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Hephaestos said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

"I bet my left ass cheek that you're scum...and my right ass cheek points at one of the two people who visited prof last night."

Quoted for Final-fan...

If you read that correctly, you'll see that I'm not implying that you were one of the 2 persons.

Also, I'm saying one of the 2 persons cause I doubt there will be 2 mafia attacking the same person on night one...unless there was a serial killer too.... which I doubt... 

I don't buy THIS.

I read it as you visited him and knew someone else did, but here you're saying a total of 3 people visited him! and you're talking about it! Here is what is wrong:

Only 2 people visited him... I didn't imply that FF visited him. I voted for him due to my suspicions on day freaking 1, and what I thought was a complaint about the start the town got into, as the majority of the complainers in the DBZ game were mafia.

_ First you vote for FF off the bat. If you have proof of someone else, the rational thing to do would have been to FoS or HoS him, not dilute the value of your vote by already casting it on a whim.

In case you haven't noticed, my vote changes all the time based on the situation. As soon as I saw Final fan's complaint, I voted for him...just like that.

_ Second there was the discution on your agressivity yesterday, this is a vanilla game, a Watcher (not even a tracker, but a watcher) is not a given at all, which means there is a high possibility that you're using the "as in the other games I was very agresive first day cause I had a powerole" card to hide yourself.

A watcher is a fairly common role. I see nothing wrong here. However, my powers aren't all that great since I can only "watch" every other day, and I believe I got really lucky here. Its highly unlikely that I would target the person who gets targeted by the mafiosi.

Which brings me to your next point breaker -

_ Third, what retarded townie powerole decides that 1 mafiosi is worth 2 town power roles? Yeah cause as you pointed out, no mafia would have sent 2 persons and even if they did, you gave a townie power role cover to the other. So what now?

I'm willing to take the hit tonight for the other power role. My powers aren't all that great, but his power is probably more orthodox and much more useful.

Its why I didn't jump the gun and announce the 2 names already.

a) If the second person that visited him was the cop or the doctor, you'll reveal them and the mafia will know right away cause they know who the other one is obviously? So you just gave 2 townie power roles for 1 mafia, CONGRATZ!!

b) YOU LIE, and are sacrificing a mafiosi for a rock hard cover on yourself and a townie power role, as proff was one of the most likely visited persons last night, it's a gamble with a high success rate. I say A mafiosi because this is now the perfect oportunity to give yourself a cover. The agreesivity fits (somewhat as you were less agressive) the other games where you had a power role and now you're giving the town a mafiosi, it'd be brilliant... if you weren't giving a town power role to the mafia at the same time!

C) you gave a mafiosi or an SK a perfect cover. Worst if it's the SK as the cop will see "innocent" on this now powerrole townie....


So what do we do now?

1) Vanilla has mafia, cop, doctor at least... how likely is watcher?

2) if Gow says the truth, do we really want the power role and the mafia to come out? Both will claim Cop... so there'll be a 50% misslynch chance.

3) Thinking about it... no they won't be "safe", even if the doc protects Gow and Gow watches the cop, we still won't have any way to know GoW didn't just take a gamble and lied.


I'm gonna go ahead and

Vote: GOW

I just don't buy that he'd be careless enough to reveal a power townie and himself for 1 mafia.

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just throwing a quick post in here. Can we please try to be concise with our posts? If they start to get really long (more than one screen) links would be appriciated rather than complete copies of text. Also, please delete quote levels that aren't relevant (and if they are but deep a link would work). I'm not asking you to have less detail, but to make it more convienient for EVERYONE. For example, GoW's player analysis where he quotes every single post. Those all could have been links. It would have been just as effective, and probably 1/5th the size.

I know it is a little more work, but reading through day 1 is so freaking annoying.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

vote: radishhead

First off, I'd like to finish what the town should have done yesterday. Rather than lynching a convicted liar we lynched a slightly over reactionary townie. Good job guys. We've now given free reign to players to lie all they want, as we won't lynch them. So long as their backtracking sounds excessivly scummy they are good to go. For now, radish get's my vote, and I see others feel the same.

Now look at the GoW situation. While talking directly to FF he says that he bets half his ass (I think that is fairly significant body part cause then you couldn't sit ) that he is scum and will lead a "mindless lynch" on him if he doesn't come up with a story before 24 hrs, then turns around and claims he never claimed he tracked him. Yet, the high level of confidence, the immediate vote, and the admitting to being a watcher (tracker?) all point to that GoW claims to have tracked FF.

Now, GoW isn't caught in a confirmed lie, but thanks to ignoring Radishhead yesterday the town has said "hey, we won't lynch you if you lie, even if you get caught, so go right ahead".

FoS: GodOfWar_3ever

As for other FoS's, they'll have to wait until I create a vote order table from yesterday. I really should have done that as we went along

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Am I correct in saying all your text was the italics underline non-bold only? This posting style is very confusing to follow. Simply adding 1,2,3,4 his paragraphs and then 1,2,3,4 to your responses below would be so much easier to read. 3-4 different inline responses just gets super confusing.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

"You have 24 hours to reveal what you were doing there or I will lead a mindless lynch against you."

Other than my english comprehension fail, I'm calling out for the 2 people (who do not include final fan) who visited prof tonight to reveal what they were doing themselves...I find asking questions from them directly  beforehand will make them prepare for those questions and spin a good story together that'll fit all the questions asked...

Also, I mean to protect the other townie (presumably power role) to be if he comes forward with a convincing story, we can just lynch the fuck out of the other guy.

Around the Network

I approve nordlead's above post about the size of the posts.

Now on to business:

Vote: Homer_Simpson

Apart from using weak reasons to justify his votes yesterday. The way I see his actions is that when he saw theprof pushing for Kantor's lynch he thought that Kantor was a more valuable mislynch and since the town had bandwagonned on radish it could happen for Kantor too (and it did just a bit later).

When he later changed his vote to radishead, he backed it up by saying that if radish turns up town then dtewi and Final-Fan have to be scum. I'm guessing his reasoning was that the Kantor lynch wasn't moving along too well so he settled for radish and tried to set the board for another mislynch of dtewi or Final-Fan the next day.

Signature goes here!

GodOfWar_3ever said:

"You have 24 hours to reveal what you were doing there or I will lead a mindless lynch against you."

Other than my english comprehension fail, I'm calling out for the 2 people (who do not include final fan) who visited prof tonight to reveal what they were doing themselves...I find asking questions from them directly  beforehand will make them prepare for those questions and spin a good story together that'll fit all the questions asked...

Also, I mean to protect the other townie (presumably power role) to be if he comes forward with a convincing story, we can just lynch the fuck out of the other guy.

What I mean by the last line is that I'm pretty sure who the mafia person is...If the good guy (whom I believe the town wouldn't have suspected much) comes forward with answers about what he was doing at prof's house, we can simply lynch the other person who wasn't playing all that great in the first place.

nordlead said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Am I correct in saying all your text was the italics underline non-bold only? This posting style is very confusing to follow. Simply adding 1,2,3,4 his paragraphs and then 1,2,3,4 to your responses below would be so much easier to read. 3-4 different inline responses just gets super confusing.

italics underlined w/o bold = me

About GoW, I find his role rather complicated for a vanilla game (watcher who can watch only every other night) but I was expecting there would be other roles besides doctor and cop so I'm willing to go with it for now.

Now I could buy the fact that two people targetted prof (three counting GoW) because with the enormous amount of posts he makes I know the cop would want to know if the guy is telling the truth but there's also the possibility that GoW made it all up to give himself a cover for why he didn't just come out and tell us who targetted prof.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

About GoW, I find his role rather complicated for a vanilla game (watcher who can watch only every other night) but I was expecting there would be other roles besides doctor and cop so I'm willing to go with it for now.

Now I could buy the fact that two people targetted prof (three counting GoW) because with the enormous amount of posts he makes I know the cop would want to know if the guy is telling the truth but there's also the possibility that GoW made it all up to give himself a cover for why he didn't just come out and tell us who targetted prof.

Do you think I'm retarded enough to role claim for a horrible role(in the perspective of fake roles for the anti-townies) that requires information to be provided and claim that not one, but 2 people visited the person I targeted if I was mafia ?