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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Well I did it.....

I broke down and bought a 160GB PS3 today. As I type the system is updating so I can't give you my thoughts on what I think about the games I bought yet. I purchased God of War III and Killzone 2 with it. I will eventually pick up Uncharted 2. I had to put my dog to sleep yesterday morning so I needed something to cheer me up so I think this may help. I still am super excited for Reach so I probably won't be playing my PS3 for a bit once it releases but at least I have the 360 slim and PS3 slim now. Good to have the best of both worlds. And no I will not be picking up a Wii.

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Sorry about your dog

But I think you will enjoy your purchase

Smart choice especially the part about not getting the wii, I regret buying mine.

Grats. Buy Flower.

Sorry to hear about your loss :(


I'm sure it will keep you busy though. :)

Everyone needs to play Lost Odyssey! Any opposition to this and I will have to just say, "If it's a fight you want, you got it!"

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Get another dog. Seriously.

Pet aren't immortals, neither are we.

I recommend an Australian Shepherd, those guys are very smart and loyal.

As for the PS3, I recommend Split Second, I enjoyed that game.

May your dog rest in peace, and your PS3 have a long and happy existence.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Sorry bout the dog...

but congrats on the PS3, tons of good games on that thing.

Thanks guys. Yeah its the second dog death I've been through. I know they won't live forever but its a sad thing.

On the other hand I actually ended up getting Uncharted 2 because when I went back to get the HDMI cable refunded to me that I bought because it didn't work they would only give me store credit so I just picked up UC2. I haven't popped it in yet.

First impressions are a mixed bag. I do love the PS3, but there are some things Xbox does better. Controller being one of em. I already knew how the PS3 controller was because I owned a PS2 so I can't really say I am surprised. Secondly the interface is going to take some getting used to, as I'm sure the Xbox would be to a PS3 owner. One thing I like better about the Xbox though is I can do a quick search on friends etc through the dashboard button while playing a game. I don't know if you can send game invites and send messages to friends when you are playing a game on the PS3. If so let me know how. I would also love cross game chat and party chats but I'm sure it won't happen on PSN. I would say the PS3 and new 360s run about the same as far as noise is concerned. 360s might be slightly quieter but no big deal.

Game impressions:

Killzone 2 definately is a good looking game, but not the best looking as some of you have made it out to be. I actually think its just a slight step up from Gears 2 but I definately think Gears 3 will look better than KZ2. Textures on KZ2 are kinda low res, especially on the gun when you take cover. Very blurry looking. KZ3 could be another story but we'll save that for another discussion.  I don't mind the weighted feel, but I do mind having to click down on the right stick to aim down the sights and clicking again to back off the sights. It would have been much better if it was set up like every other game and you pressed L2 to aim down the sights and it would let off when you let go of the button. I didn't play too much of the game so I can't really give a fair review but I can tell it won't be the best FPS i've ever played. From what I've played it will be a good FPS experience but gameplay wise I think MW2, and Halo are better. 360 just does FPSs better.

God of War III is definately a better looking game than KZ2. I'll have to say its the best looking console game to date, but I haven't put in UC2 yet so I might change my mind.

Overall I would say the PS3 exclusives do look better than the 360 exclusives, but once Reach and Gears of War 3 are released it will be a marginal difference. Its not a giant leap as some other would like everyone to believe. Both consoles have their pluses and I'm glad I have both.

Valkyria Chronicles...


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