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Forums - General Discussion - OMG !!!!!!! CATZ!!!!!!!

and remember, a wii in both hands is worth one in the bush.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Around the Network
Grey Acumen said:
It's too difficult to type with one hand.

 You must enjoy first-person-shooter games.

Thank you,GGE. :)

Quality for Life

Don't piss off the cats! rawr!

Around the Network

Gamer Gir....YOU FAIL!!!!

.......Cat's have like 8 boobs, not 2 huge ones lol

Currently playing:

Unreal Tournament 3, Warhawk, Rock Band, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, DMC2, then 3, and Radiata Stories

"Stop the presses// It's been a while but I'm back in session// And in the past time my flow's matured more than adolescence// It's time to learn a lesson// So get you pen and your pad out, listen close, and take heed to this blessing"


Do you have a computer full of those things?




Never mind.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

Moar cats!