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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

theprof00 said:
dtewi said:
Squilliam said:

Ok I finally caught up. I am a slow reader and to be honest the sheer quantity of trafic is making this really difficult. What I want is for everyone to slow down and stop posting so much. If everyone is firing off random posts in all directions, lynch / unlynching people all the time then this is an environment of chaos where the Mafia have the advantage.

So this is how I think we ought to proceed:

Everyone, slow down the posting rate! I want you townies to consider that to win this, we have to all work together. We still have assets working for us whom can tip it all in our favour, but not if we end up lynching them or throwing suspicions around like candy which can only factionalise the town. The Mafia work as one, if the town splinters they can play one group against the other.

Hatmoza -> Heph recruit. That gets the serial killer out of the way. I trust from reading that both are who they say they are. Im sorry Hatmoza for what I did earlier, I just had to know because of conflicting information I have.

Remember, the town still has assets we can use to flush out these Mafia. Its a big game, not everyone who has an important town role is dead. Im not saying that im this person however.

I vote No lynch today.

We have plenty of time, we still outnumber the Mafia quite considerably. What we need to do is act together. Remember people, you have players whom you suspect you can trust as well as players who you suspect you cannot trust. Why not find some agreement, some accord which we can work with. This game from what I can tell now is about trust / lack of trust. If someone you trust, trusts someone else then perhaps consider them possibly trust worthy for you too.

This post throws me off, especially the first bold.

Not up to lynching because you don't want your fellow scum to die Squilliam? Or are you just ignoring the mounting suspicion against pretty much every person in this game?

or maybe the fact that there isn't yet enough evidence to lynch anyone?

Who was it that said "I almost always against first day lynch and most of the time second day lynch too"?

I was up for no lynch at one point too, and I still am, because I'm not 100% on anybody.

Voting no lynch is not the same as not wanting someone to be lynched yet.

It implies that there's no one to suspect and no one should die.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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sabby_e17 said:
Squilliam said:

Ok I finally caught up. I am a slow reader and to be honest the sheer quantity of trafic is making this really difficult. What I want is for everyone to slow down and stop posting so much. If everyone is firing off random posts in all directions, lynch / unlynching people all the time then this is an environment of chaos where the Mafia have the advantage.

So this is how I think we ought to proceed:

Everyone, slow down the posting rate! I want you townies to consider that to win this, we have to all work together. We still have assets working for us whom can tip it all in our favour, but not if we end up lynching them or throwing suspicions around like candy which can only factionalise the town. The Mafia work as one, if the town splinters they can play one group against the other.

Hatmoza -> Heph recruit. That gets the serial killer out of the way. I trust from reading that both are who they say they are. Im sorry Hatmoza for what I did earlier, I just had to know because of conflicting information I have.

Remember, the town still has assets we can use to flush out these Mafia. Its a big game, not everyone who has an important town role is dead. Im not saying that im this person however.

I vote No lynch today.

We have plenty of time, we still outnumber the Mafia quite considerably. What we need to do is act together. Remember people, you have players whom you suspect you can trust as well as players who you suspect you cannot trust. Why not find some agreement, some accord which we can work with. This game from what I can tell now is about trust / lack of trust. If someone you trust, trusts someone else then perhaps consider them possibly trust worthy for you too.

Squlliam, instead of voting no lynch, you should go back and carefully re-read the whole thread. Because surely, this day will not end with a no lynch.

I want you to list who you suspect because you've hardly done shit this whole game and from what you have posted previously, your posts didn't point to you being pro-townish.

And now, I'm going to sleep because it's almost 3 am here. And I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's post count when I return.

I couldn't correct it. I just want people to take back their lynch votes and reconsider. For instance I think that both Vetteman and Noname and TheRepublic are all trust worthy and that they shouldn't be considered as Mafia. So from there you should consider who else isn't Mafia either.


dtewi said:
theprof00 said:

or maybe the fact that there isn't yet enough evidence to lynch anyone?

Who was it that said "I almost always against first day lynch and most of the time second day lynch too"?

I was up for no lynch at one point too, and I still am, because I'm not 100% on anybody.

Voting no lynch is not the same as not wanting someone to be lynched yet.

It implies that there's no one to suspect and no one should die.

Well if theres noone who is suspect enough to be voted for then noone should die!

@Theprof: Im trying to avert suspicion here, both on myself and others. I would prefer controlled lynching to uncontrolled lynching like lynching historically was.


dtewi said:
theprof00 said:
dtewi said:
Squilliam said:

Ok I finally caught up. I am a slow reader and to be honest the sheer quantity of trafic is making this really difficult. What I want is for everyone to slow down and stop posting so much. If everyone is firing off random posts in all directions, lynch / unlynching people all the time then this is an environment of chaos where the Mafia have the advantage.

So this is how I think we ought to proceed:

Everyone, slow down the posting rate! I want you townies to consider that to win this, we have to all work together. We still have assets working for us whom can tip it all in our favour, but not if we end up lynching them or throwing suspicions around like candy which can only factionalise the town. The Mafia work as one, if the town splinters they can play one group against the other.

Hatmoza -> Heph recruit. That gets the serial killer out of the way. I trust from reading that both are who they say they are. Im sorry Hatmoza for what I did earlier, I just had to know because of conflicting information I have.

Remember, the town still has assets we can use to flush out these Mafia. Its a big game, not everyone who has an important town role is dead. Im not saying that im this person however.

I vote No lynch today.

We have plenty of time, we still outnumber the Mafia quite considerably. What we need to do is act together. Remember people, you have players whom you suspect you can trust as well as players who you suspect you cannot trust. Why not find some agreement, some accord which we can work with. This game from what I can tell now is about trust / lack of trust. If someone you trust, trusts someone else then perhaps consider them possibly trust worthy for you too.

This post throws me off, especially the first bold.

Not up to lynching because you don't want your fellow scum to die Squilliam? Or are you just ignoring the mounting suspicion against pretty much every person in this game?

or maybe the fact that there isn't yet enough evidence to lynch anyone?

Who was it that said "I almost always against first day lynch and most of the time second day lynch too"?

I was up for no lynch at one point too, and I still am, because I'm not 100% on anybody.

Voting no lynch is not the same as not wanting someone to be lynched yet.

It implies that there's no one to suspect and no one should die.

I think his scenario is the most accurate representation of the atmosphere dtewi. Names are flying out left and right. therepublic and sfb2 are all over each other, you voted like 3 different people today, I voted 2, lots of people looking at squilliam, and so much more. Me, I'm on truck, but that could change. ST and sabby are on each other, it's just a madhouse in here.

We need more evidence. The story was really not enough information to go by. We were rash and roleclaimed too much. Kantor would have gotten us the SK without any theatrics. There was a subtler way to get to heph. I'm just doing my best to keep up and stay in control of my situation the way I know best. But you know what. It doesn't really matter. I don't think anyone is going to get enough votes to be lynched today.

Squilliam said:
dtewi said:
theprof00 said:

or maybe the fact that there isn't yet enough evidence to lynch anyone?

Who was it that said "I almost always against first day lynch and most of the time second day lynch too"?

I was up for no lynch at one point too, and I still am, because I'm not 100% on anybody.

Voting no lynch is not the same as not wanting someone to be lynched yet.

It implies that there's no one to suspect and no one should die.

Well if theres noone who is suspect enough to be voted for then noone should die!

@Theprof: Im trying to avert suspicion here, both on myself and others. I would prefer controlled lynching to uncontrolled lynching like lynching historically was.

I understand. 

At this point though, I give up. I just want to know the end, that's it. I'm going to vote for whoever Hat tells me to vote for since he's the big expert.

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This is going to be my last post for the night unless hat wants me to vote for someone.

I'm going to clear up the confusion I've created. But I'm not going to roleclaim.

I kinda fucked up the first day. I may have even gotten a townie killed. I'm actually suspicious of what my role is at this point.

I've figured that my role is unimportant given the situation so far. Hat has his plan and I can't do much except sacrifice myself. I've been attempting all day...that is...until heph outed himself, to draw as much attention to myself as possible while at the same time keeping the town certain that I couldn't possibly be mafia. I was trying to draw attention as a threat. A primary target for mafia assassination. I may not have done very well in that role, but I'm new and did what I thought would work. I wanted to draw attention away from the possible SK so that we could ensure both his and hats survival because they will win this game for me without my contribution.

Then heph outed himself and pretty much ruined everything. At least I thought. I am pretty sure there is a mafia roleblocker, and in this scenario, they know a very important kill, or target (heph) if they have a converter. With him gone or taken, we will assuredly lose an important role. On the other hand, even if we get him, they could just block him, and start singling us out one by one. Eventually they will get the doctor or sister or whatever.

That is, until everyone started saying that mafia have no role blocker and no converter. I found this suspicious. So lynch me. At the same time, dtewi has been very adamant about discrediting me and he was #1 on my list next to truck. Maybe he is town, maybe not. I found his aggressiveness and "certainty" about so many things puzzling. So I prodded him with loaded questions. Stuff like, "would you agree that titan names= mafia. I wanted him to think I knew his name (if he were a mafia). He didn't quite get the message, but I thought, "maybe he does and is trying to discredit me". Im still not 100% on dtewi. All the voting around he's done today with little factual backup other than hat telling him to do it and someone else agreeing seemed a little.... opportunistic. I voted for nikells because I thought hat was being slick about hiding the SK. I was wrong, and discovered how much it could potentially hurt to lynch nikells accidentally as well as enter the series I described earlier about them picking us off one by one.

So that's that. I'm off to a noise show, I'll be on a bit later and tomorrow, but if I'm doing a terrible job I don't want to contribute to the confusion, which is what people are saying I'm doing. 

Sorry for the headaches everyone.

Wow, you guys sure do like to post a lot. All caught up now.

By "working on it" I didn't exactly mean something you have already posted. I'll let you figure out what that means..

I don't need the mod to pm me. I have been following the game, me not posting just means I have been busy.

@Others who are suspicious of me
Sorry, for not posting too much, but like I said I am very busy lately. I can see how not posting a lot makes me seem suspicious, but I can assure you I am not scum. I'll leave it at that for now.

Hatmoza's plan seems to have backfired, who would have guessed.....

My top suspects right now are Sabby (don't exactly know why yet) and Squilliam for voting no lynch when that will just leave us with more players being killed during the night and for what the mod said about him in the sign up thread. Maybe he really did make him mafia.

Vote: Squilliam (for now)

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Vote Count

out of 16 players have voted

votes Nikells (L-7)


 2 votes TruckOSaurus (L-7)

nen-suer, theprof00

2 votes Squilliam (L-7)

noname, sm128

1 votes Vetteman (L-8)


1 vote SciFiBoy (L-8)


1 vote No Lynch (L-8)


I believe this is correct.

Edit : took into account the post below


So anyway, with the recent posts and much more scummy behavior from certain members, here is what I am obliged to do.


I'll cast my vote after more activity.

(By the way, I'd like to say that this has the best Mafia round I've played yet)

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

noname2200 said:
Hephaestos said:


1) the whole message idea that fits perfectly with Kantor's role

2) the content of the message, targeting me.

If Hat had found me out, he would not have had to use this trick, having already the town's support, he could just have had said "I found the sk, LET'S LYNCH HIM".

Here's a summary of what I understand:

You are Kratos, the serial killer.  On Day One you read Hatmoza's plea for you to come forward and be cured, but you did not do so because you were only 50% sure he was genuine, although you asked for logistical details and left clues to your identity, primarily ones wrapped around Akuma. 

You also didn't step forward because you feared the proven possibility that the mafia could recruit you into their ranks.  You did not want to join the mafia because you are currently on vacation.

During the night, you, the serial killer, killed patapon.  That was because he'd claimed to be Kratos, because his goofy plan, and generally because he was acting like patapon.

On Day Two you held your tongue until Hatmoza put out his list of suspects.  You found your name listed, so you eventually stepped forward.  If your name had not been on the list, you would have tried to steer hatmoza back on the right track.  You now trusted hatmoza because of the message hatmoza received from Kantor.  The last time you were a serial killer, you believed Final-Fan's claim, but did not step forward, preferring instead to keep him around as a safety net.  That net died too quickly, though.

You're not sure that there is no mafia recruiter, but you felt that you had no choice because hatmoza ____ (please fill in).  You didn't want to come out like this, but see above.


Is this an accurate assessment?  Is there anything I'm missing, or that I've gotten wrong?

pretty accurate assessment

for the blank:
because hatmoza's plan was gonna have nickels killed.... I could have waited till the night and see what happends, but the mafia recruiter is just but a possibility, so in all likeliness, i'm already set to be town, and if i had let nickels die today based mostly on his bad defence of not being the SK, that would not have helped the town.

The cunning way would indeed have been to lay low, but i'm a softy and perfered to "save" nick instead.