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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

I need to remember this on the weekends.

42. Metal Slug X (arcade)

I never forget going out to dinner at my local Chuey's. I will always remember 3 thing from that place. It was always damn loud, you got oreos with your meal, and in the back they had awesome arcade games I could spend hours playing. The best one they had though was Metal Slug X. Damn. My sister and I could play that till our 2 dollars were gone (though see liked the claw machine (hell she was good too she once got 2 stuffed animals in 1 try.)) Even playing this game with total strangers was kick ass. Negociating who get rockets and who gets the lazer is fun aswell as accidently taking it and being yelled at. Every arcade no matter how small or big needs to have a metal slug game in it and since this is the only one I throughly played, this one makes it on the list. :)

41. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)

I don't think many people will have this game on their list but I don't see what all the hate is with this game. This game is one of the best game that have come out this generation. I got into the HD conoles late but just in time before this game came out and this game is what showed me what this current gen of games have become. I thought the single player campaign was fantastic, so much I beat it on veteran. The online multiplayer was so fun and diverse in new game modes (domination, seartch & destroy, Kill streaks) even when the  online got filled with exploiters, it was still enjoyable. Though the star of the game wasn't the campaign or online multiplayer, it was getting a friend and doing all the spec ops missions. I don't think this game would have made the list if it wasn't for spec ops. Sitting with my cousin and getting almost every specs ops mission done(Damn you Snatch and Grab) on veteran is so much fun that words can not describe the joy  of failing for 2 hours to finnally complete the mission on the last second. If you hate the game because of its multiplayer, I highly recommend you get a friend, get this game and enjoy one of the best experiences on consoles this generation. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

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#44. Resident Evil 5:The love it or hate Resident Evil. Well for me it fell into the love it category. Although, it's not as good as RE4, this game continues to use the control scheme that revolutionized RE games. The co-op is incredible when you're playing with someone else (the AI can be a pain sometimes but it's nothing terrible). The story is interesting and the vilain is my personal RE favorite Wesker. One flaw that I have to mention about this game though, the horrible, bang-your-head-against-the-wall inventory system that made me shout profanities at my screen so often but with plenty of hectic fights where you're praying for the enemies to stop coming at you and incredible boss fights against constantly larger BOWs you've got yourself a thrilling heartpounding game.

Signature goes here!

#43. Killer Instinct Gold: I'd would love to be able to play this again because back in the day I spent so much time practicing those insane combos with Maya, Jago and Kim Wu. I'm not sure I could still pull off the insane combos I did back then. This game was hard on the thumbs but it was so much fun! I remember playing tons of team battles against my brother (the ones where you had to finish your opponent with an ultra combo or else he would come back). Pulling off super long combos was really satisfying and so was being able to break someone's combo with the famous C-C-C-Combo breaker.

Signature goes here!

42. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Okay, get this: XIII was the first Final Fantasy game I have ever played. I found it to be an enjoyable RPG, very clever gameplay mechanics. I didn't really understand the story and can't comment on the linearity since I have nothing to compare it with, but I found it to be a great experience overall. 8.6/10

Heat said:

42. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Okay, get this: XIII was the first Final Fantasy game I have ever played. I found it to be an enjoyable RPG, very clever gameplay mechanics. I didn't really understand the story and can't comment on the linearity since I have nothing to compare it with, but I found it to be a great experience overall. 8.6/10

too early lawlawl!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Crash Bandicoot 3 ahead of Super Mario Bros 3? Omgz t3h blasphemyz!!!

Well THIS was my first 3D platformer (I played Mario 64 later on) and it just blew me away. Its been sooo long since I've played this, I have faint memories of loving a city type level, a lava level a dodgy temple and a level where it felt like we were in Alladin's city. All I know is I loved the game a lot and it used to be in my top 20..but gradually has gone down.

There's not much else to say but as I like to blab I will mention a funny event....the games name is "Crash Bandicoot 3 : Warped" the time we ordered it from some online retailer and  on the day the game got delivered the box art said "Crash Bandicoot 3 : Warped" Dad thought it was some expansion pack for the real Crash Bandicoot we returned it and told them they sent the wrong game....the same thing happened twice till my dad looked online and realized that the games name itself was Crash Bandicoot 3 : Warped.....and get this the online retailer didn't realize we were the ones making the mistake, not the final time they sent the game again they gave us a full refund for sending the wrong product beforehand!!!!!!!!!!!

Fav music:

Dr N Trophy Boss Music

Tiger Boss Music

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Heat said:

42. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Okay, get this: XIII was the first Final Fantasy game I have ever played. I found it to be an enjoyable RPG, very clever gameplay mechanics. I didn't really understand the story and can't comment on the linearity since I have nothing to compare it with, but I found it to be a great experience overall. 8.6/10

Are you planning to play the other Final Fantasies?
They're great games that you shouldn't miss.

darthdevidem01 said:



This game almost made my list lawlawl

Fab_GS said:
darthdevidem01 said:



This game almost made my list lawlawl


Stick to "roflrofl"

"lawl" is my trademark.....I must copyright it!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


Metal Marines is not a great game. However, it is partially responsible for my love of turn-based strategy games. Compared to today's standard of TBS games, Metal Marines is lacking in just about every category - hell, it was lacking in comparison to Civilization which had released two years previous! So, while I cannot properly convey why I value this game so much, I would still state that it ranks among my favourite SNES games and I still find it incredibly gun to this day.