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Forums - General Discussion - Mafiascum Round 21 Game Thread DBZ

zarx said:
theprof00 said:

Man, dragonball kai sucks. 

In it, vegeta says 'over 8000'.

And they skip over Raditz's "DOUBLE SUNDAY (SUNDAE?)"

well it was originally 8000, at least in Japan...

well to be fair... 9000 is over 8000.


(and personally this was never a memorable moment of the series to me... probably cause I watched the original DB before?)


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Sorry guys I'm going to have to delay morning for another 16-24 hours.

My mouse broke and there's just nothing I can do without it. And this is a backup computer because my primary computer fried, and this one doesn't have bluetooth, so I can't use my mouse on it.

( T . T )



nevermind i figured out a way.


The group was feeling a bit better knowing that one of the most fearsome villains in the universe had been destroyed. King Kai was the first to speak out. 

'That guy was a real pain in the neck', he spat out. As the nameless figures stared at him, he doubled over in withheld laughter, slapping his knees generously as he tried to contain his comedic relief. The figures stood silently but several of them sighed and tried to pretend like the joke was funny, trying to pretend that the situation wasn't so dire that joking was out of the question. Many other hands made a smacking sound as they slapped their own foreheads in response.

A little further away, some sounds shot out of the darkness. A deep growling scream poured out and a cupcake shot out towards the crowd at a high speed smashing into the crumbling wall just ahead of them, a white cream spraying out onto the ground.

"AAAAAAHHH, YOU'RE USELESS" they heard from up ahead.

A cloud of confusion settled over the crowd as they saw the sun peeking up over the horizon.






Also: because my computer fried I have no access to the dragonball data. If everyone who received dragonballs can pm me and let me know.

I'll update the dragonball totals once I've gotten  all pms back. None of you have 7 yet.

theprof00 said:


The group was feeling a bit better knowing that one of the most fearsome villains in the universe had been destroyed. King Kai was the first to speak out. 

'That guy was a real pain in the neck', he spat out. As the nameless figures stared at him, he doubled over in withheld laughter, slapping his knees generously as he tried to contain his comedic relief. The figures stood silently but several of them sighed and tried to pretend like the joke was funny, trying to pretend that the situation wasn't so dire that joking was out of the question. Many other hands made a smacking sound as they slapped their own foreheads in response.

A little further away, some sounds shot out of the darkness. A deep growling scream poured out and a cupcake shot out towards the crowd at a high speed smashing into the crumbling wall just ahead of them, a white cream spraying out onto the ground.

"AAAAAAHHH, YOU'RE USELESS" they heard from up ahead.

A cloud of confusion settled over the crowd as they saw the sun peeking up over the horizon.






Also: because my computer fried I have no access to the dragonball data. If everyone who received dragonballs can pm me and let me know.

I'll update the dragonball totals once I've gotten  all pms back. None of you have 7 yet.

this reads as no dead correct (asking cause there is a cupcake :p)


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Op is not updated, probably due to proff's comp problems. So for info, Silver Tiger was Frieza,  he confessed being a sure shot murderer (if I recall) and was subsequently lynched.


theprof00 said:

Vote spread:

ST (L-6)

Hatmoza, j0,nensuer, metalgear, zarx, hephaestos, TruckOSaurus, FinalFan (Hammer vote)

Vote appearance so far:

silverTiger- ToS




theprof00 said:

Also, db gathering has changed and nobody is going to know how it works, so there.

I didn't get any DB although I targeted j0... unless a townie targeted me, that means the changes are pretty radical to prevent town from farming DBs. It is an understandable change (though that little notion could have been given out by prof seeing as many hunts were based on the old rules, such as "this won't work anymore"). In any case, the table is now evened out a little between town and mafia which should restart interest in the game.


WOW no-one died!!

so the Doctor has protected someone the Mafia targeted basically, right?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

WOW no-one died!!

so the Doctor has protected someone the Mafia targeted basically, right?

well frieza dead, I guess they have no more getting arround the doc. This no death is good as it somewhat confirms that there is no busdriver on their side.... though in the GoW round, there was a buss driver and the mafia failed kills based on other factors... hence why "somewhat confirms" (other factors can be bad luck by bussing the protected person onto the kill).



everything in the flavor is correct. I will update the OP now.

I'm not saying nobody got dragonballs, I just need to know how many people have before giving out what everyone got. 

Nobody has 7 dragonballs yet though, so I can get around to it as PMs come in.

The collecting did change, but not radically. 

I'm just unsure about 2-3 people. I know the totals for about 4 people so far.

man that guy was a real pain in the neck lol, anyway we might have a chance now. so who want's to admit to being Mafia today?..


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