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41. Pokemon Red

The best of the pokemon series. Get it Blue fanboies? The best.

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39.Conker's bad fur day

One of the last games made by Rare before they were transformed into a gelatinous shit monster. This game was awesome! Although, looking back on the experience I'm not sure why. Conker, in essence, is just Banjo with a drinking problem. The game's story is standard Nintendo in which it's crap. And the intended market was clearly for furries like Axumblade

Now, I ain't no furry (...I'm not dammit!) but this game for some reason appealed to me. At the end of the day it's just endearing to play as a drug addicted squirrel while storming the beaches of Normandy.Or fighting Rare's future self in turd world. Or jacking off to sexy squirrel ladies!!! Or looking in the mirror with dignity!!!

Yay for conker! :D

38. Jet Set Radio Future

(Picture says it all)

Do I get like an achievement for most posts in a row without being banned or something? Because I totally deserve it...

37. Wipeout HD

This game is like the Demon's Souls of racing (minus the abortion pit). And yes people, I'm clearly trying to troll with my hint. But unlike Demon's Souls, I don't have the platinum trophy to this game (and never will). Why? Because truth be told, I suck! Well, I relatively suck... This game has one of the funniest 'newb modes' I've ever played. It's reminiscent to say, bumper bowling.  You race around at 300 MPH and if you get close to a wall? Never fear, a jet boost stabilizes you. Except for me. No amount of stabilizing helps me from crashing into a wall and burning to death! But that's okay, I don't care. This game is pure racing perfection. Literally, it's flawless.

Sony should really try to promote Wipeout more because it's the best racer they have. (And one of the best racers period).

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34. Bioshock

I know I'm not breaking any new ground like the 20 or so other people who put this game #35-30 on their list, but Bioshock is AWESOME!!! I tried before to plat this bitch, but nope. The hardest playthrough trophy is like the Stanley Cup in which it's full of piss (hockey reference you probably didn't understand). It's worth mentioning that this game single handily drove home the "ps3 ain't got no gamez" campaign that took place in late 2007.

Good job Bioshock, you showed those ps3 fanbots whose boss!

33. Metroid (The first one...)

When I was a little kid, I once had a stupid argument with my best friend about Samus' gender. I thought she was a he...

F U Nintendo... FUN!!!

Well, I'm glad there hasn't been any CO-CO-CO-CO-COMBO BREAKERS yet. Why? Well...

32. Killer Instincts

Probably my favorite fighting game ever (and probably the only one I like). Killer Instinct was just badass. My character of choice was Saberwulf because I had a 'thing' for werewolves at the time. But I wasn't against using Orchid every once in awhile (This time I had no confusion about which gender I was kicking ass with!)

Maybe we'll see a KI using Kinect? Maybe! Although knowing Rare, they'll probably fuck it up somehow. But hey, one can always hope! And if they somehow dick suck Sony into including Kratos (It's all the rage these days), I'd be there day 1! And I haven't said that about a Rare game in almost a decade...

31. Katamari Demacy

If I was to ever run for presidential office, my main platform would be to install Katamari Demacy in every mental institution across the country. Why? Because I have this idea... You may think it akin to the idiotic social reforms of Basil or the foolishness of Mr. Rent-2-dam-hi, but I genuinely believe Katamari Demacy's insanity can be used to help the insane.

Explanation: In science, or more concisely Cosmology, there are a number of intriguing theories detailing what happens after a star explodes. One of the supported theories is that a Neutron star forms in the wake of this massive supernova (and in some cases, black holes can form!!!). I think Katamari Demacy can be utilized in the same way. If a mentally 'touched' indivdual played KD, I think the amount of confusion taking place would implode into itself and out would pop a normal person! Much like a supernova collapses into a Neutron star. (Or the person could die a horrifying death like that of a black hole formation but..........)

('having to explain why this is my #31' bullet... dodged)