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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 19 - Game Thread

Hephaestos said:
dtewi said:

What do you mean someone checked him? Everyone who could check him and report him is dead.

And of course Kantor got butchered! I'm not talking about a mafia kill! I'm talking about an SK kill by hatmoza.

Lie detectors can't share their role or else they lose their power. Could explain why Kantor harbored suspicion.

Maybe hatmoza is not a serial killer per se, but I doubt that he's trying to cure him over to our side considering Athena seems to be very anti-town.

Kratos has been defined as massacred "skilled warriror"... do you mean to say there are 2 SKs?

Kantor sending a message through the mod would not be sharing his role... Hatmoza called to Appolo to not reveal himself... so the mod sent him a message from Appolo, not Kantor.

err yeah that's 50/50... with a cop, a vigilante and a lie detector dead, can we afford a mistake costing us a townie and an other vigilante? remember that recruiting not only gets a vigilante, but it also increases the number of town players....

I'm not saying Hat is out of suspiscion... i'm saying he shouldn'd be lynched.

Ugh, I'm not sure anymore about she SK kills.

What I can say is that Athena is notably against Zeus and his odd posts lead me to suspect him being anti town.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

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When I said anyone who suspects me to back off I was well aware people will still targeting me and question my methods. Mafia want to play it safe, and especially after what happened yesterday with Khuutra (who was indeed mafia) they're not gonna make that same mistake. So I was counting on you SOBs to come after me, matter of fact (as much as it pains me) everyone who is after my neck is innocent.


The town: it's your first game, confused, excited and paranoid, all newcomers who are town feel like sherlock holmes. They feel that the scum is someone clever and someone who isn't obvious. I was like that my first game, sabby was like that his first game etc. 

based on that I will say Prof, dtewi, SFB,  noname (who I want to groin kick for wasting all his efforts on me) is Town 

The scum are the followingnen-suer, Silver-tiger, Heph, Trucks, Vette, sabby, jo

Alignments I'm not sure ofNikells, supermario

SciFiBoy2.0 said:

it seems highly unlikely that hatmoza is what he says then, I mean, if someone else is the "guide", that would suggest Hatmoza is something else.

dtewi said:

So if hatmoza isn't the guide, how did he know about Kratos and the SKs?

What the fuck is this, seriously? This makes no sense am I missing something here? Did I unknowingly Roleclaim Guide  or something? 

noname2200 said:

For the second: Why didn't anyone else get a fancy alternate name?  Alternatively, if "Guide" = Psychiatrist, why isn't he called by that vanilla name like the other four known roles?

Because der der der They're not the same role...

*can someone please find a link for the guide role for me*


theprof00 said:
hatmoza said:

Good news is Apollo left me a message with the mod. I'm not sure exactly if he's protown or scum, but I do know he's trying to help me find Kratos. He gave me a hint to who he is (which I'm not going to share because mafia will kill him). That hint narrowed Kratos down to 2 players! And I'm pretty sure which one it is!

Why would Kantor (apollo) send you a message giving you a hint to who kratos is, when kantor completely suspects you in the first place? Based on his actions, he would have used his lie detection on you.

When I got the message it didn't say, it didn't say it was from Kantor. I didn't even know Kantor was dead and Apollo when I woke up this morning.

And the message was a pm from the game mod signed by Apollo.

How it works I have no clue.


Vetteman94 said:

Also on a side note.  


I dont think you should be participating as much as you are in this game.   Asking direct mod questions is one thing, such as explaining a paticular and possible confusing role of a deceased player.  But if the information is already in the game else where,   such as which player died, specific characters that died ,  it is the responsibility of the players to look for that information themselves.   Having you correct peoples mistakes due to not paying attention to the game will ruin the outcome.

I agree with this 100% 

I know it's hard GoW but back off, whatever you say can easily influence the game. I mean you quoting me this morning that apollo was dead  almost proves I'm telling the truth. Kinda sorta.

noname2200 said:

The motive is obvious: "I can't be a bad guy, because look at how much attention I've drawn to myself!" "Hiding in plain sight" is a more traditional way of putting it. 

It's certainly noteworthy that hatmoza's already used the "the following people dared to question my story so they're probably anti-town" approach, which rather assumes that his actions have made his alignment unquestionable.

@bolded: I was counting on that. Like I said mafia are steering away from me today BECAUSE of that. The people who are on my backs because of it are most likely town doing a horrible job.


VETTEMAN WAS THE PERSON I TARGETTED LAST NIGHT BTW don't dismiss the fact that he could be mafia as I think he's the only wild card in my theory

sabby_e17 said:

And I agree with Nikells, I doubt Hatmoza is Mafia because what he role-claimed would be very risky if he were Mafia. Also what he name-claimed seems to be quite a major character (I don't no much about god of war) and no one has contested with him yet.

and for this reason, you are scum.

noname2200 said:
Nikells said:

It seems incredibly unlikely to me. 
If Hatmoza was just making this all up he'd have to:

1) Bet on Kratos being the serial killer.
2) Bet on nobody calling out his name-claim.
3) Bet on not being investigated by the cop or tracker at all for as long as he lives.

And for what? All Hatmoza gets from his early role-claim is lots of attention. Stefl was a very different case as he gained a lot of power during the day with his investigations.

1) Again, that was a logical assumption to make: hatmoza even mocked Khuutra for briefly challenging that premise.

2) Who said he isn't Athena?  But then again, who's to say where Athena is aligned?  We've heard rumblings already that Athena's not a goody two-shoes in the God Of War series.  We've also had it hinted that she wasn't a friend of Zeus, either.

3) That is the only risk he would take, and for what it's worth I think hatmoza's sufficiently high-profile that he would probably be investigated at some point anyways.  And of course we can all agree that Khuutra (Mafia) was also likely to be investigated early on; deflecting the inevitable investigation from a teammate would be a viable strategy.  Moreover, he's certainly doing quite a bit to try and discredit anyone who challenges his claims: perhaps he would figure that he can stave off an investigation by being obviously pro-town: the cop(s) certainly have enough folks to look into as it is.

No, if hatmoza's anti-town there's a rational motive behind his actions.

Nikells said:

Here's the bottom line:
Hatmoza's cards are flat out on the table now: if he's lying we'll be sure to catch him out soon.

How do you figure, especially now that a cop has died?  How is his capture inevitable, especially if we accept his statements without reserve?

Nikells said:

Right now there is nothing to prove that he is not telling the truth.

There's no smoking gun, but there's certainly cause for concern. 

1) He was quick to get defensive when challenged,

2) He's taken to accusing anyone who suspects him,

3) After his initial post he's made little effort to convince Kratos to expose himself (do you realize you've done just as much, if not more, for that cause than he has?),

4) He (a long-time Mafia veteran) committed the faux pas of posting long after night had fallen simply to reiterate that 'he will find Kratos' (why does he feel the need to reiterate this? The only reason I can see is to bolster his own credibility),

5) His story this morning requires us to believe that Kantor trusted him enough to NOT use his lie detecting ability on hatmoza's claimed role,

6) Kantor gained information to narrow Kratos to two people AND tell this information to Hatmoza, all in one night (i.e. Kantor can take two separate night actions in one night),

7) He's a psychiatrist who is told that his possible patient will become a vigilante: judging from the last game with a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist is not explicitly told what will happen when he finds his target,

8) He FoS'd Khuutra (Mafia), despite Khuutra doing the opposite of what he listed as being suspicious behavior.


I'm eager to hear his answer to your questions.

Quoted to remind you how much of a moron you were after the game is over because I still believe youre town. 

My job is to find Kratos, My style of doing so is strange I admit. After the game, you should be awarded the "wasted talent" award because as has been mentioned over and over. NO ONE CHALLENGED MY NAME CLAIM! Had you played enough games you would notice how stupid it is to name claim out of the blue first day while being scum.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I had to rush it but I'll be back later tonight to finish what I had to say.

I'm sorry that I didn't get the time to arrange everything neatly like I planned to but take it as it is, something urgent happened and I had to rush it.

be back in 3 hours.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:

I had to rush it but I'll be back later tonight to finish what I had to say.

I'm sorry that I didn't get the time to arrange everything neatly like I planned to but take it as it is, something urgent happened and I had to rush it.

be back in 3 hours.

Care to explain these to qoutes in which you seem to contradict yourself in the same post?  

based on that I will say Prof, dtewi, SFB,  noname (who I want to groin kick for wasting all his efforts on me) is Town 

The scum are the followingnen-suer, Silver-tiger, Heph, Trucks, Vette, sabby, jo

Alignments I'm not sure ofNikells


VETTEMAN WAS THE PERSON I TARGETTED LAST NIGHT BTW don't dismiss the fact that he could be mafia as I think he's the only wild card in my theory


You say I am the wild card in your theory but above you are quite certain I am scum and put me in that category?

Also in that same post in the first paragraph you mention that people that are after your neck today are likely innocent,  which I am myself as I doubt your ability to do what you say and have voted accordingly.  Yet my name still ended up in your scum list.


We're just as confused with the Guide role as you are.

We're saying that the guide is a psychiatrist or some shit like that because the psychiatrist is supposed to Guide the SK or something.

Ohhh wait.... maybe it means to help Guide someone to a role... or something... I really have no clue.

But here are still two factors that annoy me hatmoza:

How you deduced the two people for Kratos

And you name-claimed Athena who is against Zeus in GoW3.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Around the Network
hatmoza said:

I had to rush it but I'll be back later tonight to finish what I had to say.

I'm sorry that I didn't get the time to arrange everything neatly like I planned to but take it as it is, something urgent happened and I had to rush it.

be back in 3 hours.

Wait, why the hell do you think I'm Mafia?

Plus now you are editing your posts,  trying to hide something you screwed up?

And hatmoza, you listed 8 scum, but that is far too many. You gotta prune that list.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Vetteman94 said:

Plus now you are editing your posts,  trying to hide something you screwed up?

*raises eyebrows*

Getting a bit defensive are we?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

I may retract my vote due to the fact your role is no longer contradicting.

However, your Athena name claim still bothers me considering he opposes Zeus and sides with Kratos in the last game.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you