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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

OK so after reading it all...

WTF are you doing Hat? you "town" people who voted for you and "scum" all the ones that defended you? (but nickels who somehow you see as the only one sticking up for you in a later post, again wtf?? you directly contradict your big post) You need 8 votes for a lynch, was that your goal? cause besides playing the supermario of last game, this is just about the best way to do it, attack all the ones who didn't vote on you.

Strangely  though, "towning" the people who voted on you (meaning they were sure enough to lynch you) was enough to remove all suspiscion.... FoS Dtewi that reversal made no sense after more than one person argued with you... but when Hat the person you vote on says so, it becomes true?

One other thing, if Hat turns out mafia, you can bet that noname is too, way too much flowers being sent from Hat to make noname look white as snow.

that said i'm still for waiting on hat to deliver and think it's a gamble the town should take... (why wait 24 hours to name the potential SKs? that would bring us close to the mod close of the day with perhaps not enough time to vote/ argue...not beneficial to the town).

I'm not gonna comment on the "scumming" on me, since I have no idea of your arguments (besides being against lynching Hat, whatever my argumentson that have been posted already...)


Oh and what the hell, at the rate the game goes, an other 50/50 situation is not much of a risk (and republic quoted the said post so it's been twice out in the open... it's even more a 80/20 situation trending mafia). Actually if it's the 20% town, it's the perfect time cause with the SK debacle, the mafia would have too many targets tonight.

Proof, how come you know who zeus is? did your godfather tell you who he was gonna be targetting?

Hope to see a nice answer to this and the name of the SKs when i'm back tonight.


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theprof00 said:

Well I guess I know who zeus is. :P

quoted for the argument....

it's in the first posts of the day after "wtf happened" and "4people died??"  fromhim too.


ok, at the moment I see it this way:

hatmoza said he can reveal the SK in under 24 hours. If he indeed does that, all our doubts will fade away and it will become clear that he is a townie.

However, if he don't deliver, I'm gonna place my vote on him, and eveybody else should do the same, since it becomes clear that he is lying and scum.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

damn, i just noticed nen-suer said the same thing...

Anyway, I also find dtewi's sudden change of vote extremely fishy. You were convinced that hatmoza was scum and sudddenly you make a 180 and vote for Vetteman? Come on.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

OK, here is what I think we should do with Hatmoza today: nothing.

Don't lynch him, don't lynch the people he tells us could be the SK, don't protect him tonight.

If he's telling the truth he has a 50% chance, by his own admission, to convert the serial killer tonight.

While I don't think we should lynch him, I certainly don't trust Hatmoza enough to lynch someone based solely on his word they might be the SK.

Around the Network

You guys have around 38 hours left I think...

<table style="width: 90%;" border="0"><tr><td><strong>Hephaestos said:</strong><br /><table style="width: 90%;" border="0"> <tbody><tr> <td><strong>theprof00 said:</strong><br> <p>Well I guess I know who zeus is. :P</p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <p><br>quoted for the argument....</p> <p>it's in the first posts of the day after "wtf happened" and "4people died??"  fromhim too.</p></td></tr></table><br /><br />

Silver-Tiger said:

damn, i just noticed nen-suer said the same thing...

Anyway, I also find dtewi's sudden change of vote extremely fishy. You were convinced that hatmoza was scum and sudddenly you make a 180 and vote for Vetteman? Come on.

I'm sure my argument was pretty convincing.

Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:

Well I guess I know who zeus is. :P

quoted for the argument....

it's in the first posts of the day after "wtf happened" and "4people died??"  fromhim too.

I'm zeus

Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:

Well I guess I know who zeus is. :P

quoted for the argument....

it's in the first posts of the day after "wtf happened" and "4people died??"  fromhim too.

I'm a newb. I thought I did.

I was certain that the doctor was going to protect hat no matter what. The sister of fate seemed to be the doctor. So that made me think hat was zeus. Some of that started off as my main suspicions. However, I got smarter later and thought, "hey, kantor was a lie detector. I wonder who he was suspicious of?" Thusly I started using actual evidence.

As of yet I hvae no idea who zeus is, or anyone else for that matter. The only two people I am pretty sure about are hatmoza and noname.

Someone pointed out a lot of flowers there, and I agree. However, the guide ability comes from a pro-town character, produced by the mod. I don't think he would be sending information to a non-pro-town member  unless he is also sending it to a pro-town member.