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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 3 sales predictions

3.8M lifetime. 

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Its gonna sell a little better than KZ2 and reach 3 million imo...


ps3 has increased in sales 10 MIL since KZ2

Tbh this depends on many things that we have yet to learn of. Co Op mainly. I hope and pray this game has offline co op and that alone will give it a few extra million sales

Hoping for the best scenario I'm gonna say 4-5 Million LT

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evolution_1ne said:

I predict Killzone 3 to be a amazing, well designed, follow up to Killzone 2.

Meaning reviewers will love it, and gamers will love it, so around 4-4.5 million LTD.

I Agree.

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2.8 million lifetime. Good shooters don't sell so well on the PS3.

3.3 million ltd.


Being in 3rd place never felt so good

3.2 million lifetime.

0.9 million first week.

Couldn't we've just waited a bit longer for predictions like this?

Like I was gonna make some prediction next year once full features are announced so right now I really can't give exact number but I believe it will be able to outsell Killzone 2 easily because Sony will actually market it and advertise it.

Edit: Ignore that sentence and put me down as 3.75 Mil.