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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - SHOCKING KINECT feedback...People LOVE IT...Commence Crow Eating!

Well, let's see what's actually done with it down the road before motion controller fans indulge in their main course of crow and humble pie for dessert.

So far the lineup is quite predictable; while things like Dance Central work great, the Move controller can have its support added to a broad range of games and work really well (Heavy Rain, FPS's, party games, etc.) due to the fact that its precision is more widely practical in a game environment.  After all there's a reason Sony went the route that Nintendo did; I kind of wish Microsoft had created a motion controller to work in tandem with Kinect, as its button-less interface that they're championing could prove to be its biggest downfall.  Peter Molyneux for example was a big advocate for Kinect and we all know what happened to Fable 3 as far as Kinect support (at least at launch).  I fear that other games may follow suit.

I'm not saying that Move will definitely be a big hit a year from now or that Kinect won't be, but obviously the launch of something new and different like Kinect is going to garner more attention right off the bat than something that largely replicates what's already out there.  We'll see if Kinect has the wide-spread appeal and the continued success that put Wii on top.