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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

It's like I have a monopoly on pg.1!!! I'm gonna cut down a bit, post my stuff in here and link the description

So if you see like 20plus new post listed below the hot topics bar... don't worry, I'm just spamming the f*ck out of the thread!

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50. Echochrome

All white and no black? Come on Sony! But aside from the clear racist undertones, this game is AWESOME!!!!

Hmmm... I think this is the only puzzler in my top 50... And it's #1 (well, to be posted) I don't know what to say other than it's quite innovative, unique, challenging, fun, and something else I forgot to mention all wrapped up into another Sony failed media venture known as a UMD. Can't wait for Echochrome ii

49. Pixeljunk Shooter

Pixeljunk Shooter, IMO (and in yours too if you don't want to be tentacle raped >:(   ), is fantastic! It's use of water, lava, magnetic... stuff and a sperm ship is boobtastic. An excellent puzzle game if I do say so myself. (and you do aswell...) This game is so awesome that I was literally swimming in fluids by the end! :D (i.e. my own)


My hint = (facepalm). There was a game before RDR that had "quickdraw", a western themed open world to explore, a cowboy's trusty horse, weapons of the time, cool gunslinger story, gamblin' house for casino minigames, hunting criminals for rewards, awesome ambient challenges, etc. That game was Gun. And to this day, I still consider it the best wild west game to ever release. Seriously...Play gun, or else I'll shoot you!!!

47. Serious Sam

The kind of game that harpens back to a simpler time... a time of civility, and etiquette, and blowing the fuck out of giant things with BFGs. I'll never forget experimenting with the Cannonball gun by standing in front of a wall and shooting... was a bad idea.

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46. World of Goo

The fondest memory I have of this game was actually a moment between a friend and myself. I had just played (and gooed myself) to this game when I started conversing with one of my pals. As a joke, I told him the name of the game I was just playing "world of goo" and then started laughing. He looked at me with a confused look... I said, "dude, world of goo, get it?" He said, "No..." This is when I realized how much of a sick fuck I was and continue to be to this day. (End of awkward story)

45. Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Alright, I lied. This game doesn't invlove a castle. My 45. was actually going to be Castlevania: SoTN, but I recently replayed it off the PSN and have come to the conclusion that there are other games I like better (which didn't make the cut I might add). Rayman 2 on the other hand SHOULD be on my list. I love this game. I love it sooo much that I don't think I even have to justify it to you.


44. Kirby Super Star

That's right, Kirby super star WOOT!!! This game is awesome and that's all there is too it. Also, there is more too it

I remember playing this game and pondering, "Imagine getting a blowjob from Kirby, Jezzuz Christ!" One thought led to another (starting with blowjobs nonetheless)... And I reached the conclusion that Kirby is a mass murdering psychopath. How? On the outside, it's a cute and lovable blob of cute, but take a closer look at all it's done... Devoured the souls of countless innocent creatures and shit them out as stars! :O Srsly, starman didn't do nothin' to nobody!!! The worst part is we're to blame for this virtual Holocaust! D': And the worst perpetrator of all is Nintendo. As usual, they mask genocide with charm. Those bastards!

Just imagine: Being sucked up by whateva teh fuk Kirby is... a tear rolling down the eye just before being compressed a 1000X that of a black hole... what a TERRIBLE way to go!!!! Honestly, if I could choose between being executed by either Kratos or Kirby, I'd choose getting my head torn off and shoved up my ass by Kratos any day.

Oh yea, and this game is fun

43. Bomberman Hero (YEAY I DIDZ IT)

One of the few games that would get me arrested at an airport. But I don't care, I would gladly bunk up with a big muscular prison raper for this game! (Okay, maybe not...) Bomberman hero is truely underrated. Def up there with super mario 64 as greatest 3d platformer eva IMO. It's got amazing level design, wonderful and diverse gameplay, a goo inducing soundtrack and even a quirky starwars ripoff of a story...

That's right, this game is truly the bomb. (LOLZ DED U C WUT EYE DID DER?!??!?!)

42. Fallout 3

Oh god was this game the bomb... even moreso than bomberman hero!! (Which is crazy when you think about it) I'm sure bomberman would have jizzed himself somethin' special if he could've got his hands on the bomb in Megaton. I know I did! Also, when I blew that sucker up... man was that awesome. Recreating the mushroom kingdom in Fallout 3 really just shows us all how incredible the game is. BTW, the missions are fantastic and I have a massive hardon for Liam Neson (or however the fuck you spell his sexy name). Great game, worthy of my #42.