GodOfWar_3ever said:
I just read through the whole thread...somehow, I believe that both dtewi and hatmoza are pro-town going after each other. So this will (obviously) not end well.
zarx -
zarx has quoted over 9000 dragon ball quotes so far. He claims to feel left out because he doesn't have a wish and therefore, feels that hunting for dragonballs is pointless for him. Then he says that if he is lynched, the mafia can celebrate victory, and if he is killed at night, the town is screwed.
Later, this turns out to be a joke. He then proceeds to vote Hephaestos simply because he voted for him and backs out soon after.
dtewi -
he voted for hatmoza because hatmoza claimed to not have watched DBZ, yet in dtewi's eyes, he correctly had to research about vegeta's character because hatmoza's role would be linked to him. then he continues to have a heated argument with hatmoza, and his 12 year old mind refuses to accept hatmozas innocence as it increasingly appears that hatmoza is pro-town. he eventually unvotes hatmoza once it gets to a level that he HAS to.
hatmoza -
Has a bitch fight with dtewi, which is the most interesting thing about the game so far. however, as I've said before, I think they're both pro-town, even though I suspected him till I found out that gohan is a main character with 0% chance of not being in the game. He believes that he got 2 scum by the balls in me and dtewi....I can't speak for dtewi (though I believe he may not be anti-town because dtewi; don't take offense dude...has a pretty big headed attitude in mafia....refusing to take away his vote may have been because of this...) but I'm 1000000000% pro-town. For now, we'll have to go on the fact that he is pro-town.
radishhead -
I'll say this...and be clear - I didn't feel any vibe or other bullshit about him. I just decided to try out a trick of blindly accusing someone of being scum. And to some extent, I'd say it worked because radishhead got extremely defensive and freaked out, changed his votes around under the slightest of pressure. he also claims to have a role that'll help people find dragonballs....a safe role claim in a game that has been given a twist by exactly having that in the game. later, he seems awfully eager to spill the beans about his role...sounds like scum desperate to give out an early, convincing role claim to reduce the suspicion on him a little. Plus, theres this issue with the amnesia....how can anyone not know there was a double kill day time vigilante in the last game ?
darth -
He is acting very differently in this game...if I was right about radishhead's need to roleclaim, darth was helping him by asking him to spill his beans. I tried out the accuse him of being mafia trick, but he handled that well...unlike radishhead. So, I asked him a series of questions about the whole kill = lynch thing. I also said that observant players would see what I tried to do. In his post, darth indeed said "lynch", not kill. I edited in the kill part and put pressure on him... the trap worked gloriously, and he defended his use of kill instead of lynch....I know its farfetched....but how is it possible for a pro-town player to forget what he just said, and defend something he didn't ? mafia players would defend anything they said with being the truth.... I'm not saying darth is mafia though....I just revealed this because j0 got suspicious of my questioning of darth when it was nothing but a mere test.
kamal -
There is nothing much to say here except the fact that he has been a lurker.
hephaestos -
"I'll keep the protagonist names to myself (and to the ones who know) in order to call out fake claims."
This bothered me a little. But I can understand....nothing much I can talk about him.
3ever -
is so sexy !
nen-suer -
again, I have nothing much to add about him
silver-tiger -
"Ahh, always fun watching the meldowns on day one. I just sit back and enjoy each other going at their throats. XD"
I didn't have much to say about him until this post....make of it what you will !
metalgear_94 -
has made a series of short posts and added nothing much to the discussion...though his random vote for finalfan was a bit weird.
truckosaurus -
Again, nothing much to add here.
vetteman94 -
Another one that has to be filed under "Not much to add"
final-fan -
claims to have a power that would be awesome and useless at the same time :/ points out that I FoS'd a shitload of people and not dtewi.
homer_simpson -
Comes to the game claiming to be drunk.... 2 hours later, he is trying to play the game. wants to lynch people who haven't watched dragonball. in his 4th post in the game, he votes no lynch. has a total of 6 (or is it 7 ?) posts in this thread.
c03n3nj0 -
yet another guy I have not much to speak of.
stefl1504 -
another bigass lurker with only 3 posts in this thread...
lurkers please stop.....lurking......its hurting the town.