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zexen_lowe said:
I wholeheartedly agree completely and absolutely with you, Gniz

You are 100% devoted to all of the following? 
1.  He has been kind of phoning it in.
2.  We should "consider him to have been very sick" (without him necessarily having been sick) because going into the actual reasons would just be a waste of time. 
3.  He seriously thought about dropping out of the game. 
4.  He will pull it together, or at least he thinks he can.  (Which is it you are totally committed to, zex?) 
5.  He normally blows Day 1 off. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Final-Fan said:

If you don't want to tell us your actual reasons, don't bother making up lies.  (If that wasn't a lie it was very poorly worded indeed.)  You could have said "I had my reasons" or just "Sorry about that" or nothing at all for that matter in place of that sentence.

It is a matter of my own personal health that you have no right to hear. The statement is true, but incomplete. I have even referenced it earlier in this thread. I REALLY take offense to people dismissing my health issues though.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Care to FoS anyone else while you're at it SAK?

I kinda like Truck's take on the rivalry thing. I wouldn't be surprised if you really did kill him prof -_-

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I am going to make this simple. Discussion of my health stops here, or I just leave these games. I was attempting to be polite and explain. I will not have it spin out into something more.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

theprof00 said:


You are acting seriously scummy yourself, you didn't even read gnizmo's post correctly. He is not sick.


"To save time lets say I have been very sick lately." If thats not implying he's sick, or was, or that he wasn't feeling well, then I don't know what is.


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Final-Fan said:
zexen_lowe said:
I wholeheartedly agree completely and absolutely with you, Gniz

You are 100% devoted to all of the following? 
1.  He has been kind of phoning it in.
2.  We should "consider him to have been very sick" (without him necessarily having been sick) because going into the actual reasons would just be a waste of time. 
3.  He seriously thought about dropping out of the game. 
4.  He will pull it together, or at least he thinks he can.  (Which is it you are totally committed to, zex?) 
5.  He normally blows Day 1 off.

hatmoza said:

Care to FoS anyone else while you're at it SAK?

I kinda like Truck's take on the rivalry thing. I wouldn't be surprised if you really did kill him prof -_-

The lurkers, I guess?


Gnizmo said:

Last post was eatten. I suppose I have to state explicitly that which should be understood implicitly. I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response. I have no interest in talking for the sake of talking. The fat that prof keeps harping on it only makes me more suspicious. Two townies playing grab ass distracts and hides mafia players. Holding onto it like that has made me more suspicious of him really.

You didn't comment because I don't merit a response?

I stated that you hadn't contributed anything, and you said nothing...but you respond to Hat, who says basically the same exact thing, that you aren't playing.

Then you call me suspicious for continuing to hound you, when you just said that "day 1 is a blow-off" for you anyways. Why you didn't say any of that to me, I am dumbfounded.

I completely call you exactly that you are contributing, you fos me and insult me with your attitude, and then go and say that "day 1 is a blow-off" and "I've been phoning it in" (which I should clarify for other means that he's faking playing, as in 'phoning in sick to work').

HoS Gnizmo and Hatmoza

Gniz for your ridiculous attitude, and Hat for not being ridiculous on top of commenting on top of my comments. You, for some reason, seem to be the only one that "merits" responses. Interesting how that works.

As somebody said, everyone knows that Heph is an important addition to the town, townie or otherwise.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

theprof00 said:

You didn't comment because I don't merit a response?

I stated that you hadn't contributed anything, and you said nothing...but you respond to Hat, who says basically the same exact thing, that you aren't playing.

Then you call me suspicious for continuing to hound you, when you just said that "day 1 is a blow-off" for you anyways. Why you didn't say any of that to me, I am dumbfounded.

I completely call you exactly that you are contributing, you fos me and insult me with your attitude, and then go and say that "day 1 is a blow-off" and "I've been phoning it in" (which I should clarify for other means that he's faking playing, as in 'phoning in sick to work').

HoS Gnizmo and Hatmoza

Gniz for your ridiculous attitude, and Hat for not being ridiculous on top of commenting on top of my comments. You, for some reason, seem to be the only one that "merits" responses. Interesting how that works.

I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response.

Lots of words, and this time almost deliberately changing what I said. Really you should have at least skipped quoting the part that proves your theory wrong.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229