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viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

if your opions were realistic then other might deal with it

Around the Network

Nice numbers for PS3, regardless of what caused it, congrats to them for a good week. 360 still doing it's thing, how many weeks now? This is shaping up to be a back and forth between the two for the next few weeks. In the end though I still think 360 will spend more time on top for the remainder of this year. MS really has timed things nicely it seems. Between the Slim, Reach, Fable and of course Kinect.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

kowenicki said:
kowenicki said:
leo-j said:

Console Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
n/a n/a 91,984 91,984
n/a n/a 84,823 84,823
n/a n/a 73,108 73,108
n/a n/a 53,256 53,256
n/a n/a 27,986 27,986

YOY changes

360 up 29k (up 52%) 

DS down 52k (down 36%)

PS3 down 48k (down 40%)

PSP down 36k (down 57%)

Wii down 18k (down 25%)


nobody else think these figures are amazing?

They are amanzingly bad. Overall HW market is 125k down from last year. Fortunately next year will be a lot better. Probably all current gen home consoles will get price drop and then there is 3DS. Probably even PSP2.

Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

if your opions were realistic then other might deal with it

So whats a realistic opinion ?? Ps3 had is peak year on 2009 with Slim u wont see sales over 11M anymore... 360 has Game changer Kinect that will drive Sales in 2011 and Wii will allways be Wii and i expect big hardware Boosts on holidays this and next year.

So its pretty realistic my opinion and should be up with the true but we will see... it will if Kinect Changes Xbox in Japan but only time will tell...

Ps3 wont do better than 11M ... No more killer aps aka GT5 , no more Slim only a price cut can save it and even if they cut the price Microsoft and Nintendo will follow next year.

Remember that Microsoft doesnt cut the price to 360 since 2008 so its all but lost for Sony this and next year. Maybe next gen but i doubt , Nintendo is way too smart this days.

KillerMan said:
kowenicki said:
kowenicki said:
leo-j said:

Console Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
n/a n/a 91,984 91,984
n/a n/a 84,823 84,823
n/a n/a 73,108 73,108
n/a n/a 53,256 53,256
n/a n/a 27,986 27,986

YOY changes

360 up 29k (up 52%)

DS down 52k (down 36%)

PS3 down 48k (down 40%)

PSP down 36k (down 57%)

Wii down 18k (down 25%)


nobody else think these figures are amazing?

They are amanzingly bad. Overall HW market is 125k down from last year. Fortunately next year will be a lot better. Probably all current gen home consoles will get price drop and then there is 3DS. Probably even PSP2.

But overall HW is down because no other hardware achive the same effect as the PS3 Slim last year... 360 was the closest to achieve this but again 50k off.

 And DS last year sold like DS without six months successor (more 50k off).

Around the Network
viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

if your opions were realistic then other might deal with it

So whats a realistic opinion ?? Ps3 had is peak year on 2009 with Slim u wont see sales over 11M anymore... 360 has Game changer Kinect that will drive Sales in 2011 and Wii will allways be Wii and i expect big hardware Boosts on holidays this and next year.

So its pretty realistic my opinion and shold be up with the truw but we will see... it will if Kinect Changes Xbox in Japan but only time will tell...

Ps3 wont do better than 11M ... No more killer aps aka GT5 , no more Slim only a price cut can save it ad even if they cut the price Microsoft and Nintendo will follow next year.

Remember that Microsoft doesnt cut the price to 360 since 2008 so its all but lost for Sony this and next year. Maybe next gen but i doubt , Nintendo is way too smart this days.

The PS3 definitely hasn't had its peak year yet. Sony are targeting 15mil PS3 this FY.

Solid_Snake4RD said:
nightsurge said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
kowenicki said:

wii....... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

360 just keeps on keeping on.

Hopefully it hangs on until Kinect, then watch it go even higher.



it won't cause GT5 release before Kinect

Since when does GT5 affect 360 or Kinect sales?

normally all games effect other games


but i didn't mean it that way


i meant that 360 and PS3 will continue at current rate and PS3 will get a huge boost around GT5 so it will be top

360 could be top next week because of COD and kinect but 360's topping wii 360 will end GT5 week or before

Ok, but that still has nothing to do with what kowenicki said.  He wasn't referring to any sales gap between PS3 and 360, just stating that 360 sales would rise quite a bit with Kinect, which they will.  GT5 might push PS3 sales but that isn't going to TAKE AWAY 360 sales.

viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

if your opions were realistic then other might deal with it

So whats a realistic opinion ?? Ps3 had is peak year on 2009 with Slim u wont see sales over 11M anymore... 360 has Game changer Kinect that will drive Sales in 2011 and Wii will allways be Wii and i expect big hardware Boosts on holidays this and next year.

So its pretty realistic my opinion and shold be up with the truw but we will see... it will if Kinect Changes Xbox in Japan but only time will tell...

Ps3 wont do better than 11M ... No more killer aps aka GT5 , no more Slim only a price cut can save it ad even if they cut the price Microsoft and Nintendo will follow next year.

Remember that Microsoft doesnt cut the price to 360 since 2008 so its all but lost for Sony this and next year. Maybe next gen but i doubt , Nintendo is way too smart this days.

LOL Bold parts.

Sony prediction is 15M for year yet (shipped)... PS3 will sell more like 13.5-14M this year.

viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
viStaR said:

My Prediction for Next Year.

360 - 15M

Wii - 13M

Ps3 - 10.5M

Price cut to all Consoles... 360 to start selling at 129$ and Next Xbox at E3 2011.


Lmao ?? So u cant deal with other opinions ?? haha loser

if your opions were realistic then other might deal with it

So whats a realistic opinion ?? Ps3 had is peak year on 2009 with Slim u wont see sales over 11M anymore... 360 has Game changer Kinect that will drive Sales in 2011 and Wii will allways be Wii and i expect big hardware Boosts on holidays this and next year.

So its pretty realistic my opinion and should be up with the true but we will see... it will if Kinect Changes Xbox in Japan but only time will tell...

Ps3 wont do better than 11M ... No more killer aps aka GT5 , no more Slim only a price cut can save it and even if they cut the price Microsoft and Nintendo will follow next year.

Remember that Microsoft doesnt cut the price to 360 since 2008 so its all but lost for Sony this and next year. Maybe next gen but i doubt , Nintendo is way too smart this days.

Didn't Microsoft cut the prices on the 360's last year?  I think the elite was was cut from $400 to $300, and the Pro was cut from $300 to $250 (to phase it out).

RAWWWWR @ Sports Champions sales!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson