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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

Hatmoza and GodofWar

WTF possessed you 2 to name claim when you have, by far,  the most important 2 pro-town names in all of the Dragonball Z universe?  Way to hand over the game on the first day morons.  You would think this was the first mafia game you 2 have played with how you guys are acting.



No need for a chance at killing another imprtant pro-town player,  since a really important one will probably die tonight

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If kamal isn't lynched today, I swear I'm gonna castrate myself and suck my own dick.

GodOfWar_3ever said:
darthdevidem01 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
hatmoza said:

This is crazy GoW ... You're acting crazy.

You went from jumping all over radish, to jumping all over me. Then claimed you didn't know Gohan was such an important role, but now all of a sudden Goku means so much to you.

Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

And as Darth already mentioned ... you just wanted radish hung a few seconds ago. Why the change of heart?

Please explain why Goku has become such an interest to you.

I am Goku.

Ok lol

I hope your not lying.

Anyway so Radish STILL hasn't posted his "compilation of innocence".

Do you not see that kamal is undoubtedly scum ? 

I can see why he could be.

Why don't you summarise why you think he's scum......and lets see him defend himself.

Thats the only way we'll know for sure.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

This is just a compilation of various things that I’ve said and my reasons for saying them. People who’ve been claiming that I’ve had to reason or backup to my arguments are mistaken, because I put thought into everything that I type – obviously I make mistakes sometimes, but over time I’ll improve for sure. You can only improve in Mafia through getting to know the other players over time by playing multiple rounds with them, and this is only my 2nd with you guys :) Heck, I haven’t even finished my English Lan/Lit GCSE yet! xD

After the early accusations:

GodofWar - if you're a townie, then you're not playing very well at all. How can you expect us to trust you if you make random accusations against people? 

Seriously guys, I'm town - I have a feeling that the mafia roles are going to be difficult to beat in this game, so let's not crush our chances before we've even begun.”

It’s a valid point. GodofWar can’t be town, because the basis of his argument rests solely on my overly defensive position at the beginning of the game. This would be understandable, except remember that I was under threat of an early bandwagon, because the FIRST THING that GoW said once the game had begun was a vote on me. If he was town, then he wouldn’t have followed through on an accusation that even he admitted was baseless.

This "vibe" that you're feeling- I understand, because I'm starting to feel it about you. As I stated earlier, I'm the only person - bar the mafia - that knows that I'm not Mafia. Taking into consideration my performance from last game, I assume that GodofWar picked up that I'm a little too eager to defend myself when I'm accused of something (in this case, wrongly). By accusing me of being Mafia, and making me defend myself makes me look even more suspicious. It's a clever plan, but with the information that I've got, I'm more than a little suspicious that GodofWar is a Mafian. You can't just go about accusing random people if you're a townie, because if you got me lynched, and found out that I am town, you'd be the number one suspect on the list. Because I think you're quite intelligent, and therefore would not make such a ridiculous mistake by trusting a "vibe" that has no foundation to it, it looks to me that there's quite a chance that you're actually a Mafian yourself.

Let’s take a step back and think about what reasons there are to vote for me in this incredibly early stage of the game.

-          Overly defensive after random accusations

At this point, that’s about it. How can people cast genuine votes that backtrack to a simple mistake such as this? Not a Mafia mistake – just a simple misuse of words, which was probably even more understandable considering that I was quite ill at the time of the game starting (none of you to blame for that of course, just throwing it out there).

I played terribly last game, and I'm trying to not make the same mistakes - I'll be "sounding" like this in all future Mafia games, you have my word :P

I said this quote after being told that I was playing differently to last game, in which I was a member of the town. This is true, and I don’t deny that – but there’s also no denying that I was playing very badly last game. I didn’t really know any of you guys, and I was just adjusting to all your different playstyles. I’ll continue to play these Mafia games, and I’ll sound like this – Mafia or not.

So many people are trying to annoy me today xD

Do you guys find the responses you get funny or something? :(



A lot of people were using this quote as an example of my defensiveness, but it’s actually a misuse of the quote. Notice I rage about the ;) face, showing that I hated having people joke with me – that comment was a joke in itself, but it was just used against me xD

I didn't want to give away any of my role at this early stage of the game, but I can help the town get more Dragonballs. I don't want to say too much more, because my game plan will mess up like it did last time :S

Just saying that I have roleclaimed a little – although I’ve tried to keep it as secretive as possible, and give away very little information. All that I can say is, it’s a very interesting role, and definitely unique to this round of Mafia. You’ll want to have it on your side as the game progresses (definitely on night 4). But I’ll leave you to speculate on that.

I voted for a no lynch, because I'm never in favour of killing someone on the first day, because it's too risky. Day 1 is the only point in the game that I ever cast a No Lynch though :)”

Got quite a lot of stick for that, which is a little strange since I know that many people agree with me. Anyway, that’s what I believe – deal with it, and please don’t use it as a pointless argument against me.

“I was very defensive last game too, but I covered it up by giving out my role early. I've got quite an interesting and helpful role this time around though, and I don't want to give too much away. 

I'm naturally defensive, and I'm sorry about that. :) “

Forgot to mention – I’m naturally defensive, especially over the internet for some reason :p But that’s beside the point. I was defensive last game too, but I gave my role out too early, and you all missed it.

From this point onwards, it’s mainly people accusing me for things that are the same as what I’ve just defended myself against in this piece. I just wanted to say that there’s almost nothing more that I can do to prove my innocence in Day 1, so I just hope that the majority of you can see sense in keeping me for at least another day to see how events develop, and what else I can do to help the town. If the situation unfolds that ends up with me dead, I just want to make this my official death message, that the people that are targeting me now – with no resistance – are  Mafia, there’s no doubt about it. They’ve pounced on all my weaknesses and driven my arguments into the ground with mere accusations and no proof. That’s what we’re missing – proof. And I hate to be the person who falls back on this point to make it through a day, but I’ve got little choice. I’m calling to the rest of the town – please see sense and keep me a little longer. I’ll stop with all this defensive nonsense, and I’ll look into each of the players and I might even make a character profile for everyone and analyse their chances of being Mafia, if I have the time.

Thanks for reading. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Vetteman94 said:

Hatmoza and GodofWar

WTF possessed you 2 to name claim when you have, by far,  the most important 2 pro-town names in all of the Dragonball Z universe?  Way to hand over the game on the first day morons.  You would think this was the first mafia game you 2 have played with how you guys are acting.



No need for a chance at killing another imprtant pro-town player,  since a really important one will probably die tonight

Stop being such a scared little ....person...... and take a chance at lynching kamal. I'd say the chances of him being scum are pretty good.

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Vetteman94 said:

Hatmoza and GodofWar

WTF possessed you 2 to name claim when you have, by far,  the most important 2 pro-town names in all of the Dragonball Z universe?  Way to hand over the game on the first day morons.  You would think this was the first mafia game you 2 have played with how you guys are acting.



No need for a chance at killing another imprtant pro-town player,  since a really important one will probably die tonight

Well as long as the doctor protects GOW_3ever 2 townies survive.....Hat and GOW

Yeah they shouldn't have name claimed today.....especially GOW as he wasn't even getting lynched and he could ave AT LEAST waited to see if everyone else would agree to lynch Kamal.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Firstly I didn't come at front and claimed I was Goku.

hatmoza clearly jumped the gun, so I decided to capitalize that to find out about who are the true "scum" among our ranks......

That was my intention now it's blown in my face tenfold

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

radishhead said:


This is just a compilation of various things that I’ve said and my reasons for saying them. People who’ve been claiming that I’ve had to reason or backup to my arguments are mistaken, because I put thought into everything that I type – obviously I make mistakes sometimes, but over time I’ll improve for sure. You can only improve in Mafia through getting to know the other players over time by playing multiple rounds with them, and this is only my 2nd with you guys :) Heck, I haven’t even finished my English Lan/Lit GCSE yet! xD

After the early accusations:

GodofWar - if you're a townie, then you're not playing very well at all. How can you expect us to trust you if you make random accusations against people? 

Seriously guys, I'm town - I have a feeling that the mafia roles are going to be difficult to beat in this game, so let's not crush our chances before we've even begun.”

It’s a valid point. GodofWar can’t be town, because the basis of his argument rests solely on my overly defensive position at the beginning of the game. This would be understandable, except remember that I was under threat of an early bandwagon, because the FIRST THING that GoW said once the game had begun was a vote on me. If he was town, then he wouldn’t have followed through on an accusation that even he admitted was baseless.

This "vibe" that you're feeling- I understand, because I'm starting to feel it about you. As I stated earlier, I'm the only person - bar the mafia - that knows that I'm not Mafia. Taking into consideration my performance from last game, I assume that GodofWar picked up that I'm a little too eager to defend myself when I'm accused of something (in this case, wrongly). By accusing me of being Mafia, and making me defend myself makes me look even more suspicious. It's a clever plan, but with the information that I've got, I'm more than a little suspicious that GodofWar is a Mafian. You can't just go about accusing random people if you're a townie, because if you got me lynched, and found out that I am town, you'd be the number one suspect on the list. Because I think you're quite intelligent, and therefore would not make such a ridiculous mistake by trusting a "vibe" that has no foundation to it, it looks to me that there's quite a chance that you're actually a Mafian yourself.

Let’s take a step back and think about what reasons there are to vote for me in this incredibly early stage of the game.

-          Overly defensive after random accusations

At this point, that’s about it. How can people cast genuine votes that backtrack to a simple mistake such as this? Not a Mafia mistake – just a simple misuse of words, which was probably even more understandable considering that I was quite ill at the time of the game starting (none of you to blame for that of course, just throwing it out there).

I played terribly last game, and I'm trying to not make the same mistakes - I'll be "sounding" like this in all future Mafia games, you have my word :P

I said this quote after being told that I was playing differently to last game, in which I was a member of the town. This is true, and I don’t deny that – but there’s also no denying that I was playing very badly last game. I didn’t really know any of you guys, and I was just adjusting to all your different playstyles. I’ll continue to play these Mafia games, and I’ll sound like this – Mafia or not.

So many people are trying to annoy me today xD

Do you guys find the responses you get funny or something? :(



A lot of people were using this quote as an example of my defensiveness, but it’s actually a misuse of the quote. Notice I rage about the ;) face, showing that I hated having people joke with me – that comment was a joke in itself, but it was just used against me xD

I didn't want to give away any of my role at this early stage of the game, but I can help the town get more Dragonballs. I don't want to say too much more, because my game plan will mess up like it did last time :S

Just saying that I have roleclaimed a little – although I’ve tried to keep it as secretive as possible, and give away very little information. All that I can say is, it’s a very interesting role, and definitely unique to this round of Mafia. You’ll want to have it on your side as the game progresses (definitely on night 4). But I’ll leave you to speculate on that.

I voted for a no lynch, because I'm never in favour of killing someone on the first day, because it's too risky. Day 1 is the only point in the game that I ever cast a No Lynch though :)”

Got quite a lot of stick for that, which is a little strange since I know that many people agree with me. Anyway, that’s what I believe – deal with it, and please don’t use it as a pointless argument against me.

“I was very defensive last game too, but I covered it up by giving out my role early. I've got quite an interesting and helpful role this time around though, and I don't want to give too much away. 

I'm naturally defensive, and I'm sorry about that. :) “

Forgot to mention – I’m naturally defensive, especially over the internet for some reason :p But that’s beside the point. I was defensive last game too, but I gave my role out too early, and you all missed it.


From this point onwards, it’s mainly people accusing me for things that are the same as what I’ve just defended myself against in this piece. I just wanted to say that there’s almost nothing more that I can do to prove my innocence in Day 1, so I just hope that the majority of you can see sense in keeping me for at least another day to see how events develop, and what else I can do to help the town. If the situation unfolds that ends up with me dead, I just want to make this my official death message, that the people that are targeting me now – with no resistance – are  Mafia, there’s no doubt about it. They’ve pounced on all my weaknesses and driven my arguments into the ground with mere accusations and no proof. That’s what we’re missing – proof. And I hate to be the person who falls back on this point to make it through a day, but I’ve got little choice. I’m calling to the rest of the town – please see sense and keep me a little longer. I’ll stop with all this defensive nonsense, and I’ll look into each of the players and I might even make a character profile for everyone and analyse their chances of being Mafia, if I have the time.

Thanks for reading. 

oh god

Let me go n get a chocolate milk shake before I start reading this.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Do you not see that kamal is undoubtedly scum ? 

I can see why he could be.

Why don't you summarise why you think he's scum......and lets see him defend himself.

Thats the only way we'll know for sure.


Trying to hint at being Goku

Backing out once I started pressuring him to confirm

Repeatedly voting and unvoting radishhead.

This time; a genuine vibe.....I say we take a chance.

I thought Goku was the main good guy?

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