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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

oh yeah i'm quoting a bit deep too sorry....


so after 5 posts, what's your character?


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Hephaestos said:
zarx said:
Hephaestos said:
zarx said:
Hephaestos said:
c03n3nj0 said:

Sadly, my ability doesn't involve an awesome sword. I can either choose to help someone power-up (it saves them a day of doing so) or I can power-up and they get immediately powered. 

night 1 - power up GoW
night 2 - power-up myself
night 3 - power-up hatmoza
night 4 - power up GoW

the problem I have with this is that GoW (granted he should have been declared dead at night but wasn't so he got to spoke), said he powered up last night.... Why would Prof let him powerup if you specifically used your night action to allow him not to have to... Something is off here  :/


Also powering up people is not Trunks... it's Dende....

if Dende was in the game wouldn't he have been the doctor?

"So is it true? You're going to take over Kami's postition? Guardian of Earth... That's one heck of a title!"

Dende could have had the same role as Kami too... Dende rocks.

edit: and so says your quote!


Kami is in this game?

"No!! Gotenks!! What have you done?!?! You destroyed the Lookout! All gone! All gone!!"

edit within a minute this is why there is no edit tag in my post.

(kami was flavor, he died with piccolo... (and prof forgot about shenron :p, or was the egg there for that?)).

oh right now I remember, some of the flavour has been kinda weird, especially with the raw deal kai is getting :(

and it's style is so not DBZ, but still it's clear that a lot of effort was put into it.

(see you don't have to mod kill me prof I still like you)

“You’re no warrior. You’re just a mindless freak of nature, a big wad of spit-out chewing gum.”

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Hephaestos said:
c03n3nj0 said:

Sadly, my ability doesn't involve an awesome sword. I can either choose to help someone power-up (it saves them a day of doing so) or I can power-up and they get immediately powered. 

night 1 - power up GoW
night 2 - power-up myself
night 3 - power-up hatmoza
night 4 - power up GoW

the problem I have with this is that GoW (granted he should have been declared dead at night but wasn't so he got to spoke), said he powered up last night.... Why would Prof let him powerup if you specifically used your night action to allow him not to have to... Something is off here  :/


Also powering up people is not Trunks... it's Dende...

 I help someone power-up once, as in, it helps their process go by faster (some roles take more than a day)

He told me I only needed one day to power-up, so I did day two, and in theory, hatmoza was fully powered on night 3. By day 4 the power-up was worn-off. 

Like I said, theprof gave me no feedback on what I did, besides clarifying how my role worked.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Hephaestos said:

oh yeah i'm quoting a bit deep too sorry....


so after 5 posts, what's your character?

dammit look what you made me do that last post of mine has like half a dozen quotes, and straight after I made a post about not doing it...


I told you I wasn't ready to spell out my character , if you wan't to know try work it out...


"SHUT UP!! Remember, I sold my soul to Babidi... They're Nothing to me!" 

Vegeta is just gold for quotes

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Theprof told me he gave Future trunks a power-up role because he had trouble making the role balanced.

Hell, if Vegeta can be a protective role than Trunks can be a power-up one. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Around the Network
zarx said:
Hephaestos said:

oh yeah i'm quoting a bit deep too sorry....


so after 5 posts, what's your character?

dammit look what you made me do that last post of mine has like half a dozen quotes, and straight after I made a post about not doing it...


I told you I wasn't ready to spell out my character , if you wan't to know try work it out...


"SHUT UP!! Remember, I sold my soul to Babidi... They're Nothing to me!" 

Vegeta is just gold for quotes

bah i'll let others dice you up :p

many are way too calm here.


c03n3nj0 said:

Theprof told me he gave Future trunks a power-up role because he had trouble making the role balanced.

Hell, if Vegeta can be a protective role than Trunks can be a power-up one. 

you decided to post scumy lines on purpose or just for laughs?



during my machinations for the game, I thought of setting the game in a prohibition-era mafia town.

Characters would wear trenchcoats and shoot each other with guns, and would have a typical detective narrative with the archetypal elusive dame in a noir type of setting.

However, I settled instead on a horror variation filled with disgusting things and gruesome deaths hoping for an interesting dynamic to what normally would be a kids show. My inspiration comes from the history with dbz itself. I was living in America watch things like Rugrats, and hey arnold, and then one summer while I was in France with my family, I saw it, and the first episode I saw was Cell eating 18. It was one of the most violent (both emotionally and physically) things I had ever witnessed, and was almost amplified by the fact that it was deceptively dressed in the sheep's wool of being a cartoon.

Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the game. :P

Hephaestos said:
zarx said:
Hephaestos said:


bah i'll let others dice you up :p

many are way too calm here.

DICE ME UP!?!?!?

fine I will give you some clues, he has been mentioned in the flavour text and I have quoted him once...

and i just realised krillin isn't in the game odd


"I can't stop thinking about that kiss!... C'mon Krillin, don't let your feelings cloud your judgement... She's so beautiful... I love her..."

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

theprof00 said:


during my machinations for the game, I thought of setting the game in a prohibition-era mafia town.

Characters would wear trenchcoats and shoot each other with guns, and would have a typical detective narrative with the archetypal elusive dame in a noir type of setting.

However, I settled instead on a horror variation filled with disgusting things and gruesome deaths hoping for an interesting dynamic to what normally would be a kids show. My inspiration comes from the history with dbz itself. I was living in America watch things like Rugrats, and hey arnold, and then one summer while I was in France with my family, I saw it, and the first episode I saw was Cell eating 18. It was one of the most violent (both emotionally and physically) things I had ever witnessed, and was almost amplified by the fact that it was deceptively dressed in the sheep's wool of being a cartoon.

Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the game. :P

oh I enjoyed your narative greatly too, a bit too gore for me, but still it was well written.

I'm just a bit bumed about it cause I feel I spoiled the fun for at least a few of the players.