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GodOfWar_3ever said:
Homer_Simpson said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

well, I will admit I had misread a bit for this one, idk, its just the feeling I got at the time, that some of his posts were causing that to happen, I dont think they are so much, but I have plenty of other reasons to be suspicous of Kantor

please read all my posts, I do give other reasons for my vote...

bullshit, I gave my reasons, Kantor made several suspect posts which I pointed out, I barely even took note of theProfs vote on him, in fact I queried theProfs behavour at one point

see italics

Bloded - I quoted every single one of your posts in this thread. 

What were your reasons ? I'm sure you can explain again..

- voting without good reason

- changing votes on several occasions without good reason

- hypocrisy

- bandwagoning

- revenge voting theProf

- revenge voting me

and I think there was one more, but it temporarily eludes my mind, lol

just a side not here on Dtewi's post to me "you are really fucking trying to look pro-town", the more I think about this, the more uneasy it makes me, its just an odd post to make imo, its aggressively accusing me of "trying to look pro town" (essentially implying that im not), just the fact that he made it in such a way seems off to me, almost like he is annoyed that im not being suspicious or scummy, like he wants people to behave that way to get them lynched, copuple this with his certainty about Radish, and it just makes me very, very weary of him, imo if Radish flips pro-town then dtewi is almost certainly scum.

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Homer_Simpson said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

After (Ctrl Plus F)ing noname2200 and checking out his posts, I'm getting a good read on him...I think I mainly suspected him for voting for trucks ridiculously and against character..But having read it again, its obvious that it was a joke. Sorry about that noname.

Theres not much to analyse about heph, except the fact that he hasn't posted as much as he normally does. Also he makes these kinda "hephaestos style" posts when he is pro-town...haven't seen anything of that yet...maybe I over-reacted and think he's scum purely based on my argument with him....I don't know what to say really. He's one for later. 

I'm not even gonna bother analyzing prof's posts cause he'll always sound scummy to me...even if he's pro-town.
I'll just say that he was extremely paranoid about kantor early on.

Also, dtewi's almost presidential campaign like  "Vote for Radish" posts are extremely weird. He said something along those lines in 3 or 4 of his posts.

I'm gonna analyse vetteman's or wonktonodi's posts if I have time

I agree on dtewi, he seems disturbingly over confident about Radish being scum, im almost tempted at this point to say we should lynch Radish, its looking more and more like a win-win scenario for us;

Radish is pro-town - we lynch him and it becomes clear that those who were over confident of his being scum are likely scum themselves influencing a lynch, gives us at least two obvious targets for lynching tomorrow (Dtewi and Final Fan), as well as others who's bandwagoning on him calls there judgement into question like Kantor...

Radish is scum - we lynched a scum, suspicion eases a little on those that seemed assured of his scuminess

either way we are likely to find at least one scum out

unvote Kantor

vote Radish

as outlined here, even if he is pro town, it means we have obvious suspects which is good for us

but for goodness sake Radish, if you have a power role, CLAIM NOW BEFORE YOU DIE!

the only way this works out badly is he if is like the cop or doctor or something imo

(just as a note, I will unvote Radish is he doesnt have a chance to reply to this, he deserves that chance in case he does have a role)

Nah, I'm just a regular townie

If you do decide to lynch me because it'll be good for the town - PLEASE don't waste the opportunity. I don't want my death to be in vain. As my dying wish, I really want to see one of the players who has wanted me dead all along, like Dtewi or Final Fan , to be lynched - because I'm certain that they're Mafia.



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Alright...I've decided against 2 more hugeass analysis posts....

Vote : Final fan

I'm cool with lynching radish too...if he turns out innocent, final fan is confirmed mafia. But I have a stinking feeling that radish is town.

theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:
Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:

quoted for attention, hephaestos.

Who was your HoS?

i didn't say it cause he hasn't done anything damning since the first page. it was gow.

actually, I would call his mega-post suspicious. It seems over the top.

It looks like he's trying to avoid looking like a bandwagon voter by providing reasons that haven't been given. It is so much so, that it's almost comical.

Additionally, his vote is right where bandwagon votes usually go, but that's hardly evidence. 

God of war also has the problem of overacting and is obsessive of his goals. I could easily see him leading a mislynch on radish.

he's not leading it though.

And I recall him doing longass posts like this in his first games too, so it's still somewhat in charatcer, though yeah he hasn't done it in the past few games.

I already had a rather sterile discution with GoW, it's gonna need a bit more than just him over questioning the current guy in the chair to reopen that page, but keeping watch is always good.

However, I'd also like to note that you seem a bit reserved this game. Are you humbled by last game or something?

It's a bit of that, but it's also that I franckly barely had the time to read the thread in the past 48 hours.

so my 3 reasons:

_ I post too much and it prevents others from folowing the game.

_ No time: After the debate with Gow, I had a busy workday directly followed by a night out in the town, wake up to go accross town do my weekly soccer game, come back home and go out with the GF, watch a movie with the GF, eat brunch... and read about 400 posts including a couple of "longcat" posts...

_ There are about 7 townies analysing the situation this round, so when you can only post sporadically, all you can do is one post with your analysis and confirming other's...  or do plenty of posts repeating what other said... I chose the first one.



theprof00 said:

Heph: When I was attacking Kantor, he said "@proff, unfortunately, there isn't much to presure kantor on so far. Engaging in a confrontation with him will probably yield a rather steril debate as I did with gow. Might get you to have a read on him, but you're also waisting your ammo by letting others slack down in the mean time. I'll grant you however that he is currently the lurking force in the game... and going from last game, you're right to be on his tail."

Additionally,there's this:

Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:
Kantor said:

It seems to me as though Radish currently holds the most suspicion because he doesn't want to Day One Lynch.

And so, we want to Day One Lynch him.

There's a beautiful poetic symmetry there.

Vote:  radishhead.

you want to day one lynch him?

And he's suspicious because he doesn't want a day one lynch? Fyi: neither does vette and several others.

What is so different about radish?

I personnaly didn't vote on him for the no day one lynch. I voted because of the changing story when noname was interogating him and the nonchalent attitude thowards it. That is what's different about him.

Whatever other target you end up finding proff, you won't have much better evidence than this on day one :-/

he's at L-2 right now, so sceptics should use this opportunity to ask away any questions they want about him. I don't think i'm the only tangent voter, so convince us, or convince yourselves. (I'm not talking about you finding a better target, i'm asking you to check radish out and decide).

seems pretty scummy to me all around. I'll get back to Heph later when I move onto my suspicions list.


Heph: has made virtually no contributions yet. ITT (in this thread) he has made more jokes and talked with people who aren't playing, than actual contributions. Very strange considering his usual input. Additionally, when he was arguing with gow early in the game, he made a huge turnaround almost immediately and was basically like "now that I think about it, you're absolutely right" etc etc. But gow pursued him and kept arguing. It looked, me.. like he was trying to get out of the argument for the exposure it might create, but then changed his mind after that, because he kept arguing with gow, and they traded barbs.

(Keep in mind that this lowered my trust of gow as well. GoW did this insulting kind of back and forth with me during our mafia stint together).

Also, Heph said something like, "I said I would stop talking so much last game, and in the intro to this game". Using other posts from other threads as justification seems scummy to me. If he is contributing less, it doesn't matter how he said he would act. It's out of character.

so #1 you complain that I don't contribute enough, but when #2 I do, you complain that I answer questions you meant for Kantor?


and I gues you didn't understand the first post you quoted:

I was telling you to let the town focus a bit, determine if Radish should be lynched or not and avoid waisting presure on someone that you won't be able to presure as well the next day if you spend all your arguments today.

Now we have suspicon flying on about 7-8 players and barely any evidence. Do you really think these 8 players will be held accountable on the debates of the first day later on? no half of these debates will be forgoten by most of the town. That is what I call waisting amo. It's not a defence of Kantor, it's an advice on your playstyle.


on my contribution, I believe I replied to in my previous post. I actually believe it's a good thing that I posted less (and that you did too for the first pages), because people like dtewi, noname and homer had the space to actually speak and give their input. If we flood the game all the time, it kind of dulls it too.

And please if you're gonna find me scumy on something I said, use my actual words....

Hephaestos said:

and there is no contribute enough yet, there's not even 20 posts, even checking in is contributing enough.

(though it's true I did say last round and in this signup that i'd talk less ...sorry :-p )

That's a reference to me and Gow spamming the first page, it's an excuse for not letting other people talk, not an excuse for not posting later. The "sorry" is exactly that.


On the turnabout... I really don't see the problem between "the town should really be carefull before lynching day 1" and " you're right, in vanilla games, day 1 has just about as much info as we would in day 2, so I won't opose a day 1 lynch", and really if you see a problem on this you should HoS anyone whom you ever managed to argument with and bring to agree with your conclusions... why put out arguments on what to do if you don't expect the others to change their minds and agree?

on the bickering with gow, of course I wanted to get out of it, first page of the thread, there wasn't much to go on besides the aggressivity he entered the thread with. Once I agreed that day 1 could see a lynch, what did you want me to argument on, his agressivity? that was already noted in my first comment and registered by half the town when I HoSed him for it. The rest of the discution proved rather sterile, which means i was correct in wanting to end it.


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GodOfWar_3ever said:

Alright...I've decided against 2 more hugeass analysis posts....


there's very hard to read too... at least underline your text or something...

and why quote posts just to say "if you say so", trying to be more than thourough?


Homer_Simpson said:

- voting without good reason

- changing votes on several occasions without good reason

- hypocrisy

- bandwagoning

- revenge voting theProf

- revenge voting me

and I think there was one more, but it temporarily eludes my mind, lol

just a side not here on Dtewi's post to me "you are really fucking trying to look pro-town", the more I think about this, the more uneasy it makes me, its just an odd post to make imo, its aggressively accusing me of "trying to look pro town" (essentially implying that im not), just the fact that he made it in such a way seems off to me, almost like he is annoyed that im not being suspicious or scummy, like he wants people to behave that way to get them lynched, copuple this with his certainty about Radish, and it just makes me very, very weary of him, imo if Radish flips pro-town then dtewi is almost certainly scum.

I explained that it was me trying to apply pressure to radishhead. 

I'm annoyed that you're not being suspicious or scummy? That post you made about voting for whomever it was was baseless, and I thought that you were trying to appear pro-town with that vote. Hence, my post. Trying hard to appear pro-town can be a scum-tell, Homer.

Now then, I think you're just trying to relay suspicion unto me so you can have a mislynch tomorrow without any danger to yourself. But what strikes me is that you are only considering the possibility of radish being pro-town. Not scum. Just town. That is basically the only reasoning for your accusation. I don't see you even thinking of being scum.... and if you are scum, that would make sense.

Due to your post, it makes me strongly want to unvote radish as he might be town. Yet there is still the possibility that you are a concerned townie.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you


When  I say, "I  don't see you even thinking of being scum" in the post above, that should be "I don't see you even thinking of the possibility of radish being scum"

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Hephaestos said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Alright...I've decided against 2 more hugeass analysis posts....


there's very hard to read too... at least underline your text or something...

and why quote posts just to say "if you say so", trying to be more than thourough?

I've quoted every single post made by radish, homer and kantor (except his oh noez I broke the thread posts) just so the town can see how they've been playing in one glance...

I just cut down to the important bids on the final-fan and nordlead ones.

Btw, we can't let Final-fan get away with this...I highly suggest we lynch him.

Everybody vote Final-fan !

Godofwar, can you at least sparknote those long posts?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you