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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom - Monster Hunter 3 PS3 to Wii switch is no big deal

I admit most Wii games look like PS2 games and the biggest reason of this is because most of those games are cheap cash ins. I believe capcom will do a good job graphically with MH3.

Some pics for those who think that the Wii graphics are PS2 level graphics(all of them are in game):



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CPU Intel i5 2500K at 4.5 Ghz / Gigabyte Z68 Mobo / 8 Gb Corsair Vengeance 1600 mhz / Sapphire HD 7970 Dual X Boost / Corsair Obsidian 550d 

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Soriku said:

LMAO. You, sir, PHAIL.


LMAO. You, sir, PHAIL.


C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! You win, sir! Finally, a good post from a PS3 owner. *Sends you friend request*

 Are you implying that PS3 owners are rarely capable of 'good' posts simply because they chose the PS3 as their system of choice? Or perhaps there is just some incredibly odd correlation with bad posts and PS3 owners? Maybe you just label posts that you disagree with as 'bad' posts. Regardless, you sir, 'phail', as you say.

Intent has everything to do with it pearljammer. ckmlb and diomedes were just trying to ruffle feathers by saying wii is a console from last gen, and that it's games are are no different PS2 (or gamecube) games. It's not the opinion, it's the general douchiness of flouting it in such a way as to intentionally try to piss people off.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Not to mention that they have a reputation for it. It's like seeing Legend pop up for his weekly trolling, there's no point trying to argue that his troll threads aren't trolling because he predictably does it again and again.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

There are a number of trolls on the forums.

Legend11 is a 360 troll obvious who loves making hit and run threads to get people angry. He rarely has anything to contribute other than Microsoft worship and a contempt for casual gaming.

But the Sony trolls are far more abundant.

Ckmlb is an anti-Wii troll, he owns one, buys all the must have games for it, plays them, but don't let him fool you into thinking his support for it is anything more than just the novelty of being able to experience all games this generation. His bread and butter is the PS3, he has admited this numerous times but when ever confronted with it he dances around the issue. He loves to ruffle feathers, and nothing boils his blood more than seeing games go to the Wii.

SSJ12 was once one of the more infamous PS3 trolls, but since becoming a mod has shaped up quite considerable. Like others, his views of the Wii are little more than contempt for the device which threatens his comfort zone of "big boy" gaming and HD graphics.

Diomedes is a troll which tries to cleverly disguise his anti-Wii trolling as productive contributions to the thread, often complimenting the Wii (sometimes in a patronizing manner) only then to make a subtle jabs at it.

Leo-J has mellowed considerable, but was at one time the typical clueless teenager troll who knew little if anything of what he was talking about and for the most part still is that troll, he's just learned to tone it down and knows enough to keep his mouth shut when appropriate.

Kber81 is your typical: if its the biggest, most expensive and flashiest then obviously it must be the best, and the more expensive the product, the better, because then he can show how much he can afford to spend on luxury items illustrated by his occasional bragging of how capable he is of affording anything he wants, why, even buying and selling us if he wanted to. His Ego is what dictates his desires in gaming.

Vizunary is rarely ever on, all I know is that he is very pro PS3 and very anti-Wii, apparently he was quite the troll once but rarely graces our presence with much else on the matter anymore.

Most of these members were much more active during the early days of the PS3, but as things got worse and worse for the PS3, their courage faded and true to their nature avoided the forums reappearing only occasionally to post pro-Sony news items or try and rally up hype for pro-Sony events.

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If we're going to do lame graphics trolls for the Wii can we implement a policy where that person also has to say PS360 games control like the Atari 2600?

Intent, or no intent, a persons' preference does not determine the 'goodness' of their posts whether their was a negative or a positive tone. In the specific cases which you were referring to, vagabond, I would, however, agree with you, but I was referring to Soriku's general statement of 'PS3 owners'.

Girl Gamer Elite:
You make a list of trolls on these forums, but yet exclude any of the nintendo ones. Surely they exist, and I almost get a feeling that a lot of people on these forums consider trolling something simply as people who disagree with you. I don't mean to accusations, just simply trying to spread the blame fairly, and if I am wrong, you have my sincere apologies(no sarcasm).

naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
Wow, everybody jumping on Ck for that one... Anyway, I don't mind Capcom doing this. IMO, they're approaching this split platform problem this generation more intelligently than any other company around.

Got a game where motion controls might take precedence over graphics? Is the game also slightly more casual? Put it on the Wii. Put your other more hardcore games on PS3/360.

It makes far too much sense for anyone to complain about.

Wow, did I just see someone call Monster Hunter casual?  You sir don't know what hardcore is till you've played Monster Hunter.  One of the most difficult games currently on the market.  

Also, it seems Capcom has a multi-platform strategy, which is smart.  They aren't ignoring any one platform.  I respect them for that, and I wish more developers actually focused on developing quality titles of varrying genres across all platforms.

Hahah, no. I implied that Capcom is taking more of their casual games to Wii, not that it means Monster Hunter is casual because it's on the Wii.

I should have mentioned return vs. investment also. Capcom probably felt that it would be much easier to recoup the money on a limited market game like Monster Hunter on the Wii over the PS3/360.

Oh?  And what casual games would those be?  Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Monster Hunter 3, Okami, and Zack & Wiki represent their major efforts on the Wii so far.  None of those (least of all the insanely challenging Zack & Wiki) could be classified as casual.  

Yep. Capcom really isn't making much of the casual stuff on the Wii. They are really looking like strongest third party support for hardcore titles on the Wii. They aren't missing the Wii boat, like other third parties are.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
There are a number of trolls on the forums.

Legend11 is a 360 troll obvious who loves making hit and run threads to get people angry. He rarely has anything to contribute other than Microsoft worship and a contempt for casual gaming.

But the Sony trolls are far more abundant.

Ckmlb is an anti-Wii troll, he owns one, buys all the must have games for it, plays them, but don't let him fool you into thinking his support for it is anything more than just the novelty of being able to experience all games this generation. His bread and butter is the PS3, he has admited this numerous times but when ever confronted with it he dances around the issue. He loves to ruffle feathers, and nothing boils his blood more than seeing games go to the Wii.

SSJ12 was once one of the more infamous PS3 trolls, but since becoming a mod has shaped up quite considerable. Like others, his views of the Wii are little more than contempt for the device which threatens his comfort zone of "big boy" gaming and HD graphics.

Diomedes is a troll which tries to cleverly disguise his anti-Wii trolling as productive contributions to the thread, often complimenting the Wii (sometimes in a patronizing manner) only then to make a subtle jabs at it.

Leo-J has mellowed considerable, but was at one time the typical clueless teenager troll who knew little if anything of what he was talking about and for the most part still is that troll, he's just learned to tone it down and knows enough to keep his mouth shut when appropriate.

Kber81 is your typical: if its the biggest, most expensive and flashiest then obviously it must be the best, and the more expensive the product, the better, because then he can show how much he can afford to spend on luxury items illustrated by his occasional bragging of how capable he is of affording anything he wants, why, even buying and selling us if he wanted to. His Ego is what dictates his desires in gaming.

Vizunary is rarely ever on, all I know is that he is very pro PS3 and very anti-Wii, apparently he was quite the troll once but rarely graces our presence with much else on the matter anymore.

Most of these members were much more active during the early days of the PS3, but as things got worse and worse for the PS3, their courage faded and true to their nature avoided the forums reappearing only occasionally to post pro-Sony news items or try and rally up hype for pro-Sony events.

you forgot to add yourself to that list, since you hate everything not made by nintendo

and also add Carlos, hes such a troll


Ari_Gold said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
There are a number of trolls on the forums.

Legend11 is a 360 troll obvious who loves making hit and run threads to get people angry. He rarely has anything to contribute other than Microsoft worship and a contempt for casual gaming.

But the Sony trolls are far more abundant.

Ckmlb is an anti-Wii troll, he owns one, buys all the must have games for it, plays them, but don't let him fool you into thinking his support for it is anything more than just the novelty of being able to experience all games this generation. His bread and butter is the PS3, he has admited this numerous times but when ever confronted with it he dances around the issue. He loves to ruffle feathers, and nothing boils his blood more than seeing games go to the Wii.

SSJ12 was once one of the more infamous PS3 trolls, but since becoming a mod has shaped up quite considerable. Like others, his views of the Wii are little more than contempt for the device which threatens his comfort zone of "big boy" gaming and HD graphics.

Diomedes is a troll which tries to cleverly disguise his anti-Wii trolling as productive contributions to the thread, often complimenting the Wii (sometimes in a patronizing manner) only then to make a subtle jabs at it.

Leo-J has mellowed considerable, but was at one time the typical clueless teenager troll who knew little if anything of what he was talking about and for the most part still is that troll, he's just learned to tone it down and knows enough to keep his mouth shut when appropriate.

Kber81 is your typical: if its the biggest, most expensive and flashiest then obviously it must be the best, and the more expensive the product, the better, because then he can show how much he can afford to spend on luxury items illustrated by his occasional bragging of how capable he is of affording anything he wants, why, even buying and selling us if he wanted to. His Ego is what dictates his desires in gaming.

Vizunary is rarely ever on, all I know is that he is very pro PS3 and very anti-Wii, apparently he was quite the troll once but rarely graces our presence with much else on the matter anymore.

Most of these members were much more active during the early days of the PS3, but as things got worse and worse for the PS3, their courage faded and true to their nature avoided the forums reappearing only occasionally to post pro-Sony news items or try and rally up hype for pro-Sony events.

you forgot to add yourself to that list, since you hate everything not made by nintendo

and also add Carlos, hes such a troll


Yes but I don't make it a point to troll every Sony or 360 topic, I stick mainly to Nintendo topics.