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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

hatmoza said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

7 players left...right now, my top suspects are Zarx and Vetteman/Homer.

I'll be back in 14 hours !


tell us your investigation already!

I powered up ! I can only investigate every other night, crappy cop, I know !

Tonight, I will get an investigation through.

I'll be back in 6 hours 

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oh yeah. Forgot you had to power up.

I swear, we act like the scummiest pro-towns ever. Wouldn't it be a total epic mind-fuck if we were scum and pulled off the ultimate mafiaz bluff everz!

with that said. I'm sorry ff, it turns out, I killed you

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

If there are 3 more scum, we are royally fucked D:

hatmoza said:

oh yeah. Forgot you had to power up.

I swear, we act like the scummiest pro-towns ever. Wouldn't it be a total epic mind-fuck if we were scum and pulled off the ultimate mafiaz bluff everz!

with that said. I'm sorry ff, it turns out, I killed you

yea I kinda have this niggling suspicion that you are actually Mafia Vegeta...


"Whoa!! What an Awful, Awesome Power!! Even his Breath is a Weapon!!" 

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oh and gnight see you in ~10 hours

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

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zarx said:

Oh and having receiving the results  of my night actions HoS: truckosaurus.

truks could you please list the targets of your night actions.


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Awww... so you included Satan(hercules), you missed a great opportunity for a psychiatrist combo with boo (though the wish was an interesiting one).


2** Vote

In any case, with republic a clear townie, i'm 99% sure on vet's guilt. Sorry it's not a vandetta against you... I do feel responsible for cell targeting you, but if anything, you made me look twice after homer passed the flame. I won't go into details again as it pisses more people off than not so:

Vote : Vetterman (my guess would be C17)

on a related note.... with the mistake i made in my initial theory, I believe it is relevant to say that my clearing of zarx isn't valid (since scum could hunt and recieve a DB that was planted... hunting himself was the same result for town or scum)... irronically only darth, MSG, Gow, so indeed very helpfull (yay)... However, Zarx seemed honnest in every discution.


3** Rant (only assumptions on characters not players)

So far my analysis of the situation.

So far the bad guys are:

_Cell (deceased): to me he is the official SK, even in the story he never parties with anyone (well besides the minis).

_ Buu (deceased): The other SK... his wish was supposed to be granted early, he had both hunt and kill to gather DBs... probably meant as a tipping point character to warrant the overpowerness of either side to player choice.

_ C18 (deceased): most likely a townie... the mafia gang isn't clear but from the variety of baddies, it looks like we'll have big names rather than groups of the same saga....

_ C17 (kicking): has to be here due to the absorption power of cell.

_ Frieza (deceased): I would point him as mafia... though he was assassin and not godfather... with cell and buu gone, I hardly see who could get the role... this gives me the crazy idea that there'd be no mafia but a bunch of SKs... of course, the night kills discredit this... we clearly have a lack of them for this theory.

So 19 players at start (including ww), this would give us roughly a max of 6 anti towns.... we only have 3 dead.

Other big names....

Evil Buu? but we'd have more cookies than this

Babidi? if hercules ends up psych... not posted yet on first page, but I doubt it

Dr Gero (C19)? likely but doesn't really fit with Frieza being there.

Red Ribon Army generals? DB, not DBZ... and the cyborgs are RR anyways.

Vegeta? this actually is pretty likely....

DBGT or filler bad guy (garlic?) or even Broli (would be cool... but more a kill Goku/Gohan/Goten type of role than actual mafia, so an SK intent on killing goku)...


I'm gonna go with what makes most sense.... Babidi but not as a psych of Buu role, and Vegeta as the last mafia... Babidi would have a twisted role like roleblocker or bussdriver. Vegeta would have a power role... but we already had frieza on that.


4** personal info

also i'm back on french time and back to a regular internet access.



hatmoza said:

oh yeah. Forgot you had to power up.

I swear, we act like the scummiest pro-towns ever. Wouldn't it be a total epic mind-fuck if we were scum and pulled off the ultimate mafiaz bluff everz!

with that said. I'm sorry ff, it turns out, I killed you

was that a night action? (I mean I know you said you powered up but was it because you powered up last night that you were able to kill him?)


zarx said:
hatmoza said:

oh yeah. Forgot you had to power up.

I swear, we act like the scummiest pro-towns ever. Wouldn't it be a total epic mind-fuck if we were scum and pulled off the ultimate mafiaz bluff everz!

with that said. I'm sorry ff, it turns out, I killed you

yea I kinda have this niggling suspicion that you are actually Mafia Vegeta...


"Whoa!! What an Awful, Awesome Power!! Even his Breath is a Weapon!!" 

a gohan nameclaim is really far fetched....especially with the recusitation of a goku confirmed by the game table.... But yeah he's made many mistakes this round. Still the goku/gohan out in the open yet self defended is a solide base for the town to rely on.

though I thought myself that if I hosted a mafia game, I'd provide some scum characters with alibies like a plausible role and character name that is not taken.... that could be even the power of the character... "cameleon mafia tracker" with no townie tracker to contradict the claim.

Well there is always the remote possibility that goku and gohan are an evil faction on their own... in which case, well the town would really have needed stronger roles.


GodOfWar_3ever said:
hatmoza said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

7 players left...right now, my top suspects are Zarx and Vetteman/Homer.

I'll be back in 14 hours !


tell us your investigation already!

I powered up ! I can only investigate every other night, crappy cop, I know !

Tonight, I will get an investigation through.

I'll be back in 6 hours 

ok... so what was your investigation the night before? you never outright said why you suspected Stelf... And did you ever get your night one result since you resucitated?