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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

Hephaestos said:

Well Nen's recent theory that C17 is town would coincide with this find (no way in hell prof put C17 as town).


However I don't get your role.... you die so he can kill at random better? how does that even help the town?

I don't get how you can search for C17 if you were searching for piccolo... are you a name cop limited to knowing the target's name? that's a bit odd...

1st underlined: That's exactly the part that it improves. After the fusion, Kamal would have targetted someone and killed him if he was bad but if he sensed that the person was good he would refrain from killing him.

The down side of this is that after "almost killing" someone good, he would need to power up to use his night-kill again. So my sacrifice would have turned him into a much better asset for the town.

2nd underlined: My action was to search for someone with a name. When Kamal died, I asked prof if I could ask for names other than Piccolo and he said yes.

Signature goes here!

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GodOfWar_3ever said:

What did you do last night Trucks ? Who did you target ?

theRepublic and Homer/Vetteman. Which is why I'm guessing zarx HoS'd me since theRepublic turned up dead.

Signature goes here!

I'm having some friends over so i'll be back latter

Some serious ownege in PES2011 & Naruto UNS2 incoming (its great being Champ)

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I'm so sorry guys. 

GoW3ever, you are dead too.

I'll write some flavor in for you. 

I already updated the flavor like 45 minutes ago. Why hasn't anyone commented on this yet?

GoW, you died during the night.

Around the Network
theprof00 said:

I'm so sorry guys. 

GoW3ever, you are dead too.

I'll write some flavor in for you. 

lol lol lol

that's epic.

oops, sorry you're dead too.

(I thought he was a bomb though....did rep actually visit him last night? that or he really was just saying that...)


2 dead.... the mafia has 2 kills when we already got boo and Cell??????


theprof00 said:

I'm so sorry guys. 

GoW3ever, you are dead too.

I'll write some flavor in for you. 

WTF is this bullshit ?

Trucks, Vetteman and Zarx are scum, imo ! 

Good luck townies ! If you lose this game, I'm gonna buttfuck each one of you !

theprof00 said:

I already updated the flavor like 45 minutes ago. Why hasn't anyone commented on this yet?

GoW, you died during the night.

cause i don't read posts i've already read :x


Also, prof, no offense...but I'm not a fan of your are constantly late to start the day, and fails to update the OP for a loooooooong time.

Fuck this ! They didn't take my bomb bluff -_-

And I hate theprof >:O

Update the OP please !