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Sorry for not cutting out the old parts of the quotes

Around the Network
Player Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6     Role
SuperAdrianK Truck        MG_94        
Dtewi Kantor  GoW3  nord    MG_94        
Final-Fan Kantor  GoW3  nord    MG_94        
GodOfWar_3ever Kantor  Homer  -------   -------  -------        Town
Hephaestos Radish  GoW3  nord            
Homer_Simpson Radish
Kantor Homer  -------  -------   -------  -------        Town
Radish    --------   --------   --------        Vigilante
MetalGear_94 Radish
Noname2200 Kantor  GoW3  nord   --------   --------        Town
Nordlead Radish  GoW3     -------  -------        Mafia
Radishhead Kantor    nord    Homer        
Stefl1504 Kantor


Kantor  --------  --------   --------   --------        Town
TruckOsaurus Homer  GoW3  Homer    MG_94        
Vetteman94    GoW3  nord    MG_94        
Wonktonodi Prof  GoW3      Homer        

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Mr. Kitten was fumbling about in the streets. He spent the whole day at the local pub. "Dem damn townies, I warn'd dem. Watch out from the bad peoplz I sayz. Dey want you dead. What do dy go do?"

Mr. Kitten notices a tall gentleman standing at the corner of the street and slugishly approaches him.

"What'dya doing outside you foolish boy!? Are you people try'ng to get killed out here!? *HiC* I've seen people stabbed, shot, burned and ... and one of them had a fu**ing piano tossed on their head!"

"Go on! Get on home before they get you!"

That's  when MetalGear_94 notices the drunk Mr. Kitten talking to a stop-sign pole.  

"MetalGear_94" cried Mr. Kitten, " You never acted like a part of the town ya' know. Why didn't you help anyone?!"

"Come on Mr. Kitten" he uttered softly, "I'll take you to my place and take good care of you."

Time was running short for MetalGear_94, but he thought he'd do one last deed for his fellow men before they came for him, looking for blood.

MetalGear_94 put Mr. Kitten on his bed and gathered his fine collection of , medicines, home remedies, anti-depressants and poisons.

After treating the passed-out Mr. Kitten, MetalGear_94 gently rubbed the top of Mr. Kitten's head and said, "There's one last thing I need to do." He grabs a bottle of rat poison and an oversized spoon, but he was interrupted by an angry mob who smashed through his door, " look!" one of them called out, "he's trying to poison Mr. Kitten!"

It was a horrible sight. MetalGear_94 was surrounded and continuously kicked, stomped on by at least a couple dozen men.

MetalGear_94 is dead

Night 5 Start!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

After his close brush with death, Mr. Kitten rushed to the barber shop who stayed up open late that night. "Hurry up" he said excitedly, " Cut the sides, leave the top. I have a Cavs game to get to!  "And what's so special about this game?" the barber asked. - "Well, Lebrick is gonna be playing us tonight for the first time since he took his talents to south beach. I stopped giving a flip about the Cavaliers ever since Lebrick embarrassed us on national television, and I'm only going to spew my venom at him throughout the whole game just like the other 20.000 bitter Clevelanders."

-" What about the town!? We need you more than ever!" Cried the barber Dtewi. "Screw the Cavaliers!"

That's when a shady character walked into the shop. Dtewi asked, "what can I do you for?"

The shady character responded, " oh, I was thinking I'd take a little off the top"

"Hurry up" shouted Mr. Kitten, " I need to go home and shave after this.

As Dtewi turned to Mr. Kitten to give him a piece of his mind, the mysterious man pulled out a chainsaw and decapitated Dtewi.

Dtewi is dead

Day 6 Start!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Player Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6     Role
SuperAdrianK Truck        MG_94        
Dtewi Kantor  GoW3  nord    MG_94        Town
Final-Fan Kantor  GoW3  nord    MG_94        
GodOfWar_3ever Kantor  Homer  -------   -------  -------        Town
Hephaestos Radish  GoW3  nord            
Homer_Simpson Radish
Kantor Homer  -------  -------   -------  -------        Town
Radish    --------   --------   --------        Vigilante
MetalGear_94 Radish
Noname2200 Kantor  GoW3  nord   --------   --------        Town
Nordlead Radish  GoW3     -------  -------        Mafia
Radishhead Kantor    nord    Homer        
Stefl1504 Kantor


Kantor  --------  --------   --------   --------        Town
TruckOsaurus Homer  GoW3  Homer    MG_94        
Vetteman94    GoW3  nord    MG_94        
Wonktonodi Prof  GoW3      Homer        

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network

So next one down...

Vote: Wonktonodi

@Stefl:  Did you investigate wonk? Or is this the result of regular suspicion?

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

@Stefl:  Did you investigate wonk? Or is this the result of regular suspicion?

I did investigate him.

So GOW was really on to something... the guy has amazing instincts, if only he learned to tone down the crazy play he could be a huge asset to the town!

I'm still going to wait for wonk's defense before I vote for him, just because I want us to have some discussion today.

Signature goes here!

Ah damn.

Good luck town!

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you