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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

hatmoza said:

Dad. Do me a favor and shut the fuck up.

When stefl turns out to be scum, and heph pro-town, you'll thank me.

And please don't be offended...I'm just frustrated by your frustration

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Vote: stefl 
Now we wait for prof to show up.  Was stefl at L1 or L2 before this? 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Thank you !

Stefl is the anxious wait begins :/

The sun was beginning to sink in the sky. Soon it would be night again, the shadows growing to a full black background, the only respite coming from lights exploding in the darkness as enemies clashed in a frenzy of blows. Goku was out there somewhere. 

King Kai searched the horizon for the specific power level that Goku would extrude while he battled for all their safety, but the sheer number of essences and movement made it incredibly difficult to follow. He could only barely see colors flashing about and the receding sunlight threw down thousands of lines and shadows as a myraid of figures did battle around him. Kai resigned himself to finding a small creche within which he could rest through the night without interruption. He was so very tired. His body hadn't had rest in many days. It was impossible to sleep for even a moment when rocks were constantly smashing into the ground, power explosions sweeped varying levels of hot and cold dust against him at incredible speeds, sometimes exploding into thousands of crackles as the dust vaporised from the pressure.

Kai willed his body into movement, and shakily rose from the ground, lethargically looking around for some safe haven in which to spend the night. Near to a rock wall he spotted a rather large cave. It should be enough to hold the three of them and several others if they were lucky.

He went over to where some other figures were gathered. It was dusk now, and getting harder and harder to see, but their presences were more than obvious to him as he drew closer to let them hear his discovery. A small flame was burning in the center of them, and they seemed to be standing in a circle in deliberation about something or another.
"Hey guys how's everyone doin? Last night was pretty crazy right? I mean, I've heard of dragonballs but not dragonFALLS, right? hee hee hoo ha ha". Bubbles started to cry little monkey tears at Kai's latest attempt at humor.

The figures seemed to not have been aware of his approach and immediately reacted with flaring auras and dispersed into the sunset.
"Jeez, tough crowd." Bubbles 'ooked' in sadness. 
'Maybe it was too soon', resigned Kai as he continued towards the now smoldering embers of the fire he saw earlier, blown out by the simulatenous explosion of force left by the figures when they disappeared into the enivronment.

As he advanced closer, he smelt something strange. Bubbles held his nose as he waddled next to him. Gergory frowned. The sour odor assailed him, a corpulent stench of burnt hair, slime and inorganic elements like metallics stabbed his nostrils with spicy intensity. He fought his body's resistance and knelt down to the charred remains. With no small reluctance, he felt for the heat of the heap, with his other hand he grabbed a stick with which to poke around.

In the largest heap he stirred around with his makeshift poker and turned over a grapefruit sized object. As it rolled to its side he just barely made out the features of a skull; a shattered jawbone, and a sunken in nasal cavity and forhead framed two glowing eyes. Kai produced some light from his outsretched hand and instinctively drew back as the image came into full appreciation for a winking instant.

All around the shape was a smattering of green flesh with leopard printed black spots mixed with hints of orange. It was definitely the body of Cell (stefl), a being of insane power that Kai had seen in some versions of future events in visions he had had from time to time. In the center lay the curled body of android 18 laying fetal within the cavity of Cell's body. Her eyes were staring straight into Kai's as the light swept over them. It was almost as if she was still alive while the rest of her flesh boiled and smoked away. The knowing look in her eyes was too much for Kai too handle and he vomitted a torrent of bile and snot all over her face. His eyes were tearing and he fled, panicked by what had just occurred as he ran towards the cave to sit and hide where he would once again be attacked by nightmarish visions of death. He couldn't wait to get back to his tiny planet and inspect every blade of grass and work on his car. Would he ever escape from this hell?

He cried himself to sleep within minutes.


Send me those Pms and hunts and any other actions you may have!

See, I told you he was Cell -_-

tomorrow we Lynch GoW.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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hatmoza said:

See, I told you he was Cell -_-

tomorrow we Lynch GoW.

I should've seen it coming

Me FTW !

Final-Fan said:
hatmoza said:

I rather have a fucking LURKER than a guy who's gonna shove Dragon Balls down my throat with every post he makes!

I guess I have to take matters in my own hand tonight.

You don't want someone shoving balls down your throat.  You would rather take matters into your own hands. 

You're a bad man. A bad bad man :/

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

As Kai settled into sleep his mind was plagued with horrible visions of slaughter and carnage. A voice seemed to speak to him in the darkness as visions of monsters ripped apart his friends and loved ones.
'Why did you do this to me?', it solemnly questioned.
'What are you talking about, I haven't done anything', retorted Kai. 'Just leave me alone I can't take this a minute more!'
'The future is lost King Kai, it was your weakness that ensured its destruction....hope is no more, only anguish and sorrow are in your future. Remember this day when you destroyed the legacy of the dragonballs', came the voice.
'Nooooo', screamed Kai. 'I didn't do anything!'.
'That is why you fail, Lord Kai'.
Suddenly the planet shook, and a great power dissipated into the atmosphere. Kai shot up looking out of the cave mouth but unable to see anything.
'There should be an opening here', thought Kai, 'the entrance was right here, I made sure of it....Are we trapped? Did the mountain collapse, trapping us inside?'
He slowly lifted his arm to draw a spark of light, remembering just earlier what terrors he had seen the last time he wanted to understand. The glowing eyes of 18...they flashed in his mind briefly and he let out a gasp, shutting his eyes and scrunching his face in agony as he looked towards the ground, intent on lighting the cave mouth with his vision averted so that he would be able to control whatever nightmare he might find.
He lit the opening and slowly brought his face towards it, his eyes squinted, ready to slam shut at first sign of any horrific image about to unfold before him.
Ever more slowly he turned his head.
At first he couldn't tell what it was, like a giant cloudy semi-opaque grape, veiny and hollow and impossibly large.
'No', he thought, 'it can't be'.
He turned to look full on into the thing, and it looked right back at him. It was a giant eye. The eye of Porunga
(Final-Fan) was looking right into his, right into his soul, and it was dying. The lid sagged heavily on the giant globe, and a last tremor shook the earth as the sound of Porunga's voice cascaded through his bones with the bass of voice that a giant dragon would be expected to have.
'So be it' came the rumble, and then the eye closed, never to open again.

Final-Fan is also dead. He was the other wish enabler. 
Because dragonballs are hunted for during the day, this last round of hunts will still occur, as will any wishes taking place. 

Dammit, who killed FInal-Fan? 

we will have no more wishes! 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

This is the last round of wishing and dragonball hunting.

DO send me your hunts and night actions.