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Forums - General Discussion - Riots in the UK about tuition fee increases - an observation

I don't agree with violent ones, but I agree that screwing students up isn't intelligent at all, with emerging countries becoming every day stronger and more competitive, the only hope for the West to survive is to increase average qualification.

And banks are shameless, in the last 20 years they kept on passing less and less of their huge profits to savers giving them their money. When they go bust, their managers don't lose a penny. They sold junk bonds to their savers and they take no responsibility. They make you pay to send quarterly reports or monthly credit card ones, and they even are so brazen-faced to fill those envelopes WE pay for with ads.  They rob both savers and people needing loans. Despite the increasing use of computers and the reduced expenses due to european currency unification, they raised the expenses charged to savers, and far beyond inflation rate. I start wondering if they still have some useful purpose except for themselves...

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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