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Final-Fan said:
Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
final post before I go to bed.
I'm leaning towards nord, kantor, and heph as mafia, with possibles on truck and ff as well.

nordlead and heph??

Especially:  nordlead??

FF, why do you trust these two so much. I've seen nothing spectacular from either of them. I know they are good players though, and that's why it's suspicious to me. (well, i don't know that nord is a good player, but he seems like it)

Around the Network
theprof00 said:

[7,L-2] radishhead: (dtewi), nordlead, Hephaestos, Final-Fan, GodofWar_3ever, Wonktonodi, (Kantor), TruckOSaurus, dtewi
[3,L-6] Kantor: (theprof00), theprof00, Homer_Simpson, noname2200
[1,L-8] TruckOSaurus: dsister, (noname2200)
[1,L-8] Homer_Simpson: Kantor
[0] Final-Fan: (GodofWar_3ever), (theprof00), (theprof00)
[0] GodofWar_3ever: (Final-Fan), (nordlead)
[0] noname2200: (TruckOSaurus)
[0] Heaphaestos: (GodofWar_3ever)
[0] Vetteman94: (dtewi)
[0] theprof00: (Kantor)
[0] No Lynch: (radishhead)

Ok, so looking through my suspects again, it appears that they have all voted for radish. This seems odd to me. And not in a good way. I highly doubt they would all jump on a bandwagon to lynch a townie. The only possible explanations are either a) only one or two of them is mafia and radish is a townie, or b) they are all mafia and so is radish

So, I decided to look at the people who haven't voted for radish at all, assuming that they are distancing themselves from the lynch (or mislynch) represented by scenario a.


So, we end up with this list:

homer- kantor
linkz- none
noname- tos>kantor
radish- none?
prof- kantor>ff>ff>kantor
vette- none

Out of those people, we have a list of people who have barely contributed:

Left over, we have

Now, the first four haven't been very active.
Dsis made some points that I would call pro-town. But he hasn't really been here that much, has barely commented on anything or really contributed much else. Pro-town statements could simply be cover

MG94 is similar here, however, I would say he's contirbuted more than dsis, but doesn't look as pro-town as dsis appears to be.

stefl has been absent too, and has only really appeared in order to verify some statements others have been making. I'd say he's contributed less than both of the above.

Vette only showed up to argue with me. While I would call those contributions, it also has to be said that it could be simply "safe" dialogue. ie; no real risk or opinion, simply logic and facts (even strictly so). This is not a bad thing, though, and I always get a scum read on vette, so I really don't know what to think about him. He just always plays so straight that it's hard to tell. Is the straight laced executive a coke dealer?


For the second group of five we have

noname: I really feel he's made most of the good contributions so far. Good interrogation and pressure application. I would almost leave him off the list.

radish: playing poorly, everyone can see that. Not really going to linger on him.

prof: I'll let someone else fill this in

homer: made a poor vote on kantor but other than that has been contributing. Not sure what to think of him. I feel that if radish is mafia, then so is homer.

linkz: Still not sure what to think. I know linkz is a very good player and has good intuitions but I haven't seen any real contributions from him. He is on call working, so I can't fault him for being absent, but I am also concerned that if he is indeed mafia, we are going to have a tough game ahead of us.



So, to finish this up; dsis, vette, mg, and stefl: Why have you been absent, and why have you not voted for anyone despite large amounts of evidence against several people? And no, the answer to the first question does not answer the second one. Even wonk found his way into a vote despite his absence. 

I would like to know what each of you have to say about radish, kantor, homer and anyone else.

I wasn't really absent, I followed the thread but have decided not to post because everything that has gotten my attention was already mentioned. I haven't voted for anyone so far because I did not want to make a wrong decision early in the game.

To Radish: I don't really know what I should say about him but I just don't get the scum feeling from him, but the same happened when he was the SK and I also refused to lynch him.

To Homer: He looks to me scummy as always, I always feel like he is a good lynch target.

I have to reread everything in the Kantor analysis to make myself a picture, those huge posts are too big for my short concentration span.

After reading through Kantors posts again I pretty much think he is also an alternative to homer, at least I would like that we put some real presure on him before the day ends. It should not hurt to get him at L-3 or 2 to get some additional Info, but I still think homer should be our lynching target if we want to lynch.

Final-Fan said:

In the first post, I thought I explained that completely adequately with the comment "I need to think about this".  IIRC, I went AFK for several hours and didn't want a hasty vote just lying around out there.  In any case, I unvoted, but didn't vote despite radish's scumminess because, as I explicitly told you, I wanted to think it over before acting. 

In the second post, just because you say you would never be caught dead defending fellow scum doesn't mean I have to take your word for it -- not that you had even said that yet in this thread IIRC.  Am I not allowed to even think that about you?  Can I not be mistaken about your psychology? 

Hell, it could be an advanced gambit on your part where you defend your fellow scum because you 'would never be dumb enough' to so blatantly defend your fellow scum.  It's just the sort of gambit I'd expect from you, though in your defense it's rampant speculation that I just thought of this second to say hypothetically ... even though now that I've done so it makes a surprising amount of sense  

The problem I had with the post wasn't that I didn't understand your hesitation. It's that you HAD hesitation. Yet, it was justified enough that you removed a vote from gow. (also on the gow subject, looking a little before this post, all you did was agree that gow was suspicious.)

Nevertheless, everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt. You nor anyone else knows my affiliation so you can't trust what I say. You an't trust what anyone says. You have to look at the evidence. I can only point you to that game where I explained yomi and said that most players are either yomi 1 or 2, which is basic, and then the opposite. If I were to pull off that strategy that you depict me doing, I would be doing level 3, which is easily countered by level 1 yomi. A beginner using level 1 would say, "prof defended radish,*and radish ended up scum* therefore prof is scum" *asterix for what the thought process is*. Couple that with my complaint that most of the players here use superficial evidence and don't think thoroughly enough, and you SHOULD find it hard to believe that I would put THIS MUCH effort into the game yet allow myself to get taken down by noobs. You can think this if you want. I urge you to, because I AM capable of doing it. You'll have to decide for yourself.

I also don't really like how GoW is playing this time, the last time I saw someone playing like this it was noname and he was Mafia that time (I believe it was the Mortal Kombat themed one). These huge post are definatly good for the town and are good for a Mafia to hide behind. It even lets the poster look innocent. Thats why no one suspected noname in that game, actually even I did trust him until the very end (I was on the other Mafia and he was the only one who could have been innocent in my eyes). Well I don't think this really matters in this game, I just wanted to say that I don't trust GoW right now.

Around the Network
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Final-Fan -

"I don't want a day 1 lynch from the get go, I want discussion on day 1. If a lynch comes from it, so be it."

Final-Fan said:

I have to disagree, prof.  His DEFENSE is that he exaggerates "waffling" into "certainty" when he talks to us.  That is unacceptable.  

radish:  see above.  Either you are telling the truth and deserve to be lynched (maybe it will teach you a lesson), or you are lying and REALLY deserve to be lynched.  

Vote radishhead.

Radishhead deserves to be lynched according to him....even if he is pro-town.

Final-Fan said:

Seriously radish, you need to learn to not do that and if necessary we'll hang it out of you.  Starting today.  FINISH HIM! 

Final-Fan said:

I'm sympathetic, but radish just really deserves to die.  I think we have a decent Day 1 under our belts and you can always get back on his nuts tomorrow. 

Thats in quick succession btw....he wants to end radishhead ASAP, and says that he "deserves to be lynched" multiple times, implying that he has to die even if he is pro-town for playing badly.

I don't know about you, but that screams that final-fan is gonna put the blame on radish when he turns up pro-town (this is assuming that radish is pro-town...I have a feeling that he might be) for playing badly, thus negating any suspicions we would have on anyone who took a prominent place on the mislynch.

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 


See what I mean ? Why would anyone make 4 posts implying that radish deserves to be lynched and if he isn't, its his own fault ?

That and I'm getting a very scummy read on final-fan...he has been somewhat different in this game.

Also, he was one of the early voters on radish....


now that was much better. We can actually see your point here, and I believe that is what dtewi meant.


However... half the town having voted on radish does not make FF suspicous for wanting him lynched. Since half the town voted, it means that half the town also though there was enough to warrant a lynch. Now the many posts clamoring for the lynch are indeed a bit oversealous and warrant to keep an eye on him... though i vaguely recall him being excited when he has an idea he is convinced of, so i won't judge him solely on this.


I just find it odd that this is your main argument against him when it's the exact same thing as you being agressively pushing people for lynching at the begining of day one. Your FF vote might have been a joke, but the presure on others after a joke vote was in fact pressure to bandwagon... (might have been a strat to see who easily bandwagoned? hence you calling out proff who's not the type to be influanced, but by doing so you could trap others to think "oh let's do it".  But that's not my point here) My point is that you had the exact same attitude earlier that you are now taking up against him... and guess what you made 2 calls to lynch him based on this (your vote post and one where you litteraly call others to do so), 2 more and you'll have the exact same profile as him...

This wasn't an attack on you, but indeed a defence against the lynch train you're trying to start. All it does is divide the town't attention as you clearly don't have enough to go on FF. Same point I was making to proff about kantor... then again in that case they did make him talk a lot more and the double revenge votes and all...


theprof00 said:
Final-Fan said:
Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
final post before I go to bed.
I'm leaning towards nord, kantor, and heph as mafia, with possibles on truck and ff as well.

nordlead and heph??

Especially:  nordlead??

FF, why do you trust these two so much. I've seen nothing spectacular from either of them. I know they are good players though, and that's why it's suspicious to me. (well, i don't know that nord is a good player, but he seems like it)

It's not that I trust them that much, it's just that I didn't understand why their playing "unspectacularly" led you to suspect them (out of all the other players) as much as Kantor and MORE than me or TOS whom you've had more specific suspicions on. 

... AHAHAHA Is that post why GoW thinks I'm nordlead's bestest friend in the whole wide world?

P.S.  The yomi doesn't translate that exactly but I'll keep in mind the possibility that you THINK it does, which would affect your behavior accordingly. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Homer_Simpson said:

I agree on dtewi, he seems disturbingly over confident about Radish being scum, im almost tempted at this point to say we should lynch Radish, its looking more and more like a win-win scenario for us;

Radish is pro-town - we lynch him and it becomes clear that those who were over confident of his being scum are likely scum themselves influencing a lynch (1), gives us at least two obvious targets for lynching tomorrow (Dtewi and Final Fan), as well as others who's bandwagoning on him calls there judgement into question like Kantor...

Here you go again voting for reasons that are shaky at best. If dtewi and/or Final-Fan were scum that means they would KNOW without a doubt whether or not radish would turn up town. So if radish is town then it would be in their best interest to make it seem like they had some doubts so they can backtrack tomorrow when he comes up town.

Also, I don't see where you get that Final-Fan is so certain of radish's scumness, yes he's one of the players who has been pushing the hardest for his lynch but his reasons include the possibility that Radishead is just a townie who's playing badly.

Now I can't shake the feeling that you're scum who's trying to get anyone lynched, jumping to the person that best suits your interests and making up fake reasons to justify your votes.

Unvote: Radishead
Vote: Homer_Simpson

Signature goes here!

GodOfWar_3ever said:
So you guys pick on me for being aggressive about a day 1 lynch, yet we see this guy HoSing someone who says hes just not ready to lynch someone just yet. Being vocal about it from the very beginning or hit and run comments like this - Whats more scummy ? You decide.

He could've easily quoted nordlead and had a direct convo with him. Yet, final-fan talks of him in 3rd person to disagree with him so it wouldn't look like 2 mafia  intentionally distancing themselves?
Again, talking of nordlead in 3rd person, although this time, its much more acceptable, given he's not talking about what nordlead has said directly, but describing his play style/stance on day 1 lynches.
Final-fan misinterprets my desire of lynching day 1 into asking for a random lynch, and the very next post...

nordlead depicts my sarcasm to slipping up. LMAO...

If I'd have known any better, these scumbags were trying to carefully orchestrate my lynch.

Final-fan randomly lynches me, contradicting with his "I want discussion, and possibly a lynch if something productive comes out of it" stance, nord tries to act like I may have slipped up although I was being sarcastic, while radishhead, hephaestos and vetteman express their suspicion towards me.

These sly scumbags were trying to get me lynched. Thankfully, none of you guys took the bait.

Where is this exchange he speaks of ? I haven't really had a direct conversation with him, other than the retarded dogs vs cats thing OR responded to his FoS at that time.

Pretty much everyone had given their take on the whole radishhead situation at that time....amidst that chaos, hatmoza requests to add a new player into the game. nordlead doesn't seem to be interested in the radishhead debacle, yet he comments on adding j0 to the game.
nordlead is the 2nd person to vote for radishhead. Out of curiosity, lets see what final fan's first post after nordlead's vote on radish is -

Radishhead "deserves to be lynched" according to F-F. I've had a change in mind. I say he deserves to stay alive today. We lynch him tomorrow. Today we lynch either one of these clowns for the scummy read they give me...

But thats not all -
While I don't think radishhead is town (I have a stinking feeling that he may be playing badly), Final-fan is impatient to get him killed...whats with the "Finish him !" ?

As you can see, final-fan thinks that radishhead deserves to die even if he was town cause he is playing badly...I think this is a precaution to say "Oh well....he was just playing bad" if he turns up town.

And then he says this again -
Again...radishhead deserves to die......He also preps up to blame radish for his poor play if he ends up town..
Yet again he preps up for the "radishhead was playing badly even though he was town" excuse after he gets lynched (assuming that radish is town...)

Conclusion -

Every time I read one of nordlead's posts, I get a scummy read...but thats not substantial enough for a lynch I guess....But final-fan on the other hand... his constant reminders on how radish deserves to die makes me suspicious enough to vote for him... but first, I gotta analyse noname's posts...

post analysis, if noname seems more scummier, I will vote for his lynch.

However, I'd like to point this out -

If radishhead is innocent, then final fan is most definitely scum.

First off, the connection you're trying to establish between me and nordlead is both fictitious and laughable.  It was a new page and I didn't really feel the need to go back and quote him because I wasn't addressing specific points and just didn't feel like it.  I don't know why you have to hypothesize that I'm spinning some huge web of lies by responding to someone without quoting them. 

It doesn't even make sense IMO.  I'm trying to distance myself from him, but I don't want people to notice so I don't quote him?  IMO the only way people wouldn't notice is if they didn't notice that I was responding to nordlead at all, which would defeat the point of the distancing. 

"FInal-fan randomly lynches me"
No, I didn't.  If I'd lynched you, we wouldn't be having this conversation.  The VOTE I cast was meant to put pressure on you, which is exactly the sort of thing that stimulates the conversation that I so desire on any Day 1. 

And once again my simply being NEAR one of nordlead's posts is apparently proof I'm in cahoots with him. 

However, he's right about one thing:  there wasn't really any "exchange" between me and him.  I posted something about him FoSing him; he responded to someone else (I'm not saying he ignored me); and then I voted him.  But I think my point to prof stands that my motives should have been clear enough. 

As I've said in other posts, I think we have had a good enough Day 1 that ending it is OK, and he was very close to being lynched at that time (and I obviously think he's a worthy target) so why shouldn't I want to see him hang? 

Again, his defense is that he exaggerates (lies) in order to set himself up to look like town whatever the outcome is ... in other words, his defense is that he acts like mafia.  And you're telling me we shouldn't lynch him? 

radishhead is a walking talking scum tell.  He's only going to attract suspicion for the rest of the game and lynching him now (when we have the lowest odds) is the least damaging way to waste a day on a mislynch IF INDEED IT IS a mislynch.  And on the other hand, he may well be scum hiding behind the fact that he looks like mafia all the time anyway. 

Part of your problem, I think, is the fact that you think I was somehow trying to sneak under the radar with this.  Not so.  I've been quite open, or thought I was, with the fact that I won't regret this lynch even if he flips town, except of course in that we didn't hit a mafia instead.  If he's town, obviously I'll wish we'd gotten mafia instead, but the fact that he, a townie, is dead won't bother me so much given how ADMITTEDLY SCUMMY he was being. 

And like I also said, part of the reason I'm for this is that maybe it will finally get through to him that acting like scum is not in fact a great way to stay alive in this game and that perhaps he should try to change that behavior instead of just blaming the town for lynching someone who acts like mafia

"If radishhead is innocent, then final fan is most definitely scum."

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

dtewi said:
Homer_Simpson said:

- voting without good reason

- changing votes on several occasions without good reason

- hypocrisy

- bandwagoning

- revenge voting theProf

- revenge voting me

and I think there was one more, but it temporarily eludes my mind, lol

just a side not here on Dtewi's post to me "you are really fucking trying to look pro-town", the more I think about this, the more uneasy it makes me, its just an odd post to make imo, its aggressively accusing me of "trying to look pro town" (essentially implying that im not), just the fact that he made it in such a way seems off to me, almost like he is annoyed that im not being suspicious or scummy, like he wants people to behave that way to get them lynched, copuple this with his certainty about Radish, and it just makes me very, very weary of him, imo if Radish flips pro-town then dtewi is almost certainly scum.

I explained that it was me trying to apply pressure to radishhead. 

I'm annoyed that you're not being suspicious or scummy? That post you made about voting for whomever it was was baseless, and I thought that you were trying to appear pro-town with that vote. Hence, my post. Trying hard to appear pro-town can be a scum-tell, Homer.

Now then, I think you're just trying to relay suspicion unto me so you can have a mislynch tomorrow without any danger to yourself. But what strikes me is that you are only considering the possibility of radish being pro-town. Not scum. Just town. That is basically the only reasoning for your accusation. I don't see you even thinking of being scum.... and if you are scum, that would make sense.

Due to your post, it makes me strongly want to unvote radish as he might be town. Yet there is still the possibility that you are a concerned townie.

the only thing I am "trying hard to do" is catch scum

as for Radish, I mentioned my suspicions of him several times, and I said why if he is scum it benefits us like two posts before you posted this, either you are being selective or you are just ignorant.