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Well GoW also managed to put a big blinking questionmark on his head. Having him arround would have created confusion and probably prevented us from investigate properly. I mean with the bad judgement he made, would we have trusted his later insights or would they have indirectly derailed our investigations even if they were right? Sure once the cop came out and provided he had also checked GoW, we could have resumed normal play, but the cost was high for a gamble, because yes it was still a gamble, a townie pulling this off is less likely than a scum :-/. Add to the fact that he made his fake role more complicated than needed, even more people would have been confused by his continued presence.

Now on today, we probably should brush up our investigations a bit to refresh everyone's minds. (I don't feel up to it though :p I'm sure Truck will love to do it for Homer though)


But besides the lynch worthy attitude of Radish day one, I never came over the fact that he virtually hammered Kantor using a buddying up reason (1)

But also that yesterday, he barely talked and only really started posting when GoW was at L-2, and this to make posts that would make him good the next morning (2) (and althought almost 100% certain he adds a safety net "or maybe"), even repeating it once Gow was hammered (3). And now today is reaping the good points reward, even taunting that he said so (at L-2) (4) and taunting the town in lynching him based on seeing the truth about GoW. So what is wrong here?

-> well he doesn't participate, and then when a townie is about to be lynched, he posts twice "i think he's town" just to say "told you so" the next day. If he wasn't himself an investigation target, i'd just find this odd... but here it's just plain orchestrated to get town good guy points, and that without taking any risk. Since if Gow appeared mafia, he can just say "oh well he was hammered already, I wasn't defending him and I said it was possible too".

For day 1 and all this above HoS Radish

posts below are 1-2-3-4

radishhead said:

I'm fairly certain that Kantor is mafia, upon reading noname's analysis post.

Unvote: Final-Fan

Vote: Kantor

radishhead said:

Another thing - I'm almost 100% certain that GoW is town. He did a substantial amount of lying earlier, but I don't think that a Mafia would take the risk of having all eyes put on him, and then admit that he wasn't telling the truth about it! xD

Or maybe the centre stage is a perfect hiding place for a Mafioso - who knows? :S

radishhead said:

I don't think that he's Mafia - it just doesn't make sense :(

Hoping to be proven wrong when the text emerges.

radishhead said:

It was OBVIOUS that he was town - just because he lied, doesn't make him instantly mafia. No mafia would have acted in the way that he did, and I tried to persuade you guys to change back your votes - if seeing the obvious makes me Mafia, then lynch me too.

Besides - I'm pretty sure that some of the guys that voted for GoW didn't think that he was mafia either; they just wanted to punish him.


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Hephaestos said:

Now on today, we probably should brush up our investigations a bit to refresh everyone's minds. (I don't feel up to it though :p I'm sure Truck will love to do it for Homer though)

Yes I would, here it is (the part below is cut and paste from yesterday)

Apart from using weak reasons to justify his votes yesterday. The way I see his actions is that when he saw theprof pushing for Kantor's lynch he thought that Kantor was a more valuable mislynch and since the town had bandwagonned on radish it could happen for Kantor too (and it did just a bit later). When he later changed his vote to radishead, he backed it up by saying that if radish turns up town then dtewi and Final-Fan have to be scum. I'm guessing his reasoning was that the Kantor lynch wasn't moving along too well so he settled for radish and tried to set the board for another mislynch of dtewi or Final-Fan the next day.

Now, Homer's contribution on Day Two was replying to my comments and COMPLETELY ignoring the whole GoW debacle. He also dodged my point about him using other people's reason to justify his Kantor vote :

1) Those weren't your reasons, they were the reasons of others that you used for yourself when your weak reason was challenged. Now, there's always the possibility that I missed a post you made before your vote for Kantor about your suspicions, if you link me to such a post I'll remove my vote on you (or at least think about it).

Homer's response

I restated my reasons several times...and made a huge ass post explaining them...and they werent oher reasons, they were very similar if not the same...

I haven't looked back at the chronology of events (I will later) but I'm pretty sure that prior to his vote on Kantor Homer hadn't voiced strong suspicions on him.

Signature goes here!

Seems like I have bad memory... Homer_Simpson did have an argument with Kantor before he voted for him. Basically he thought that Kantor was hopping on the radishhead bandwagon for no reason. Still the reason he puts forward to go along with his vote doesn't make sense to me (Kantor trying to lead the town to a mislynch).

Signature goes here!

So the VIgilante didnt use his power despite having a couple of decent opportunities to use it.  I dont get it.  

I am going to reread the thread after dinner and look for something,  but just from my current knowledge Homer does seem like a good lynch target,  I just think we should take this day a stretch it out and learn as much as possible.

It may not be a bad idea for the cop to come forward,  but only if both of his investigations are still alive, it wouldn't be worth it otherwise.  If one is dead then dont even bother.  Unless of course you got a scum hit.    That would help turn this funk we are in right around.  

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I just wanted to say once again that I really think nordlead is scum...

Stefl1504 said:

I just wanted to say once again that I really think nordlead is scum...

I'm all ears, care to make a case beyond the fact that he voted for GoW and he has been lurking?

Signature goes here!

I want Homer to die today.

Radish to die tomorrow.

Then we'll see if the cop has anything for the next day.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

TruckOSaurus said:
Stefl1504 said:

I just wanted to say once again that I really think nordlead is scum...

I'm all ears, care to make a case beyond the fact that he voted for GoW and he has been lurking?

OMG please count my last post as the answer to the post before my post... every scum should have gotten it by now -.-

dtewi said:

I want Homer to die today.

Radish to die tomorrow.

Then we'll see if the cop has anything for the next day.

actually I am getting suspicious of you... you just want to punish bad players... But it is time to kill Mafia...