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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

Hephaestos said:

Frieza (deceased): I would point him as mafia... though he was assassin and not godfather... with cell and buu gone, I hardly see who could get the role... this gives me the crazy idea that there'd be no mafia but a bunch of SKs... of course, the night kills discredit this... we clearly have a lack of them for this theory.

So 19 players at start (including ww), this would give us roughly a max of 6 anti towns.... we only have 3 dead.

Other big names....

Evil Buu? but we'd have more cookies than this

Babidi? if hercules ends up psych... not posted yet on first page, but I doubt it

Dr Gero (C19)? likely but doesn't really fit with Frieza being there.

Red Ribon Army generals? DB, not DBZ... and the cyborgs are RR anyways.

Vegeta? this actually is pretty likely....

DBGT or filler bad guy (garlic?) or even Broli (would be cool... but more a kill Goku/Gohan/Goten type of role than actual mafia, so an SK intent on killing goku)...


I'm gonna go with what makes most sense.... Babidi but not as a psych of Buu role, and Vegeta as the last mafia... Babidi would have a twisted role like roleblocker or bussdriver. Vegeta would have a power role... but we already had frieza on that.

Frieza is obviously mafia and at this stage questioning that makes me very suspicious of you.

Mafia doesn't need to have a Godfather role btw

You also forgot to include Zarbon & Dodoria in the list (was that intentional).


I just relized since the begining of the game you seem to divert attention from the mafia to other tagets

(SK, androids and Dragon Balls).

HoS: Hep

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I'm not Vegeta!

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I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

There was something that hatmoza said that made me realize that A17 is most Likely pro town.

He and 18 were Cell's targets. And its clear that we only have one mafia faction (obvious by night kills)

So if 17 & 18 are ant-town that mean they must be mafia, and having a SK targeting mafia is insane.

And with that Zarz, Hep, ToS two of you at least are scum.

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I mean mafia.

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Has heph ever hinted to what role or who he was?

Also, if he was so helpful as many of you believe *cough GoW* ... why hasn't the mafia killed him yet? You'd think someone who was doing so much damage to them would take him out already.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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nen-suer said:

There was something that hatmoza said that made me realize that A17 is most Likely pro town.

He and 18 were Cell's targets. And its clear that we only have one mafia faction (obvious by night kills)

So if 17 & 18 are ant-town that mean they must be mafia, and having a SK targeting mafia is insane.

And with that Zarz, Hep, ToS two of you at least are scum.

Maybe the fact that you're A17 has made you realize that you better make us think that he's pro-town.

Signature goes here!

Fos Trucks, nen, Heph, Zarx, j0, Vette and republic!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:

Fos Trucks, nen, Heph, Zarx, j0, Vette and republic!

Better play it safe :P

Signature goes here!

hatmoza said:

Fos Trucks, nen, Heph, Zarx, j0, Vette and republic!

pulling out a Radishead? do you want us to lynch the dead man!


zarx said:

Oh and having receiving the results  of my night actions HoS: truckosaurus.

truks could you please list the targets of your night actions.

Not that I trust you enough to roleclaim just for you but the time has come for me to do it so:

I am Nail and I got screwed pretty fast in the game. My main goal was the fuse with Piccolo to give him better Vigilante powers. With my night action I could ask prof about a player (or two once I powered up)  if he was Piccolo and when I found him I could decide to fuse with him or not.

As you all know, Piccolo was lynched Day One so I was one sad panda... but my role did have a loophole, I verified with prof and I was able to ask about other characters (only by character name tho) so since the only bad character I was sure was in the game was Android 17, I went and searched for him.

Right now, I've got it narrowed down to nen-suer or Hephaestos but I'm leaning more towards nen since Hephaestos had this theory about the mafia being the Androids on Day One.

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