"Wah wah! I don't like plurality. You ruined the game. Just when I thought no one could ruin a vanilla game, hatmoza works his magic!" Complained Vetteman.
Mr. Kitten looked at him in confusion, " What are you talking about? What game, what plurality? And who the hell is hetenmaza!? That sounds like a German adult entertainment website ..."
"I quit! Mod kill me!"
"Vetteman!" cried Mr. Kitten, "have you gone mad!? I don't understand what you're saying."
"ahhhh" sighed Vetteman, "you know Mr. Kitten, you're right. Maybe I am going temporally mad. The truth is, I'm a raging alcoholic. I take my frustrations out in life on other people. I'd like to take this moment, before I blackout, to apologize to everyone I've mistreated in life ... starting with hat...."
Vetteman collapsed to the ground.
"Poor guy," said Mr. Kitten, "he passed out."
Mr. Kitten started to drag him back to his house, "oft! You're one heavy guy Vetteman ... if only I could get a better grip on you. Hmmmm, maybe if I grab hold of this arrow that's stuck in the back of your neck, I could lift you over my shoulder."
Vetteman is Dead
Day 7 Start!
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson