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30. Machinarium

I love this game.

I love it's artstyle, I love it's music, I love it's story, I love it's gameplay, I love it's puzzles, I love the atmosphere, I love the game's boxart, I love the desktop icon that it made when I installed it, I love how I have no idea what 'Machinarium' means even after playing the entire game, I love that the game's creators gave the protagonist a french name and didn't have him surrendering in the first second, I love the binary code and the order of 1's and 0's, I love the complex social themes that exhibit themselves throughout the tale, I love that you still read this far even though it's clear I'm just babbling, I love how even after openly admitting I was babbling you still continued reading on, the end.

tl:dr, I love this game.

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29. The Legend of Zelda

Because when I was a child, this game took me on my first adventure... the doctors called it Cyclothymia exhibiting a sever case of dissociation... But I called it an adventure! Thank U Nintendo

28. Super Mario Bros.

Do I really have to Xxplain anything here? No. It's one of THE games if you know what I mean (which you do). And it's apart of all our childhoods... Except for Benjamin Button of course. It was apart of his adulthood

27. Age of Empires 2

Oh how I love 'derpifing' photos... (be careful with that h)

Anyway, AoE 2 is my favorite AoE. And I love AoE... So that's why it's on my list... get it? Good.

26. Starcraft

I've totally zerg rushed this thread, haven't I? Anyways, like with all things popular... I really don't know what to add to the discussion. EVERYTHING has been said about starcraft. Fuck, how many lame times have you seen the SAME "starcraft=Korea" joke that I made a picture of? Far to many.

I'll just leave.

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12.Rogue Galaxy(PS2)

Rogue Galaxy is an awesome Role Playing Game(RPG) Developed by LEVEL 5 and Published by SONY released in December 2005 in Japan and Januery 2007 in the US. Rogue Galaxy Directors Cut was relesed in March 2007 included all the added features and improvements of the North American and European Versions.

 The story begins with Jaster Rogue, who was abandoned on the planet Rosa as a child. He was raised by a Priest named Raul, Jaster's long time dream is to leave Rosa and explore space. One day a huge beast appears and begins attacking the Jaster's hometown of Salgin. Jaster, he runs after the beast He is ambushed by a group of smaller beasts and is aided by a mysterious hooded man. After the battle, the hooded man spots two space pirates roaming around town. The hooded man then gives Jaster his weapon, the Desert Seeker, one of the legendary Seven-Star Swords. The man then runs away along the rooftops. With the Desert Seeker in hand, Jaster is mistaken by the two space pirates as a legendary bounty hunter named Desert Claw. The two soon help Jaster defeat the giant monster attacking the town.

After the battle the two pirates a robot named Steve and a squat masked man named Simon  tell Jaster that their captain, Dorgengoa, wants to hire Jaster as a part of the crew of the pirate ship Dorgenark. Jaster decides to leave Rosa to join the pirates. On board the ship, Jaster meets up with the rest of the Dorgenark crew the captain's daughter, Kisala, and a mysterious mercenary named Zegram. While passing the Rose Nebula on their way to Zerard, the Dorgenark is attacked by beasts and is forced to crash on the jungle planet Juraika. After examining the damage of their ship, the crew agree that they must find gather an ingredient for Booster Oil in order to leave the planet and continue to Zerard. As their journey unfolds, the crew meet new friends from different planets such as Lilika, an amazon from Juraika, Jupis, a hacker from the advanced planet Zerard, and Deego, an Ex Longardian soldier from the mining planet Vedan.

Combat in Rogue Galaxy is cool you only control your main chracter but the AI teammates are very smart. theTech Attacks team based attacks are awesome as are Burning Strike attacks.

  Characters are Awesome my favorite being Kisala^_^

This Factory is a sort of successor to the Dark Cloud series' Georama gameplay. They then are able to find blueprints by talking to NPCs in the game (who have orange or blue icons over their heads). Using the blueprints, the player can set up factory equipment and raw materials to make new items. 

The music is cool and you can not get much cooler then an Anime Space Pirate Game.


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

Combo broken.

9. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)

Batman: Arkham Asylum is quite possibly one of the biggest surprises in gaming history. It's a superhero game. But it's brilliant. I know, I know, this just does not compute, but it is...

The best way to describe this game is to simply say that you feel like you are Batman while playing it, and that's the difference between an average superhero game (so that's the rest of them) and a great one.

You're creeping around the shadows, crawling through vents, moving between coincidentally well placed gargoyles, planning how to take down these pitiful henchmen, and the best thing is, you watch them get more terrified as you take them down one by one in a variety of ways. Maybe you want to leave one of them hanging from a gargoyle, let the others discover your victim, then cut him down with a well placed Batarang to really mess with their heads. Or maybe you just want to blow up a wall (or even the floor) as one of them walks along... 

This could have been even higher in the list, but a couple of disappointing boss fights (Killer Croc and The Joker), ultimately take it down a peg or two.


patapon said:

30. Machinarium

I love this game.

I like it's artstyle, I love it's music, I love it's story, I love it's gameplay, I love it's puzzles, I love the atmosphere, I love the game's boxart, I love the desktop icon that it made when I installed it, I love how I have no idea what 'Machinarium' means even after playing the entire game, I love that the game's creators gave the protagonist a french name and didn't have him surrendering in the first second, I love the binary code and the order of 1's and 0's, I love the complex social themes that exhibit themselves throughout the tale, I love that you still read this far even though it's clear I'm just babbling, I love how even after openly admitting I was babbling you still continued reading on, the end.

tl:dr, I love this game.

patapon said:
Here's some hints! Have fun
30. I bet you anything Okr will have this game on his list

You'd have lost that bet. I liked Machinarium alot, but it's not even in my top 15 p&c adventure games of all time, let alone top 50 overall.

9. Final Fantasy VIII (PSOne)

The first FF I have played. An amazing game from start to finish. The first time I finished it I needed about 80 hours (in just ten days!). Sure, it made some things different than other FFs, but although I didn't like every gameplay/design choice they made in FF VIII, I loved this game for its' story and almost everything else.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3