give him a touch of slack there. Rest I wonder about.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Stefl1504 said:
MetalGear_94 said:

Heph was a good player, The mafia are probably using the same strategy from last game and  taking out the best players first.

Heph probably figured something out, last game when prof was killed first he was already suspicious of two mafia players, Heph and norlead.

So you think he has already found some scum and we should take a closer look on people on his FoS list..

GoW... which is dead and town

j0... but I think that was more of a joke FoS

he later mentioned an eye should be kept on ff, prof(again) and zexen, after GoW died...

sadly the list is a bit to long and I don't think everyone on that list is scum...

I obviously don't think all the players Heph suspected are scum, I was just pointing out the possibility that at least one or two them could be.

I just think we should keep a close eye on those he suspected.


Gnizmo said:
zexen_lowe said:

In what game, exactly? Remember, I've never been mafia outside That Guy's DN game

That Guy's Death Note game is precisly the one I was thinking of. You offed j0 because that is the kind of thing you would do, and someone else because they were the only one to suspect you to paraphrase. I have done it a couple of games too and no one suspected me for that reason. Other reasons sure, but people try to lynch me for various reasons when I am any given role.

Uh, I dont remember much of that game, but I seem to remember most of the players were noobs and I just went and killed the ones that could figure us out...which I think it's a pretty good strategy because all was left were bad players that fell for my trap and went for dunno-who instead of invisible who was my mafia partner. But I didn't attack anyone for revenge, I went for potential. Anyway, enough of past game discussion

Also, there was only one death, so I think the likelihood of there not being a SK is quite high, the only chances for there to be is that either he targeted seph or that he targeted the doctor protectee....not impossible but highly unlikely

Stefl1504 said:
MetalGear_94 said:

Heph was a good player, The mafia are probably using the same strategy from last game and  taking out the best players first.

Heph probably figured something out, last game when prof was killed first he was already suspicious of two mafia players, Heph and norlead.

So you think he has already found some scum and we should take a closer look on people on his FoS list..

GoW... which is dead and town

j0... but I think that was more of a joke FoS

he later mentioned an eye should be kept on ff, prof(again) and zexen, after GoW died...

sadly the list is a bit to long and I don't think everyone on that list is scum...

Have you read my post? It's eerily similar to what you just posted here.

Signature goes here!

Linkzmax said:


Another post for you hat
Was this supposed to be a joke?

No. I would have totally killed Nord already, dead serious. Even if I were a vigilante.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Stefl1504 said:

Huh... why haven't I seen all those posts from ToS today damnit... I just saw that hat quoted him and he had made the same list I made... STUPID ME! I had then to go and look through all todays posts again and then I have found ToS posts after looking twice..

Oh I see you got around to it :)

Signature goes here!