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Also, you constantly downplaying your abilities didn't help your cause... it felt scummy to me.

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Don't worry trucks, he's just trying to get a vote change before the mod comes ^^


TruckOSaurus said:

I'm so mad at myself because like two hours ago I wrote the same vote post with Hephaestos' name on it but stopped myself just before hitting the post button.

what would have been your reasons for lynching me? i'm just curious ^^


Nah, there's no point in changing the vote - I definitely wouldn't if I were Truck. It must have been incredibly difficult for him to make the choice. As I said, good game :P

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

TruckOSaurus said:

Also, you constantly downplaying your abilities didn't help your cause... it felt scummy to me.

Hey, when comparing myself to people of such ability as you two, it's hard not to :o

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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The winds were blowing hard. Mr. Kitten shook the mud  off his belly that acumlated over his dead corpse in last night's rain. "I had nine lives ... I forgot"

He looked over to the sounds of an argument between TruckOsaurus, Heph and Radish. They were being unusually loud, and they were standing in one of the more active places of the town... what used to be anyway.

Mr. Kitten approaches them.

"We got him now" shouted Trucks to Heph"

" I'm innocent you guys. This is all wrong. He's fooling you Trucks! Heph is a very bad person!"

Heph looks over to Trucks who has a blood thirsty look in his eyes, " You sure about this, right?" Heph questioned one last time.

" Yes. And when we finally kill this last scum, it's up to me and you to repopulate this town!"

Heph cringed, and looked away. At the same time he caught a glimpse of Mr. Kitten who caused Heph to release a malicious smirk.

"Ok, let's kill the prick" Trucks announced.

They threw Radish  in a class tank full of last night's rain water and sealed the top. Radish quickly began to struggle; hopelessly pounding on the glass tank's walls. When he realized he met his end. He calmly closed his eye for a short while, opened them and let out bright smile! He flipped off Trucks, then pulled down his pants a pressed his rear against the glass; mooning Heph.

Laughing uncontrollably and madly in the water, Radish let out his first big breath. Bubbles raced to the top of the tank as Radish substituted the breath with 2 lungs full of water. His eyes widened as he jerked around in the water before his lifeless body became afloat.

Mr. Kitten kept his distance the whole time. He himself was unsure if Radish was the final bad person.

"It's finally over" said Trucks.

"Not yet" countered heph, "Get on your knees Trucks." he said softly.

To the feeling of a gun's cold barrel pressing against the back of his head, Trucks fell to his knees without even a blink.

Mr Kitten rushed to assist Trucks, but right when Mr. Kitten leaped to give Heph a shove, Heph fired a single round into Trucks head while manging to capture Mr. Kitten in his other hand.

" You really thought you had a chance, didn't you?"

Mr. Kitten couldn't respond with his throat rapped tightly between Heph's fingers.

"You know, when I heard your voice from the sky that day, I gotta admit, you gave me quite the scare... had we lost, you would have taken the form of whatever the hell you are. I'm not gonna let that happen you see. I'm going to kill you so all of us very bad people can go on and kill the people we grow sick of. Unfortunately for you, you decided to become a kitten ... this means I get to kill you eight times! "


Mafia Wins!!!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson



Player Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
D 8/9
SuperAdrianK Truck      MG_94  Wonk --------  --------  
Dtewi Kantor  GoW3  nord  MG_94  --------  --------  --------
Final-Fan Kantor  GoW3  nord  MG_94    Homer Heph    Town
GodOfWar_3ever Kantor  Homer  -------  ------- -------  -------  -------    Town
Hephaestos Radish  GoW3  nord    Wonk
 F-F    Mafia
Homer_Simpson Radish
   nord    Wonk    -------    Town
Kantor Homer  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------    Town
Radish    --------  --------   --------  --------  --------    Vigilante
MetalGear_94 Radish
       -------  -------  -------    Mafia
Noname2200 Kantor  GoW3  nord   --------   --------  --------  --------    Town
Nordlead Radish  GoW3     -------  -------  -------  -------    Mafia
Radishhead Kantor    nord  Homer  Wonk        Town
 Stefl1504 Kantor
   nord    Wonk   Homer      Cop


Kantor  --------  --------  -------- --------  --------  --------    Town
TruckOsaurus Homer  GoW3  Homer  MG_94     Homer  F-F    Town
Vetteman94    GoW3  nord  MG_94      --------    Town
Wonktonodi Prof  GoW3    Homer    -------  -------  

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson


Absolutely amazing heph!!


well my appologies to radish, i treated you particularly badly this round ^^

and stop downplaying yourself, you pove many times you're capable of good analysis ^^


oh and my day one scumtell :p

Hephaestos said:

OH no, I knew this would happen... I wake up late, take my car to work and heard a squish.... Only now do I realize that this was Mr Kitten....RIP Mr Kitten...


poor Mr Kitten :x


(sorry i'm a dog lover too)