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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

I'm going to end the day at noon or so, barring any significant discussion.

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theprof00 said:

I'm going to end the day at noon or so, barring any significant discussion.

Is the person with the most votes hammered ?

GodOfWar_3ever said:
theprof00 said:

I'm going to end the day at noon or so, barring any significant discussion.

Is the person with the most votes hammered ?


theprof00 said:

I'm going to end the day at noon or so, barring any significant discussion.

just end it now,  no reason not to really

Well people extended it for a reason.

I'm fine with ending it now.,

Around the Network
Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:

I'm going to end the day at noon or so, barring any significant discussion.

just end it now,  no reason not to really

No, i'm waiting for Zarx. i wanna hear his answer to Hep question.

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nen-suer said:
Vetteman94 said:
theprof00 said:

I'm going to end the day at noon or so, barring any significant discussion.

just end it now,  no reason not to really

No, i'm waiting for Zarx. i wanna hear his answer to Hep question.

What question was it and why is it important?

Vetteman94 said:

What question was it and why is it important?

Whether zarx is a tracker and followed me and Heph or a watcher and watched theRepublic and hatmoza.

Signature goes here!

As the sun began to fall and the day drew to a close, everyone returned to the protection of the few last buildings to rest and recuperate before the night set in. Not that Kai could tell who anyone was, he was still partially blind when others started returning to the safety of the domiciles. This time even more so. Instead of faint colorations, they were faint blurry colorations. He had been crying.

Next to him lay the body of Goku, a look of ease settled on the corpse's face. He looked content to just even have existed to take the fall for one of his friends. Several others were crying and holding each other, unsure of what to do now that their leader was gone for good.

Their sadness was interrupted by a sharp breeze shooting in through the holes in the walls. Something was descending upon them. Outside, somewhere far above, they heard a brutal melee accompanied by roaring ang blazing energies. There was an unmistakable sound of energized fists smacking slabs of flesh and bones cracking. The sounds seemed to dying off and Kai could just barely hear some chatter, but that soon was over too. At last, a heavy crack resonated a dull thrum  through the shelter reminding everyone of just how still it really was. It was too calm.

That tense tranquility was short lived, and a roar seemed to be moving towards them at an unbelievable speed. At that moment the haven was a blur of activity. Every figure taking up refuge blazed through windows, open doors and collapsed walls to escape whatever incoming catastrophe was about to occur. Kai scurried out a side window abandoning the body of Goku, whispering goodbyes to himself as Bubbles and gregory helped him climb out through the window. Looking up towards the source of the fighting, Kai saw something set on a destructive course towards the now evacuated building. 

'It's Nappa! Everybody move!, came a call to Kai's left and he noticed several figures charging power and collecting energy. Others scattered in random directions to try and disperse the attention of the oncoming attacker.

"Maybe you won't be such a disappointment....when you're dead!, screamed a tiny dot high in the sky. A blazing wave of energy crashed into Nappa from behind and he slammed into the shelter wall, engulfed in a torrent.

Anything in it's path was immediately destroyed and the ruin, if it could be called such a thing now that it was simply a crater, was utterly vaporized along with everything inside it. The speck in the sky vanished as the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

Night 5 BEGIN

Send me your night actions. There are no more dragonballs, and no more wishes.

The quicker you get me your actions, the quicker night ends. Past two nights, I've had to wait to randomize actions for at least one person in a 36 hour period. If you cannot get to a computer in at least 36 hours, then tell me in advance.

You have 36 hours.

that's an odd flavor to ponder at night ^^
